If you are visiting today from the Proverbs 31 devotion, I want to say a big welcome! I’m so glad you are here.
What a great honor it is to have my first devotion running for Proverbs 31!
In the devotion today, I shared a story about a woman who felt like she missed what God had led her to do because of her disobedience. God has been leading my soul to a place of understanding what obedience really looks like. I struggle with this friends, I quit everything I do at least once a week. I get into these pits that I just can’t seem to pull out of. I worry that I miss out on so much God has for me because I stay in a place of disobedience.
But today I was thinking…what is God really capable of doing if we would completely allow Him to take over us?
Inside each of us is a great purpose. And the enemy of our souls will fight that purpose in us to the end.
I’ve seen to many people [including myself] get so close to victory and give up because its just to hard to push through. But with God, overcoming disobedience is possible. And He can restore what time, energy or efforts we may have lost through our struggles.
So, here are some tips I’m learning along the way.
10 tips to choose obedience
1. Set your mind.
2. Find accountability.
3. Write your plans down.
4. Post your plans on facebook or a blog.
5. Stay close to people further ahead of you.
6. Stay motivated.
7. Put negative thinking out.
8. Stay away from people who discourage you.
9. Pray bold prayers.
10. Refuse to quit but embrace failures.
What about you? Do you have any tips on choosing obedience? I’d love for you to share your thoughts today in the comment section.
My dear, Nikki. This wisdom, coming from one so young, makes me lag behind all the more. But thanks be to God! You are so right when you said: “And He can restore what time, energy or efforts we may have lost through our struggles.” I felt this way too, but, through friends I met over this web, I gained courage to go back on track. I know, we wander too often, taking short-cuts, but He will never let us go.
Thanks for the tips and God bless you.
I totally agree with Lolita. You don’t look old enough to have three (?) girls! But, your wisdom speaks beyond your years. I took much comfort from your last three posts. And… I had to reread the quote Lolita posted above. I am struggling with finishing my bachelor’s.. and mainly because I don’t 100% agree with all I’m being taught. But, God has a plan and has me here for a reason. So, I have to finish strong!
Thanks for so much encouragement Sister!!
Coming to this blog today via Proverbs31…had to write a quick note to say how much I enjoyed you message!! Can’t wait to hear from you on a daily basis!! Thank you for being obedient to the Lord’s calling on your life!!
Hi Nicki,
Congratulations on your first entry for Proverbs 31!! I’ve yet to find the courage to submit anything, but I think you may have just inspired me to do so.
I too am humbled by the theme of obedience thoughout the bible. Thank you for an inspirational way to start the day.
May the Lord richly bless you.
Toni Ryan
Thank you so much for today’s inspiration. Congratulations on your first P31 devoitons.
I pray that you will continue to blessed and inspired. Oh, and of course, obedient. 🙂
Great message Nicki!
A theme that ignites my heart! Sharing and praying it inspires many to take steps of bold faith-fulled obedience today. Obedience is married to faith.
I think of the verse where Jesus says, “When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on the earth?” May it be so!!!!
Dear Nicki, I found your post on Proverbs 31 refreshing to my ears. How many times have I been told staying with the program here in CW was foolish. I could be anywhere doing so much with my life. But I like Noah have been building a boat in a desert. (I must say a couple of times I pulled a Jonah and took a hike for a few days, but God keeps pulling me back to this boat). Noah put up with the foolish people’s comments for over 100 years, I have only been at it for 20. Noah had 3 sons to help him, I have have 3 daughters and a son.
So, today I pull out my work boot and get back to building “my boat”. I don’t know if God will let me float away in this life or the life to come, but I know He will have the bottle that blesses my stern.
Great post and great devo!! Obedience has been a theme for me these last couple of days and once again God brings it front and center here…thanks for being a voice for Him. A tip I’d share is stay in the Word!! Blessings, Jill
Hey Nicki, Your P31 devotional today was great! It certainly seems like you have some wonderful things going on! I am praying for your obedience and blessings as you enjoy those wonderful things!
Wow! I’m right there with you, quitting projects I know God is wanting me to do. I get so distracted by the next new thing, that I forget about the first new thing that I just started, lol! I’m going to take this to heart and finish some things that need to be finished! Thanks for sharing with us today and God’s blessings on your obedience.
My name is Kylie and i am also a devotion writer. I get your devotion daily and aside from praying for Gods wisdom your devotions bring me inspiration. I wanted to ask you how you got your writing out there to be noticed and witnessed by so many. I want to help people see the blessings that God has in store for their lives and how much of a joy God can bring to their life. I want to reach people and hopefully help them to not have a mising void in their life that they might ne filling with non Godly things. I want to use my God given talent to reach others. How do i do this? Thank you in advance and again thank you for your uplifting, encouraging and right in your face true devotions. I pray one day my devotions will be a blessing to others as yours have been for me.
I wanted to thank you for your devotion this week and let you know God used you… I shared part of your devo here: http://matthewcagle.blogspot.com/
Great post full of wisdom. Just found your site but look forward to checking back often
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