Interrupt {day 8}


Interrupt {day 8}




  • Hey Nicki,
    This is exciting! I thought of the lyrics to two songs I’ve learned through my new church the other night at work. The first is The Great I Am and the second one goes “Spirit break out Break our walls down Spirit break out Heaven come down” He is the great I Am and this, I feel, is what we’re asking him to do. Have a blessed day sister! oxo

  • Whoa! Glad I’m not alone! Thank you Nicki!

  • Wow Nicki! This was powerful. I am on this journey with you and so glad God led me back to blogworld at this time. He knew just what I needed.


    • Jennifer, it blesses me to hear this. Thank you for sticking this through with me!

  • Loved this video blog! Know you are not alone. These words you are saying….are moving my heart. I have been on an emotional roller coaster….seeking God and then backing away…and seeking God and backing away. I have alot of fear…this journey has uncovered that ALOT of fear is keeping me stuck in my life….in my passions….in my pursuits……Thank YOU for having the guts (whether or not you truly feel like it) to be honest. We do appreciate it. Looking forward to your post today!

    • Yes friend, I hear you. Up and down for sure. Grateful to have you along this journey.

  • You so bless me. I love watching your story unfold like a flower blossoming.

    My husband and I were talking the other day and I told him that evne though we know where God will be sending us, for right now, we are in a holding-place. God has not released His next step for us yet, but we are to continue on and wait for His timing. Not so easy.


    • And you bless me Danielle. Grateful to have you apart of this journey. Praying for you as you are waiting on Him to speak…

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