Seasons Motivate


Seasons Motivate

Yesterday my 3 girls and I braved the aisles of Target for back-to-school supplies.


I loathe the back-to-school shopping.


I can think of a thousand other ways I’d rather drop $100 than on jumbo glue sticks, pink erasers and Crayola crayons. The buggies, the crying kids and the 3,000 item supply lists make me want to break out in hives.

But my girls get some very un-genetical rush from this experience.

“Ooo… behold, new pencils! Ahhh…. I’ve never seen THESE folders before! Mmmmm…. I just love the way new notebooks smell!” said their momma never.

While I do not share their school supply enthusiasm, their excitement got me thinking about the coming weeks.

Early chaotic mornings, after-school practices and crock-pot dinners will soon make their return. I tend to dread the routines, the schedules and the busy days of fall.

If I’m not careful, I tend to get caught up in life’s seasons without pausing and reflecting with God about what’s ahead. I feel like sometimes I miss the vision He has for me in each new season because I just get… busy.

I’m convinced every season of life offers an opportunity to have a stronger response towards God.

Most of us believe God wants to do great things in and through us but moving towards these things is often difficult. But Thomas Edison said it best, “Vision without execution is hallucination.”

I don’t want the plans for my life to be filled responses like, “Someday, one day.” Time is short and life tends to pass me by quickly so I want to maximize each opportunity in each new season.

And sometimes I just need a little motivation to get me going in the right direction.

So today, I’m thinking through these new-season-motivational questions:

1. What is it that God wants to do in me and through me this season?

“We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God’s purpose prevails.” –Proverbs 19:21

I have plans. But so does God.

Can I be extremely honest for a moment? Many seasons of life have passed me by without even so much as a pause in my soul to ask God what His plans were.

I want this next season to be filled with many soul-pauses for this question to be asked: God, what are YOUR plans today?

2. Who are the people I’m going invest into?

“As iron sharpens iron, 
so one person sharpens another.” –Proverbs 27:17

Since God is in the people business, most likely a lot of what He wants to do in and through us has to do with the people around us.

This season I’m asking God to show me 3 people to REALLY invest into. 3 people.

This isn’t something just for leaders or pastors. Everyone has something to offer at least 3 people in our lives. I promise.

Maybe this season is a good time to expand our territory.

Who are the people I’m going to invest into?

3. How am I going to engage [not attack] the world around me?

“Do not fear what they fear, do not be frightened.’ But in your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” – 1 Peter 3:14-16

While sometimes vision for our life can seem blurry, we can have confidence in knowing God always leads us to seek opportunities to be Truth to the world around us.

But lately, there’s been a lot of attacking. I’m not sure any of it is beneifical. May this season bring us the opportunity as followers of Christ to pause before we react to the world around us.

In this next season, how does God want me to engage [not attack] the world around me?

What? Who? How?

Perhaps these 3 questions have the ability to change the course of a season for eternity.

New seasons hold opportunity to respond well to God.

Today I’d love for us to build community around these 3 questions. In the comments will you answer one of the questions? I’d love to hear what you feel like God is leading you to do this next season.

[The winner of Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst is… Mindy Koenig! I’ll be emailing you to get your information. :)]

[Anyone in the Charlotte area, you are invited to Mint Hill Presbyterian Church tomorrow night [Saturday August 11th] at 7pm for a special night, for FREE! I’ll be speaking on the topic of Empowerment and I’d LOVE to see you there. Please email me at if you’d like to attend.]




  • Love it!! I feel like God is calling me to finally get healthy so I can help other women who are struggling like me. I just have to get over myself, quit worrying about what people think, and get it done! I have a few people in mind that need help. I just have to get myself closer to my goal so they see IT CAN BE DONE!!!

    Be blessed friend! Things are lookin’ up some what with my daughter. School starts in 2 weeks, so this will be the test!!!



    • You are doing a great job getting healthy my friend! Keep going! Glad to hear about your daughter. 🙂 Hugs and prayers!

      • Getting there with encouragement and support from my online friends who are POSITIVE!! 🙂

  • Those three questions…. I’m asking all of them because I sense a real change of pace at the moment and I don’t want to start dashing down the wrong path. I know there’s a new phase in God’s Plan for me but I’m still not sure what, who and how so I’m right with you.
    Did your ‘Interruption’ earlier in the summer change the way you think about this new season?
    Thanks for the inspiration, Nicki.
    Oh – and I LOVE new notebooks! 🙂

    • Hi Helen,

      Yes, definitely a lot of this is coming from the “Interruption” 30-day journey. 🙂

      Grateful for your heart that is willing to be open to the movement of God in your life!

      Much love,
      NIcki 🙂

  • I always loved the back to school shopping days. I enjoyed having fresh, new notebooks and binders. The feeling usually only lasted the first week of school though 🙂

    With the three questions…I feel like this season God is leading me to be more aware and receptive of the people around me, especially at work. I usually just ask surface questions, and never really dig deeper and show real concern for most of the people I see on a daily basis. I also feel like God is leading me to lead a high school girl that I met at a pet adoption event who accepted my invitation to come to Elevation.

    • Hi Ellen!

      I bet you did love back to school shopping! I can see that. 🙂

      I love what God is doing in you this next season. I hope you will continue to step out and follow that nudge on your heart. 🙂

      Love you friend!

  • Nikki–LOVE, LOVE, LOVE….your words. What a perfect post to reflect on and use as a guideline into the fall season. Blessings to you!

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