Unglued Book Giveaway!


Unglued Book Giveaway!

Oh hey blog… I didn’t mean to but it looks like I took a blogging break. Whoops.

Summer has flown by and I am in total denial that school starts in just a few weeks. It is time to start thinking about school supplies, sports and getting back into a routine.


But today, I’m thrilled to pause the back-to-school-routine blah’s with this awesome giveaway.

I feel so blessed to be on staff at Proverbs 31 Ministries and this past year has been so awesome to watch and support Lysa TerKeurst as she’s begun to prepare to release her new book Unglued.

She’s worked really hard and I knew Unglued was going to be great.

What I didn’t expect was the impact this book would have on me.

Let me explain…

A few months ago I was reading through Unglued. I had just finished up a season of life where I felt completely drained. Conflict seemed to be everywhere I turned and I am a conflict-avoider.

Can’t we all just be nice?

The reality is no, and I was becoming aware in the midst of this conflict… I was not nice either.

For the first time in my life, I really didn’t know how I was going to push through some of these relational struggles. They were not going away and I was becoming weaker and weaker because of them.

I wish I could tell you all I had to do was read Unglued and everything became Mary-Poppins-happy again.

Not.So.Much and I’m still working through some of these struggles.

But I’ve embraced what Lysa calls, “Imperfect Progress.”

One good choice. One moment. One day at a time.

Unglued is an empowerment tool. A really good one too. One that’s helping me with:

-Boundaries in relationships
-Conflict resolution
-Thinking through conflict clearly
-Giving gentle responses
-Stuffing or exploding through emotions

Ever struggle with these things too? I understand.

And maybe together we can keep working through our imperfect progress of relational struggles? My friend Melissa Taylor is going to be leading an online Bible study of Unglued. I hope you’ll think about joining us, her blog has all the deets.

And who doesn’t love free stuff?

Today I’m giving away a copy of Unglued ! All you have to do is leave a comment. I’ll announce the winner on Friday. 🙂

In the meantime, check out all these amazing free tools Lysa is offering on Ungluedbook.com. You can take an assessment to see what type of reactor you are and download free sample chapters. There’s even a 5-day challenge to having better reactions!


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  • Hello. My name is Kimberly and I am a stuffer who explodes. Okay, when Lysa was going over the categories at She Speaks, I realized I am a little bit of each one in different relationships.

    It was so nice to get to see you face to face at She Speaks and to give you a quick hug. 🙂 Thanks for giving away a copy of this book. As I feel a little pressure building right at this moment as I hear small people who are supposed to be getting dressed hollering at one another, I wave my hand high and say, “Yes, I would love to win a copy of this book.” 😉

  • I would love a copy ofLysa new book! She is incredible and very anointed.

  • Because of church, my friend base, and my bible belt location I am surrounded by mostly Christians. I’m assuming these folks are a better influence than being around a bunch of non believing drug dealers, pedophiles, and theives, however I am so fed up with fake Christians. The sugary sweet Christian-speak of, “just trust God”, and “pray about it”……yea, yea, yea…I’m doing that but I need sound advice from God-fearing girls who are legit, the real deal and who aren’t pretending to have a perfect life. Nicki you are real and raw and bring such a fresh word to women of all ages. Thank you! What I’ve read from Lysa is the same…real life guided by the One who loves us. Real advice, and real answers…a way to hold ourselves up to His Word and the Cross. A way to live out biblical Truths, scriptures and sermons. To really be like Jesus! I can’t wait for Unglued! I know it will change many, many people’s lives!

  • Oh my! What a great way to start the new school year! It would be a blessing to have a copy of Lysa’s new book. Joining the online bible study is just what this mommy needs. 🙂

  • I would love to have a copy of Lysa’s new book Unglued.

  • I am like a puzzle and God is working hard to glue all my pieces back together…so yes I am a bit unglued on things! But I know God will use all the bad from my past for His Good!!

  • i have been following proverbs 31 website for a few months now and have gotten linked to yours, Lysa’s, and Renae’s blog sites – can i tell you what a blessing they are to me daily (blog break or not:)! ) i read them at my desk on my lunch break and still have a post-it with “interrupt…show me YOU in this place” right under my monitor as a regular reminder of my focus. thank you for being a daily blessing in my life – and thanks to the women of P31!

  • I would love to win a copy of the book. I believe that I usually deal with my feelings without exploding but at times, I do explode when I haven’t dealt with the real issue at hand. I need to learn to face the issue head on and not stuff my feelings. I hope that someone wins the free book and it will minister to them.

  • I just lost my job last week and I am in the process of reading the entire Left Behind series….I am on book 9 so I only have 3 more books to go….I really need a new book that will keep my spirits up.. God is Good!

  • Wow, I was just telling my Mom, Mother in Law, and Sister in law that we should really do a book study with this book. I get a daily devotion each morning sent to my phone, and Lysa has been on there this past week, and WOW what a message I have gotten each day. We are all teachers and about to start school back, we are all Moms, and wives, and at times it seems like we are running on raw emotions! What a great way to bond as a family and grow as a person! Needless to say I am the lone person who has yet to get the book, so a giveaway is PERFECT 🙂 Either way I can not wait to dig in to Lysa’s Unglued!!

  • Lysa is such a gifted writer and her words always speak volumes to me! Thank you for the opportunity to enter the drawing! Hope you are doing well, Nicki!

  • Oh how I wish I would’ve learned from this book earlier and applied it yesterday. Going through a very rough storm and yesterday I exploded! Praying this book equips me to better handle my emotions and myself overall.
    Love U

  • I have been waiting for this book to come out! So excited! And I would be over the moon happy if I won a copy of this! Thank you for your heart and giving away a copy!

  • I don’t comment much…but wanted to say you were missed during your blogging break. I always look forward to reading what’s on your heart.

    And I would love a copy of Unglued! Lysa’s book Made to Crave had such an impact on me and I’m excited to read her newest one.


  • Wow, God always has such perfect timing. I would love to win a copy of this book. I am struggling in so many ways in my life and have convinced myself I can’t let other’s emotions and situations impact the way I handle my everyday life. Now that I have come to this realization, I need help in the steps to get there and Unplugged sounds like an awesome tool and message to help me. Thank you for being so transparent and real with your blog, I love reading it!!!!

  • Can’t wait to read this book! I’ve been so excited for the release of Unglued. Love your blog Nicki! 🙂

  • Nice to hear from you, Nicki! I just received my copy of unglued and am half-way through it! Great read!

  • Hi Nicki!! First of all, I LOVE the pictures! You are such a gifted photographer! And a WONDERFUL person!

    Boy, do I need a copy of this book! I avoid conflict like the plague, too, and I also am a recovering people-pleaser. Unglued would be a STUPENDOUS resource for me. YAY!

    Blessings on you!

    Lara <

  • I really would like a copy. I am working on these issues now. Thanks!

  • Conflict and giving gentle responses is something I’m struggling with. I pray to God to give me self-control and wisdom to speak when I’m upset or uncomfortable with something or someone. I would really love a copy of the book, I know it would be a great help to improve my relationship with God and the others around me.

  • I avoid conflict like the plague… but sometimes it just can’t be avoided… I’m still working through a MAJOR one from this summer, but there is always the day to day conflict with my kids.
    I KNOW I could benefit from this book in a big way!!

  • Oh I am having one of those seasons. I can’t wait to read this book!

  • I read the first 2 chapters on the website and the tears streamed down. It’s tough being a mom and coming Unglued. BUT now I know I’m not the only one! I think it’s really a taboo topic among mom’s. I tried to buy the book tonight and our Lifeway Store was sold out!!! The manager said women were flooding the store all day looking for Unglued!!! So thankful for Lysa’s willingness to be transparent!

  • Hey Nicki, love your blog and would love to win a copy of Lysa’s new book!!

  • Oh me with a 13 year boy who is quite the engineer so he thinks, toothpicks missing all the ducktape gone not to mention toilet paper rolls I tend to come “Unglued” hopefully through this big we can laugh, love, cry!!! This would be a amazing gift. Thank you !!

  • Lived Made To Crave so I’m excited about a new Lysa book!

  • Unglued seems to describe my life! I am discovering that like other moms, it is my family that takes the brunt of my “unglued” moments. I would love to learn some new ways to keep from falling apart at the seams. I know that God truly is the glue that can help this girl stay together. Thanks for giving away a book. My friend, Kate, was in your Speaker Group at She Speaks and she had wonderful things to say about you. Blessings to you sweet lady!

  • Love Lysa – she’s a huge inspiration to me and I would LOVE to win a copy of her new book! 😀

  • Thank you and everyone at Proverbs 31 for being real. I look forward to the daily devotionals knowing that nothing is sugar coated or fluff. That made me think of marshmallows – lol. : )

  • I just came across your website/blog today after seeing a retweet by Lysa Terkeurst about your review on her book and have been lost in reading for the past hour. What a blessing in disguise! Thank you for writing about it, if you hadn’t I probably would have given it a miss and not read it.
    Praying God will continue to bless and guide you as you journey through life. I look forward to following along with your blog in the future.
    Blessings and thank you again.

  • I’m really intrigued about the content of Unglued. Sounds like some I should definitely check out!!

  • Love lysa! Just did a study with friends on her ‘becoming More then a Good Bible Study Girl’. Would love to do this one!

  • I’d love a free copy! She’s coming to do a conference at my church this fall, but don’t know if I’ll get to go because I’m out of work right now 🙁

  • LOVE Lysa! Would so be blessed with this book!!!!!

  • Cant wait for this study and always love your posts Nicki! I can be one of those conflict avoiders too but it’s not always a good thing! Lysa made a comment tonight about grace and I have to learn how to accept it! Hope this book helps with that!!!

  • Sounds like a great life changing message. I remember way back in a driving course I was taking in college learning to drive a bus. They told us that there is a huge difference between responding & reacting. Our training was teaching us to respond. I’ve applied that to so many things in life.

  • Yeah! I’m so excited for another PV31 book to come out and love the idea of another giveaway!

  • I cannot wait for this study to start. It is going to be awesome and I believe this book is going to help so many people, including myself, in learning how to control our emotions and not come “unglued”.

  • I know someone I want to give this book to. Although I won a copy of the book in a Caption contest, it is on my heart to give a copy to someone dear to my heart so I am commenting here and perhaps I will win the give-away. Can’t win if I don’t comment. Thank you!!

  • Nicki, I love knowing that Jesus loves me in my messsiness and all because His Word says that He who began a good work in me with bring it to completion on the day of Christ Jesus. Praise God that I’m not going to be messy forever and always coming unglued. What a glorious day that will be. Thanks for the chance to win Lysa’s book “Unglued”. Hugs in Him…

  • I am going trough some stuff myself, which I tend to ‘stuff’ then explode. I really could use this book!

  • The mom’s group I’m in has been talking about this book and I can’t wait to read it myself.

  • I will at times come unglued… at the sound of so many people making coments about us that have made terrible mistakes in the past, and strugling to keep our head above water because so called cristians who have never learn what Christ-like forgiveness is…I am trying to pray for them.

  • I just found your blog, through the daily reflection on Proverbs 31! 🙂 I’m so excited, I LOVE finding new blogs to challenge and encourage me in my walk with Jesus.

    I would also love to win a copy of the book, but even if you were not giving away anything, I would STILL be thrilled to find you! 🙂

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