Interrupt {day 5}


Interrupt {day 5}

Today I’m feeling this:

When the journey through interrupt becomes more important than the destination, the path becomes a little clearer.

So today, I simply embraced the journey. My first and last thought these thirty days are, “God, interrupt me.”

And He did.

I hear a story about an interruption in someone’s life. Cancer. Big interruption. And here at this ordinary swim meet, in an ordinary town, with ordinary kids, I felt the presence of God interrupt. I’m left with a desire to do something to help.


I have a challenging conversation with a friend at the pool later that afternoon. I’m sharing with her about this interrupt journey and she senses God doing something in both of our lives. We allow God to intterupt our relaxing day and challenge our hearts.



Tonight I sat at a park, smack dab in the middle of my community. I look around me and see mostly strangers. I’m challenged to know them, their stories, to step out of my bubble. For a moment, a great desire to experience God, right here in my community is strong.


Yes God. You interrupted me today. I felt you. I hear you. Your challenging me. I’m grateful…





  • Hey Nicki,
    I didn’t post on yesterday, but yes we can live radically for Christ even in the mundane. My friend Jennifer has 6 beautiful children and I remember her having to remind herself of that daily sometimes. Even I, as a single 20-something need that reminder. 🙂
    I don’t know about God’s interruptions sometimes. I had a feeling a few days ago something would happen today, and it did but it wxas not something I had been expecting. My lesson for today is don’t put God’s interruptions in a box! This journey we are taking will matter more than the destination. Keep the faith, oxo

  • Hi Nicki, Thank you for sharing your struggles and desires.
    I too have been struggling with this desire to “go”. My husband and I are waiting for God to show us the right path and direction to go (or stay) in, but in the meantime I know we are called to live faithfully here and now! Our church is teaching a series on Hebrews that has been wonderful and so right on (Heb 13-daily living)…God is always Faithful if we choose to believe. Last night at church they had this quote in the bulletin and I thought of your journey.
    “The daily circumstances of life will afford us opportunities enough to glorify God in trust, without our waiting for any extraordinary calls upon faith. Let us remember that the extraordinary circumstances of life are but few; that much of life will slip past without their occurence; and that if we be not faithful and trusting in that which is little, we are not likely to be so in that which is great…Let our trust be reared in the humble nursery of our own daily experience, with its ever recurring little wants and trials, and sorrows; and then, when need be, it will come forth, to do such great things as are required of it.” -Philip Bennett Power

    Keep Believing and Hoping and Sharing-God is right beside you and using your journey to help a lot of others!

    • Jenice, I love this quote so much I’m sending it to my phone so I can read through it many times today. Thank you.

      • I wanted to thank you for being real in your struggle. There are many days I can’t speak about it at all, its too deep, too raw.
        I realize that our lives will have different paths and outcomes to our struggles, but that we serve an AWE inspiring God and this time He might just be pruning our dead branches so we can produce more fruit or this might be the time He finally releases us to “Go” .
        I live across the country from you, but I am walking through this with you…one desperate cry for help after another….Jesus, Jesus, Jesus–how precious is the flow. Thank God for the struggle, without it we stagnate.

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