It’s been a surprisingly cool summer day here in Charlotte, NC. The rain is quietly dripping down outside the window at the Starbucks tonight. So here I sit… with you and Jesus.
Today’s been interesting. I can’t say I prayed on the hour every hour [grace, grace, grace… it was the first day of summer break and I’ve got 3 busy girls at home] but I prayed this Interrupt prayer more than I have on any other day of this journey.
Today, I’ve also had an unexplainable peace… and confidence in what God is doing.
This is quite a different emotion than the ones I’ve experienced the past few days. I think I’m understanding why…
I’ve put some movement to this Interrupt faith. But this didn’t come until after I spent some time really seeking to understand what it meant for God to interrupt my everyday, common life.
Maybe its just me, but I need movement in my life. I understand the need for our souls to be still but experiencing God’s miracles in the mundane is going to still require movement in our faith.
So here’s some steps of movement I’ve taken:
~I’ve inquired about community volunteer opportunities for our family this summer. I’m excited to begin serving right here in my community in new ways and interrupt our schedule with service.
~Trying to pick up the phone and call people when I feel led. I feel like the relationships in my life are going to a deeper level because of the effort I’m trying to make.
~Took a risk and talked to someone who asked about a dream in my heart… it went well. It was an unexpected interruption of my journey.
~I was honest with someone. Led to an intense conversation. It didn’t go well at first, but it was an interruption needed… in both of our lives.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men…” -Colossians 3:23
My heart longs for faith that is active… in every situation. So today Colossians 3:23 is speaking loud.
Embracing this very conscious step on the Interrupt journey: movement.
I don’t relate to this at all. I want to understand what makes you long to be out in the community, doing things that are awkward and out of your comfort zone. I don’t have the confidence. I have a hard time managing my OCD enough to be there for the people in my own little piece of the world.
Hi there. Thanks for your honesty… I appreciate it. First, I’m sorry you are struggling with OCD, I don’t know much about OCD but I imagine it brings many challenges to your life.
For me there is a longing inside of me to be “out” with people. I feel like God has given me a desire for people but I also realize that perhaps not everyone has that desire.
But I do believe we need to be pushing ourselves out of our limits as much as we can. I realize for others this may mean smaller steps than others.
Praying for you today…
Thank you for the prayer! In this case, my OCD means I don’t deal very well with my plans/daily schedule getting messed up. I hope some day I can have your passion to be out in the world. I don’t share this issue with being bored in the mundane, but your journey is challenging me to take more baby steps out of my comfort zone when I feel God pulling me.
I feel like adding to this convo – please forgive me for being too serious, I can’t help it sometimes.
I have a bible verse and a quote.
Quote – Doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time.
This is from the book A Confident Heart by Renee Swope which I actually read because of the reccommendation on SheSeeks. I love this idea, because it challenges us to push through the doubt, whatever the doubt implies (God is not good enough, I’m not good enough, etc.) and believe God will bless us.
Verse – “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” -Proverbs 29:25
Please do not be ashamed of what God is doing in you and your life. Please do not be afraid to ask for miracles. Do not be afraid of what others think. However, if my opinion counts, I’m loving this interrupt series.
The silly little miracle in my life that I just started believing is that I can be blessed with a godly husband and I don’t have to date jerks anymore. I haven’t dated a Christian guy in 7 years, but I am starting to believe that I can attract a godly man. There is no proof and there’s noone on the horizon, but I choose to believe God will give his children with bread when we ask for bread and not give us a snake.
God bless!
Hi there! Thanks for your comment and I’m so thankful this Interrupt journey is challenging you. I’m believing with you for your miracle, don’t lose hope.
I actually just wrote an article for Crosswalk about doubts and how they can exist with our faith. I’d love for you to check it out:
I think movement for me will come after all of this intense processing. I appreciate the link to your article you wrote as well, as I struggle with doubt and hope (I wrote that in my last comment on day 13)…..but, I enjoy movement as it makes me feel like I am doing something…pursuing something and following a dream. As part of my interrupt journey, movement is important…in fact, the times I am alone are usually on a walk or when I’m cooking or in the car. But, its some of the best conversations I have with my heart and God. I’m so excited that you’ve reached out about some opportunities to serve right where you are. Good for you! I’m actually going to interrupt my life by going to a bible study for the first time. See, I’m a new believer and I’ve not really made any external “face to face” time with a group of women studying the Bible. I’m excited and scared. Its something I yearn to do though..connect with women and the Bible and God. I need it to ease the storm in my soul. I’m going through some heavy personal trials in my life currently and I’ve interrupted my normal schedule as well with meeting with a professional counselor. It has helped tremendously as I search for healing from my past wounds and move forward with the Lord. Movement is important. Thanks for sharing your journey…you’ve given me the courage to share mine!
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