How do I know?


How do I know?

Today I am so blessed to be able to share a corner of my soul through the Proverbs 31 daily devotional. If you are here visiting from there I hope you make yourself at home here and we can feel like friends soon. 🙂 If you are a regular reader I’d love for you to pop over to the P31 site and read the devo to help connect to this blog post better.

[side note: my site has been havin a little makeover the past few weeks so I haven’t been around here to post much but now that we are up and running, I’ll be around a lot more!]

In the devotion today I shared the theme of my life: to be unlikely.

I want to share a few things about moving towards finding your purpose for God’s Kingdom. Figuring out what God wants to use and what we want to do is sometimes a very complicated process.

I’m not sure we ever 100% figure this thing out. But today let’s talk through 2 things that have helped me in moving forward with God’s purpose in me and through me.

1. Stay Open

Three years ago when I first began working with Proverbs 31 Ministries, I thought I knew exactly where God was leading me. But I have learned to stay open to God’s movement in my life. And for me, this has meant learning to say no to some really exciting opportunities. Other times it has meant learning to say yes to some less than thrilling journeys.

God will use the most unlikely things [good or bad] in our lives if we will let Him.

2. Don’t Be Defined By Others

When I first started speaking and writing, I often found myself in the shadows of other women speakers and authors. I thought that I had to do things just like they did in order to see God move in my life the way He did in theirs. I came to a defining moment that my journey, my story, and my experience with God was unique and special… I believe this is where I began to embrace my “unlikely” self the most.

Dr. Seuss said this best, “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” -Dr. Seuss

Friend, I know this journey to finding your purpose can be hard. And there are 3,432 books on this topic. 🙂 But maybe today you just need someone to pray over your life’s direction. It would be an honor to do this for you. Leave a comment and share with me how I can pray as you continue to find your purpose.

“Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with men is possible with God.'” Luke 18:27










  • I would love a little prayer for me to find my “purpose”. For so long now I have felt God’s leading me to a certain area, only to have Him close doors left and right. Did I really feel led for that or was it my own selfishness? Now, I really don’t know what he wants of me. Stay, go, do this, do that. I constantly cry out for Him to show me but He seems so quiet. Thank you for offering to pray for my little self, someone you have never met. I really needed that this morning!

    • Kimberly, I can so understand what you are experiencing right now. The seasons where God seems silent are the most difficult to walk through. One thing I keep telling myself when He seems silent is just to keep doing the next thing He gives me. The next person to talk to, the next opportunity to serve Him… these are the places I feel Him when I can’t hear Him.

      Praying for you now!

  • Wow! Kimberly just posted what I have been feeling for months!!! Could you add me to the prayer list with her? Having a really hard time with trying to figure out what God’s purpose is for me. I also thought I knew, and heard His call on my life and entered the seminary. Now half way through I am out of money and have a bill yet to pay even before I can consider going back. I love to tell the story of Jesus… preaching. I want to finish. I have put it before the Lord over and over again…. Now it has been 2 years since I’ve taken a class. HE’S SO SILENT ON THIS MATTER! Please pray for me!

    • Hi Dana, yes, absolutely… praying for you now. I encourage you to keep going! Often when we are the closest to being right where God wants us is when the opposition kicks into full gear. Praying that the Lord will lead you as you continue to finish what He’s equipped you to do! Preach sister… He is pleased with you.

  • I would also like to request prayer for me to find my “purpose”. I have a similar situation; I felt like I really wanted to do this “thing”, I prayed that if it was God’s Will then He would open or close doors but like the others I felt like He was silent.. I begin to talk to Christian leaders in my circle and the anxiety of doing this thing overcame me and I said No. Now sometimes I feel like I turned away God’s purpose for me but other times I feel like this journey could have brought me to the place of desiring Him more and turning to Him but I’m still confused. The verse from Jer 29:11 keeps popping up all over my life. Please pray that God will show me my purpose and give me peace until that point. Thank you for your words!

    • Samantha, I hear you friend. I too have something in my soul that I feel I’m supposed to do but still in a season of silence. You are doing all the right things by seeking council from those around you. While we may give up on God, He never gives up on us! Your purpose is still there and ready to be fulfilled! It’s never to late and He’s not finished, I promise. He will equip you to do this thing. Trust Him with this… praying for you now!

  • Well done Nicki!!!

    Unlikely? Yep, that’s me! It’s taken me many years to appreciate the unlikeliness about myself. Embracing the unique qualities God has given us is of utmost importance if we are to truly make an impact for Christ on this earth.

    Well said, well done!!

    In Him,

    • Hi Toni! So glad you can relate to this. 🙂 Blessings to you today!

  • Hi Nicki,
    Unlikely, oh I’d say you could some me up like that… Add transformed to the list as well… 🙂 Thank you for your precious words this morning, I prayed over my God time this morning for yet another confirmation that what he pointing me to do is truly is from Him….. I guess I got it!:). Now for the hard part stepping out in fear & doing what he ask & not allowing my own self doubt to convience me otherwise…. Remembering I am what God says I am, not what the world would define me as. Your words offer me great encouragement this morning, yet another day I am doubting myself, but I never doubt Gods ability. I just have a hard time trusting myself that what he’s guiding me to is from Him & not any of my own selfish desire, the last thing I want right now is to be out of Gods will… As you can see, I could use a prayer today. Thank u:)

    • Hi Carrie, love the word transformed. Perfect. 🙂 Incredibly blessed to hear that God used this as a confirmation in your life. You can do whatever it is He’s leading you to do. I believe in you! Praying for your soul to have the courage it needs.

  • Thank you for your offer of prayer… I have been seeking so hard to find out God’s purpose for me. I’ve read the books, the bible and prayed for answers. Maybe He has spoken to me but I wasn’t listening. Or maybe my lack of self confidence gets in the way. Please pray for me to hear God clearly and respond to what He has to say. I sometimes allow my insecurities to tell me that I’m not good enough or educated enough. I know that God uses the unlikely, but could he really use me…

  • Nicki,
    You and God have truly touched my soul. I have been praying that God can use me and my art (or not) for his glory.
    I was date raped (first time) my prom night and have lived with this for 30 years. Though it was an obstacle and slated me unlikely I have continued to get up and move forward.
    I just want for God to be the glory through my many obstacles in life.
    Thank you so much for sharing…it helps give me the motivation to follow and listen to God’s will.

  • When I read your devotion this morning I immediately thought of my daughter Sarah. I ask that you prayer for her to find employment. She needs confidence in her own abilities and to see her self as God sees her. Please pray that the Lord would direct her to employment that will meet her needs (rent, gas, etc.) She’ll be a senior in college next year.
    Thank you fopr your prayers.
    God bless
    Grace 🙂

  • Thank you for being willing to pray for me. My famil is thinking of adopting. We feel led to do this. Please pray that God’s will be sho
    Thank you

  • I am as unlikely as they come! I can remember my own experience in high school, being the smart/athletic girl who was never prom or homecoming queen when I secretly wanted to be. Its taken me years to become comfortable with ME, and I can honestly say that I am embracing who I am in Christ. I may not be all the way there, but i sure will get there!

    Great post!


  • I appreciate your Dr. Seuss quote in your post : ) But on a more serious side, I also appreciate the words in your devotion this morning. I am uniquely me – HIS creation. I’m so glad he uses the unlikely and turns the impossible into possible. Now if I can only get these truths to sink down deep into my soul . . . . .

  • Hi, my name is Vasthie and I am going to be graduating from college in August. I initially wanted to be a doctor but I didn’t discover until this past semester that I wanted to teach. So I just wanted to ask you to pray that I may find favor in regards to my career. Thank you 🙂

  • Nicki, thank you for the word today and your willingness to be used by our Lord!
    I value prayer and the power it brings from God!
    I humbly ask for prayer in my life – especially now.
    This year has been the most difficult time of my life.
    I have just gone through the loss of my marriage due to my husbands adultry and betrayal over 14 years.
    I have lost my home and need to find a place to move.
    I have also lost my job (long story, but it also involves my previous husband).
    I am hurting and have many decisions to make in my life.
    I cry out for my Heavenly Father to YELL what He would have me do!!
    I acknowledge my desperate need of and dependence on Him.
    I’ve told many people “I didn’t see this coming” in the loss of my marriage, home & job.
    In looking back, God was preparing me in January with one word……TRUST!
    I know He will work this mess for my good and His glory……and yet I still have doubts about His love, care, and concern for me. I feel dazed and confused most of the time – and even angry feeling like a victim because I’ve had no choice in the major decisions that have changed my life and put me in the situation I find myself in today! I act like a spoiled brat much of the time lately 🙁 asking God WHY???? Why me? Why did You allow this to happen? Why didn’t You protect my heart? Where are You?
    (you probably shouldn’t post this negative reply – sorry)
    I also know that God is NOT in confusion. Confusion comes from our enemy! But I want to KNOW and DO what GOD wants. I fully understand the peace and joy that comes from being in His will!
    Please pray for me that I will have the mind of Christ, know His will, and have faith and trust to obey Him.
    Thank you very much and may our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless and use you!

    • In the last 2 years, I have seen the same…and then some. I have no absolutes other than what the Word says…He has a plan, He will work it for good, He loves me. Perhaps a better question than why, is “what next?”. As my friend told me, “God don’t waste no pain”. He uses it to mold us and move us. I have seen God use my very tender and fragile parts for His purpose in other people’s lives. I am praying for you.

  • Wow! This is just the thing I have been struggling with for years. It’s so hard to watch everyone around you moving forward in their lives, in their work for the Lord and I always stay in the same place. I had come to believe that God didn’t have a plan for me, that somehow I was the only one he had forgotten about. Even though deep down I knew that wasn’t true, I just wasn’t seeing anything to believe otherwise. Today’s devotion is like music to my ears and I will take all the prayer I can get!

  • Thank you for this devotional today it was encouraging. Please pray for me as I try to figure out the Lords purpose for my life. I feel like I haven’t heard from him on what to do and I’m wondering if I’m just supposed to focus on being a wife and mother at this time. I do need to find a home church and would love prayer for that as well as for my husbands salvation. Thank you and God bless.

  • Your devotion as well as everyone’s comments spoke to my heart.

    I have been unemployed for a year now and starting to lose my self confidence and fearing my ability to be employed.

    Please pray over me Jeremiah 29:11.

  • Nicki-
    Thank you for your devotion today on Proverbs 31. I know God has a purpose for my life. At times I have allowed doubt to sneak in and try to make me believe the things God is calling me to do are impossible considering my current circumstances but I cast down doubt and fear in the name of Jesus. I believe God is holding my hand walking me into my place of purpose. Constantly guiding me along the way. Some people say “dont doubt/second guess yourself” but I believe we need to not doubt God or second guess his call on our life. Thank you again I was really inspired.

  • Nicki, I have only been involved with Proverbs 31 for a short time and recently did the online study with Melissa on Micca Campbell’s book. I loved it and now I am so blessed to have been given the opportunity to become an online bible study leader through FB groups. I have been struggling with finding my purpose in life, but like you, I knew it would involve the ministry of reaching others on some level for Christ and through my blog and other outreaches, and now Proverbs 31, I hope and pray that I am on the right track. Prayers are always appreciated though. I love the new design of your site. God Bless

  • i Nicki,

    My name is Enet, today early in the morning at work as my daily routine.
    I was reading Encouragement for Today – May 22.
    Just what struck me the most was “Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with men is possible with God.'” Luke 18:27 (NIV 1984).
    Last night before going to bed I was saying my prays and I mentioned to god that god what is impossible for us human being is possible for you, so please be with my friend tomorrow for her assessment for a Job interview.I asked him to even a molded a man’s heart for me. I prayed for both my brothers and my parents. I thanked him for all the graces that he has given me over the years. I even personally prayed for my self.
    Today In the morning on 23rd May, when i woke up I again I asked god to be with my friend, my elder brother whose birthday it is.
    Then I came to work, when I opened my email I saw this message.
    I just wanted to share with you that when ever im looking for a message from god.
    God relates to me, but I only understand it better when I actually get to see the same message being related to be through god’s people who are spiritually working in his glory.
    I couldn’t help but feel so happy after reading your message.
    We all have a purpose now I understand.Yesterday when I was preparing my friend with assessment center questions.
    I felt happy doing it. I want you to pray on me to be able to help people for the right reasons, and help me bring them closer to god.

    May god bless and guide you too.
    I remember couple of years before there was a time when I use to keep questioning god what is my purpose?
    Now that questions has never arise for the last 2 years, I certainly am not sure how to answer that question but all I know is he has a plan for me and he is working his way in my life .
    I have been so much at peace within my self for the last 4months where I have surrendered my life in his hands.
    People who read my comments, I would like you all to know one thing, just stop worrying about your worldly matters and Ur petty problems.
    Leave all your problems entirely to god and trust me he will provide and fix all your problems.

    Warm Regards,

  • Hello Nicki,
    Thanks for praying for us. I just want to do what the Father planned long ago for me to do. But, oh to know what that is! That’s the question, isn’t it? Your P31 devotional and subsequent blog post are so encouraging. I will wait and hopefully honor the Lord with at least my intentions even if I get the direction a bit wrong or let my selfish ambition get the best of me every now and again. (Love the Dr Seuss quote…can’t wait to share that with my elementary aged kids.) May the Father bless you.

  • Good to see you back up and running Nicki! The overhaul looks good.

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