The Hope Challenge!
Watch this first. 🙂
Click here to read the Proverbs 31 daily devotion if you haven’t already.
Ideas for the Hope Challenge:
-Write on 3 people’s Facebook walls and tell them something you love about them.
-Ask God to put someone on your heart that needs some hope today. Call them or email them to tell them that you are praying for them.
-Anonymously leave a basket of goodies at the door of someone you know needs it.
-Text 2 people a Bible verse.
-Pay for the order behind you in the drive-thru.
Decide what you are going to do for the Hope Challenge and then leave a comment on this blog saying, “I’m all in!” You can also share with this community what you are going to do to be hope to someone today.
On Friday I will pick the winner of the $5 Starbucks gift card!
I can’t wait to hear how you are going to be the voice of hope to someone today!
I’M ALL IN!!!! 🙂
I will make it a point to visit a girlfriend of mine – a woman with amazing faith — who is going through a hard time right now…. I am currently in school and work part time, and just never make the time to do this…. “life is so busy” — BUT she needs a friend right now,… and I will make it a point to be there for her — and allow God to use me as a vessel!
I’m all in!!! Love it! I just messaged someone on Facebook tonight that I thought may need some encouragement but I will write on 3 people’s wall what I love about them. I totally can do the texting thing too. Great idea!
Tried to post at P31 from my phone but couldnt:
Nicki, I was inspired by your Two minute Tuesday post without even reading the P31 Devotion first. We have lost a lot this year and I’m trying to remind everyone we still have each other. I was beginning to lose hope myself but I believe God is aligning people in my path with a word of encouragement to keep me going. I have felt broken, worthless, and like a failure this year. Thanks for the reminder about balance. It confirms the Greater call tonight that I don’t have to have it all together. And believe me, I don’t! Thanks for sharing and being real. 🙂
I’m all in!
Interesting to bring hope to someone with you need hope yourself.. Thanks for this beautiful idea! 🙂
I’m all in. In will be the voice of hope for someone I love today.
I’m ALL in! Thank you for the ideas and encouragement.
I will write a comment on three people’s FB page; I’ll text 2 people an encouraging bible verse; I’ll email an encouragement to someone today; and if the opportunity arises this week, I’ll pay for the order behind me in a drive thru. These are great ideas and simple ways to make a difference in someone’s life. Thanks, Nicki!
I am all in. I will enter statements on 3 people’s facebook walls; email someone that I am praying for them (in fact, this person at my small Bible study last night asked me to pray for her special need, to which I agreed. I will email her today. I will text 2 people a Bible verse today. When I read that part of your blog, I instantly knew who those two people would be. Have a blessed day!
I’m all in! I love this!!! I am new to your blog, and I am so excited and inspired to give hope to people around me, starting at home with my husband! He has been struggling with a hernia and a rough time at work, and I have been looking for ways to help him… I hadn’t even thought of something like this! Thank you for this amazing challenge!!!
“I’m all in!”
Lamentations 3:23-25 (NLV)
23 It is new every morning. He is so very faithful.
24 “The Lord is my share.” says my soul, “so I have hope in Him.”
25 The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the one who looks for Him.
Nicki I am all in! I found your blog through the P31 devo and it was well-timed. Of course it is because God has perfect timing! I need hope and I sometimes I forget that sharing hope with others is part of our own healing process, since we don’t live in a bubble all alone. Thank you for sharing your story and for allowing God to work through you to meet us where we are at!
I’m all in! Thanks for giving me hope and also reminding me that we find hope when we offer it to others. Truly it is more of a blessing to give rather than receive. Love the idea of texting scripture verses! What a great use of everyday technology 🙂 Thanks for being the beacon of HOPE today!
I’m all in! Thank you for the encouragement and motivation to be a blessing to someone who is hurting. I know when I am hurting it is often hard to push myself to be hope to others that are hurting. and yet that is exactly where we find hope ourselves. Thanks for the beautiful reminder and motivation:)
I am all in! Thank you for sharing your heart. I will share God’s hope with those around me today, particularly my family!
I’M ALL IN! I am going to make a phone call to someone whose mother passed away on Thanksgiving! And I am going to send a verse to Three people today!
I’m all in. what a timely message. I have 2 adopted sons with mental illness issues. So many times I feel hopeless about their futures Thank you for the reminders in scripture that God uses “hopeless” people. He is at work in all situtions and can work in my boys too.
I’m all in! I’m going to pass out chocolate bars with scripture verses at work today
Im all in! As others are continuing to be an encouragement to me in this season of life with numerous trials, I choose to encourage someone who needs the same. God’s Word has become my Rock, and I want others to know He and His Word can do the same for them! God is so faithful!
I’m all it!
I’m a Proverbs 31 reader. Every morning I have my cup of coffee and read the Proverbs 31 before all 3 of my young boys get up. I needed this one today and I am so excited to find your blog. I will definitely be finding a way to give God’s Hope out today.
I’M ALL IN — thank you for sharing your story about the foreclosure and the hope you found despite a challenging situation. I also enjoyed reading about your desire to be ‘unlikely.’ That was particularly inspirational. Thank you for sharing your heart. I plan to leave a package on a friend’s doorstep today.
I am all in! This is such a wonderful idea to bless lives today…hopefully it will continue!! :). I will be leaving a message on friend’s walls today who need encouragement.
i’m all in!
thank you for this challenge and for doing it through video!
I’m all in! I have already written a “thank you” note to my Christian co-workers. Will deliver them today. Will text some struggling friends some Scripture. Planning on making some soup & a new, yummy dessert bread recipe the next day or two. Will deliver an anonymous basket. Now the fun of who to pick!
I’m All IN! This is my first to see your blog. I so needed this today. God bless you for sharing. I see several things I would like to do today, so first I want to write to 3 people what I love about them, and send text to 2 people Bible verses. I have Grands coming who I need to love on, so it is a challenge to always “think Straight” at times! They are my Gift from God and for this I am so thankful!
Proverbs 3 : 5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In All your ways acknowledge Him and He Will direct your paths.
I have had to lean on this verse many times in our lives and today is one of them. Not that I don’t want to, but sometimes I just remember to a little more, which is Good!
I’M ALL IN! I’m leaving a basket of goodies at my neighbor’s house. She is 50ish and disabled from an on-the-job injury and I have been trying to think of a way to reach out to her. I am NOT a cook, so this will REALLY be stepping outside of my comfort zone. I will also leave the Facebook comments for those God lays on my heart.
Thank you for this challenge and reminder of the hope we all have!
I’m All In! I really needed to read your blog today. I’m just about out of hope myself, but there is nothing that gives us hope like giving hope away.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I’m in the same boat, Trulie! But it feels great to give hope to someone else, doesn’t it?!? I pray things get better for you too!!!
I’m all in. Thanks for the challenge!
I’m ALL in!!! I think this is a great idea and hope so very many people will accept this challenge!! We can bring HOPE to so many!! Blessings to you!
I’m all in!! what a great idea as we start off the Christmas season! bringing love and hope to people around us! thank you blessings
Nicki, I find myself needing hope today. My very best friend’s 17 yr old son is again fighting cancer. This time it is terminal. I organize meals and fun activities with friends as distractions, but I struggle to feel hope. God has allowed this child to survive leukemia 2x and brain cancer once before, but now the prognosis is bleak and I hurt for the family and my son who is good friends with this boy. God is so good! I know He has placed me in their lives for a reason. Please pray I can show them the hope they have in Him -long term. I’m all in! God will give me what I need to be strong with them. Thanks for your devotion today @ P31. God knew I needed it!
I am all in!!! I really needed this today and I know there are many out there that need HOPE today also! I am going to show it in as many ways as I can!
I’m all in!
Great reminder to think about others today. I texted my kids (one of them is named Hope!) a verse each and feel prompted to send a grocery store gift card to a patient of mine. Thanks for the reminder.
I’m all in. I will send encouraging verses to a couple of friends who I know need God’s encouraging words today. The Proverbs 3:5-6 verse is such a powerful verse reminding me again to trust God with all my trials and challenges. My daughter with whom I am meeting today, memorized this verse as a little girl. I will remind her of it when I see her. God’s timing is so perfect.
I’m all in!! Thanks for your encouraging words! Looking forward to being that encouragement for someone today!
I’m all in!! First of all, I want to thank you for the amazing devotion on Proverbs 31 today. I have had a rough few months, and I definitely wish I would have had this earlier. Secondly, this is the first time I have visited your blog and I love this challenge. I’ve completed it for today and have decided to make this a part of my daily life. Thanks Nicki!!
Thank you, thank you for your P31 Devo today. Your honesty about your brokenness and feelings of shame is so refreshing. And I love how the only place you found hope in your place of brokenness was in God’s Word. And as He began to speak truth over you, HOPE entered in and you saw hope all around you. I pray that many, many women find hope and encouragement in your words and in God’s Word today.
And thank you for the challenge. What a creative idea!! God will look down all day smiling at how many women are loving others today because of you, sweet friend!!
Love you,
Wendy B.
I’m all in. I will listen to that still small voice and be obedient to where God leads me today to bring hope. I wait in quiet expectation to hear whom and to see whom He brings across my path today. He loves to surprise me so I’m just waiting to see what’s going to happen today! Thank you Jesus in the midst of my own suffering and trails I can still be used by You to bring hope to someone.
I’m all in! Thank you for the challenge! What a better way to celebrate Christmasthan share Jeuau through our actions!
Found through the P31 devo and God’s timing, as usual is incredible. I am at a point of total hopelessness and finally accepted last night that I cannot fix this on my own. I have struggled with anxiety for years and am finally understanding that I am going to need other people to help me out. Thank you so much for the hopeful post and I covet your prayers as I move forward in my fear to *hopefully* move beyond it. Thank you. Also, I am ALL IN and will let some people know what I love about them today. Thanks
JessicaA – what a beautiful message, and I definitely will pray for you as you step out in faith and move forward. Your willingness to let others know what you love about them will shower back on you 🙂 God Bless!
I’M ALL IN! What an excellent way to spread hope and encouragement to others through so many avenues. I pray that God will work through each one of us, not just today but always. Thanks for the great idea!
I’m all in!!! Even before I read the devotion, I had just responded to a friend’s email giving her hope in her difficult circumstances. Your devotion for today also touched my heart reminding me of My One Word for this year ~ HOPE. We’re on a road to recovery from walking a 20-month unemployment journey. I would like to say that everything is okey-dokey now that we’re employed again. BUT that is not the case. It’s a long journey back to “normal.” I needed this message of hope today because some days I’m weary from the journey. It was a reminder that we WILL recover and HE did not bring us this far to leave us now. We’re seeing a glimpse of light at the end of this dark tunnel. I’m just ready for it to be as bright as day. Thank you for your words today : )
I know of your weariness all too well. There is more than “just this” more than we can even imagine.! Check out Ephesians. It helps me. I recently started reading verses from The Message version of the Bible and its like a breath of fresh air! And there’s a free app for it too! But anyway, what helps me when life bears down on me is that all this is TEMPORARY! It will end! God promised it and He never goes back on His promises! It’s not in His nature! Read psalm 139 and you’ll see how special YOU are to God! I’m praying for you. –Shannon
What sweet words and encouragement from you today. God’s Word is definitely how we’ve been given the strength to get this far in our journey. I’m going to read these passages again and ask HIM to fill my soul with what I need to continue on. Thank you : )
Sweet Blessings,
I’m all in!! I love that this is so simple, yet can have such a huge impact.
I’m all in! Found your blog after reading Prov 31 devotional this morning and it moved me. After I read your suggestions for bringing hope to someone I immediately forwarded the Prov 31 devotional plus a short note to a gal who has a very sick son right now and needs hope. I reminded her that I am praying for her and her family today. Thanks for the reminder to reach out to others, Nicki!
I’m All in 🙂
I’m all in. I’m taking this for the whole Christmas season and doing “RACK”ed Random acts of Christmas(Christian) kindness making cards to go along -thanks
I’M ALL IN! Saw your devotion this morning on P31 and clicked on the link to your blog. Thank you for being an encouraging voice. I will be an encouraging voice of hope for someone today 🙂
I’m all in. I would be honored to be the voice of hope today to three people beginning with my husband who is struggling with physical pain and close to hopelessness. Thanks for sharing your struggle and issuing the challenge. Nothing makes us feel better than doing for others…passing a cup of cold water in His name.
I’m ALL in!
Visiting via P31. Love this idea! I will text a friend or two with words of encouragement today!
I’m all in. Will do the posting on fb. Everyone needs encouragement.
Random acts of kindness help us as well as them.
I’m all in. I will make the phone call for a friend to connect her with someone who can help her get a job. She has been out of work off and on for about 3 years. She could really use some hope. I’ll also see who I can encourage on FB today.
I’m all in! -So thankful (again!) for P31… I just subscribed to your blog, and I’m excited! Thank you for this post. God’s timing.
I’m all in! Thank you for challenging us to be the voice of hope to others. Letting them know that we have hope in Jesus 🙂
I’m all in! Thank you for the inspiring message and idea to spread hope to others!
I’m all in!
I’M ALL IN!!!!!!!
This world needs hope, I know I do! It’s all around us. The world is hurting like never before. But we have HOPE! There’s more than just this life we’ve been handed! I’m on the lookout for God to show me some specific way to give hope to someone else, even when I’m feeling a little hopeless today myself. Go get em girls!
IM ALL IN !! I an going to text 2 people in my life that I feel really need God in their lifes to find hope and guidance..My children and myself are going through some tough times right now Proverbs 31. Devotionals really speak to me, I start my morning by reading them daily really looking forward to receiving emails from you as well. Helps me to know others have pulled through struggles by following the Lord.
I’m all in!!! I’m in need of hope so I can’t wait to give hope out of my own need!
I’M ALL IN!!! What an amazing way to start my day with renewed hope and the opportunity to share it with others! Today will be a GREAT day
I am all in! I will post comments on three friend’s FB walls today telling them what I love about them, and I will text two people Bible verses.
Thanks for your devotional today. I too, am feeling hopeless. I have allowed money/things to be my god for most of the 22 yrs I have been married. I have hidden these “things” from my husband and buried us in credit card debt. About 18 months ago we moved to a new city, and during this time I have had three different jobs that ended in my not working at this time. My husband has encouraged me to volunteer at the crises pregnancy center and mentor a couple of young women from our church, which I LOVE to do!! However, due to my lack of self-discipline and control, I am now watching my husband struggle to pay the bills and feeling so ashamed of myself. We live pay check to pay check and have no Christmas money. He is SUCH a good man, and I am not helping him pay back the horrible debt I incurred. Six months ago we committed to God that we would get out of debt, and now we are unable to really do that because we only have one income. I feel hopeless, ashamed and unworthy of my husband’s love and grace, and feel that God should just let me crash and wallow in my ruin. Yet at the same time my husband and I both have a peace that I am doing what I should be doing. Today,I will try to have hope, and try to bring hope to those around me.
God bless you, Lynita. God has forgiven you, and it sounds like hubby has, too. You are loved. Hold your head up, we all do stuff that we aren’t proud of…but God is working this together for your good.
I’m all in! Today I am in need of hope, but I feel God is calling me to look away from my needs and send hope to someone else. I will reach out to many of my friends through Face Book and leave them messages of love, hope and encouragement. Not sure how I found your blog today, other than devine direction, so glad I did.
I’m all in! I love this idea! I forget that when we sow hope into others’ lives, it restores hope in our own! Off to look for a full drive-thru! 🙂
Im all in
I’m All in! Thanks so much for these wonderful ideas!
I’m in. I’ve emailed and sent two texts. =]
I think this challenge forced me to be hopeful along with the people I wrote to.
I’m ALL IN!!! Your daily websites have been a Godsend over the last few months and continue to do so. I so wish to be able to make a difference as you are doing. Thank you!
I’m all in…incredibly I have already done a couple of these things today…I have a friend who was having a bad morning and wasn’t sure she was going to make it to work…prayed for her over a text message (you have to use what works) and she made it to work, even stopped by my room (I’m a teacher) and mouthed “thank you” to me…I send a mass text every week day to a group of ladies who are trying to get healthy…this mornings was a message from the Bible from 1Cor about how you should treat your body…I am loving the idea of leaving a basket of goodies…I have a new back door neighbot that I need to welcome to the neighborhood…I love to bring hope to my friends and new acquaintences…Thanks for spurring me further…
I’m all in! Just read your blog for the first time today (directed here by Proverbs 31) and I loved it! I would love to be a messenger of hope today. I have hope today because of Jesus and I want to share it with someone else who may need to be reminded of his love for us and the hope we have in him. Thank you!
Im all in! What a great idea to encourage people and for us to step outside of our box.
I am ALL IN.! I need HOPE , am praying that through offering Hope today, God will work on my heart.
I’m all in! I appreciate your sharing about a tough time, that takes courage! Thanks for the suggestions I’m going to do several. We never know when someone needs us to be the bridge for them.
I’m all in! First of all, I will stop thinking of my situation as hopeless and concentrate on offering others hope! Secondly, thank you for the hope you have give me today through God’s word. Bless you!
I’m all in! I have been in a hopeless place, and others have stood in the gap for me. Today I will attempt to give others the hope they need.
I’m all in! I also am in need of hope today so this is a good reminder to give to others what we also desire!
I’m all in!
Every April, I encourage my friends and family to do something nice for someone else, a random act of kindness, in memory of my Mom. However, a R.O.A.K. should be practiced every month, every day!
I’m all in! Read the Crosswalk Encouragement for Today and love your idea of hope!
I’m all in. I need hope for a broken marriage. I need hope that my husband will have faith in Jesus’ healing power. I need hope that my heart will heal. I need hope that this separation will not be permanent. I need hope that my sweet son will be OK though all of this. I want hope for two other girls who I know are going through similiar trials-and I am forwarding the Proverbs 31 Devotional to both of them.
sorry i didnt get to finish my first post.
I had left a message on a yong girls post this morning before seeing the P31 devo. But hey I am all in! i will go and leave messages on others FB now!
sorry i didnt get to finish my first post.
I had left a message on a young girls post this morning before seeing the P31 devo. But hey I am all in! i will go and leave messages on others FB now!
I’m all in!
I’m all in, too! Ephesians 6:10 is the verse I adopted for this year. Thank you for encouraging me to continue on!
I am all in!!! I also found your blog thru P31! What a BLESSING it was to me today. I will write my children a note to leave on their pillow and pray for an extended family member during school pick-up carline today. 😉
What a wonderful idea. This is what I did. I worked retail for over 12 years and I can remember how tired one can get and the challenge of dealing with really cranky customers. So this past weekend with it being a huge shopping weekend and all, I wrote out little cards telling the person how wonderful and special they are and left them in places where people would find them. I can’t say this was all of my idea, The World Needs More Love Lettes is what inspired me. A 22 year old woman started this and I was really moved.
I’m all in! I’m going through an unwanted separation and need an extra dose of hope. It’s easy just to focus on my situation but getting outside myself always seems to help. Not sure how I’m going to put this into action yet, but I know a situation will present itself since I will be on the lookout for it.
God bless you, Kirsten.
I’m all in!!! Great post and challenge! This is something needed more now in these times than ever!! God Bless!
I’m all in!! Great challenge!!
Nicki, “I’m all in.” Very inspired by your devotional thoughts for today. God can bring so much into our lives through what we perceive to be misfortunes. I am reminded of Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Many times we omit the last portion of this verse when quoting it. I would like to say it is quite evident that you have been called according to His purposes. Thank you for what you do.
Thank you for listing things in your challenge that any one can do – you don’t have to have financial means to bring hope to someone else’s life. It is so easy to give a smile or a simple encouraging comment to others. We need to give hope to others everyday.
I’M ALL IN!!! What a great challenge!
“I’m all in.” Our granddaughter lives with us and we were awakened about 7 AM to learn that she had been involved in a car accident on the way to school this morning. Praising the Lord that neither she, her unborn child or the other person involved was injured. She needed a word of encouragement and hope this morning which I was able to give to her as she was feeling down and depressed about this accident which was her fault. Thanks for your blog, it was my first time on it and I was actually feeling a little overwhelmed with the thought of the added expense to our family because of this accident, especially at this time of the year. It always helps to be reminded that God is with us through every situation, even when things feel hopeless to us. God Bless.
I’m all in! I’m facing some challenges right now myself, married a little more than a month and being a stepmom to my husband’s college-aged son home for Thanksgiving, visiting my former husband’s in-laws for Thanksgiving, attempting to organize a combined household. Even when blessings pour, it can be a time of being overwhelmed. I feel my focus–which should always be on Christ–is just everywhere. This challenge will definitely take the focus off of me! 🙂 Thank you.
I’m all in! Thank you so much for your encouragement. My husband and I are too going through a very rough time financially. Thank you for reminding me that there is hope!
I’m all in
I’m all in! What a wonderful challenge, I have chosen to send my two daughters a text Bible verse. My oldest is going through a great many challenges as a single mother,difficulties at her job and just trying to make ends meet. My youngest daughter is in the last portion of finishing her BS in Criminal Justice, a full time wife and mother of 3 little ones. I know they could use a verse so I sent them a verse for encouragement from Romans 8:28.
I am all in!
I found your BLOG through Proverbs 31 Ministries, and I am encouraged. The timing of the message from God has was perfect. So many people around me are struggling to find hope, and I needed to be challenged to reach out to them in every way I can instead of worrying about my own STUFF!
God has used you in an incredible way in my life today. I pray that I can pay it forward.
I’m all in! I have been through the ringer the last four years…finding myself in a place I never expected and my hope is running low. Your Proverbs 31 message touched me because I have questioned God so much in the valleys of my circumstance. I love the idea of taking the focus off of me to focus on caring for others…just like Jesus did!
I’m all in! I will post on 3 friends fb wall who need encouragement.
I sent the devotion and challenge link to 2 ladies I go to church with that are holding on to their last bit of hope it seems. I forwarded it to one person at work who is in the hardest challenge of their life. THANK YOU!
Well, the God flashlight shone directly at my forehead after reading your message. I was wallowing in self pity because I lost a dear, dear friend to liver cancer, and we celebrated her homecoming to Heaven on Saturday. I was pouting because although I was a faithful caretaker, I was not family, and thus did not get all the support, like cards, meals, etc. I was really feeling lost, and well, HOPE-less, LOL! But what a revelation – I need to BE the spreader of hope, and in return I will FEEL the hope again! Brilliant! So of course, I’M ALL IN!!! (And thanks for getting me back on track!)
I sent the devotion and challenge to 2 ladies from church who are clinging to hope. Also sent to a person at work facing the toughest time in their life. I’m in my toughest season and Romans 5:3-5 is my life verse. Loved that 5:5 was part of your power verses. THANK YOU!
I’m ALL in! Love your challenge …… I’m signing up for your blog!
I’m all in! At least I think I am. I make so many promises that I don’t keep. I hope this day is different.
I’m all in! I’m a Scottish reader though so no competition for me but thanks for the great idea. X
Thank you for bringing this message today 🙂
I’m all in!! I’m so happy I found your blog. I have followed you on twitter and read your devotions through P31, but didn’t event think about you having a blog. 🙂
I plan on texting some verses to girlfriends who I know need it as well as encourage others on facebook!
Blessings…thanks for your story. What a message of HOPE!
I’M ALL IN! I have done this kind of thing many times in the past, however I am going to make a commitment to do it on a more REGULAR basis! Thanks for the suggestion! It’s a GREAT idea!! I recently had to face the same challenge as you, that of having my home re-possessed, because the Mortgage company decided to change their rules on mortgaging (NOT because I had missed mortgage payments in the 1st 5 years I owned the home) and the Canadian Gov’t changed the qualifications too, so I couldn’t qualify to get a mortgage with anyone else! So, they took back my home & started an avalanche of other debts tumbling down on my from utility companies etc. (because I had been on a budget for utilities) so I am seeking a proposal to clear my debt (the last step before bankruptcy!) I also wondered why God would allow me to lose the house I felt he had GIVEN me 5 years ago, but it has turned out to be a blessing as I now have LESS financial responsibility and the upkeep will be far less burdonsome to me as I am getting older and have a lot of pains in my body and now will not have to cut grass or shovel snow where I am! There are other blessings about out new apt., but also some things I wish I had still with the owned home, but I CHOSE by FAITH to believe God was working ALL things for my benefit and His Glory and am content to be where I am now until He moves me somewhere else! HALLELUJAH, I give Him PRAISE!
This is wonderful- I’m all in!!! 🙂 I have been so encouraged by others giving me a call or sending me a message of their prayers and love, I absolutely will do that for someone today. And how great to go before the Lord and have Him let me know just who needs that extra encouragement. Thank you for sharing!
I’m All In!Thank you for your story of hope. I will write 2 people today to encourage them.
Hi Nicki!
Thank you for sharing your inspired and inspiring post today! I’m all in! I’ve been discouraged this week (and it’s only Tuesday!) this is just what I needed!
I am praying for you and your family during this time of transition- it’s not easy, but as you’ve said, you are not alone. Our God is eternal, and his faithful promises are not on back order! Your joy will be restored and your cup overflowing!
It seems when we are serving, obstacles come before us and try to distract us. I love your idea to keep focused on hope in action.
I plan to bake breads for a fundraiser, and text some Bible encouragement. I’m excited to see what other opportunities present themselves today to share hope with others!
Jodi =]
I am all in!!! Sent scripture to my oldest daughter and son. They have seemed to forgotten God’s promises for their lives. Thank you for this wonderful reminder today.
I’m all in
I am all in! thank you for this challenge I am going to ask God to place someone on my heart to pray about and then email them or call them (-;
Im all in!! Walk with the King!
I’m all in!!!
I have a co-worker who has recently lost his mom, and his dad is also terminally sick. I received a book from a ministry on grief during the holidays that has helped me in my situation, and it has been on my heart to pass it on…so I will pass this along to him today, along with a handwritten note.
Thanks for the inspiring post Nicki!
I’m all in!! I will post on three people’s Facebooks and I will text two people Bible verses. I will also pray that God puts somebody on my heart that I can help and give hope to and I will try to make them a goodie basket or go out for icecream. I know that this is probably selfish, but I hope that somebody I know takes this challenge and gives me hope today.. I could use a little!! Your blog fell into my lap that the perfect time 🙂
I’m all in!
I’m all in!!!
I am sending a scripture text to my three teenage kids! Thank you for the great ideas, looking forward to viewing your blog in the future!
I’m All In!!! Thank you for all you shared today, this was just what I needed to read! I have needed hope many times, and today I will share hope with three people on facebook. Thank you for this great idea! God bless!
” I AM ALL IN”. Such a message of hope. Thank you.
I AM ALL IN! This was a great reminder for me today. Thank you so much for this message. I look forward to sharing it.
I’M ALL IN! I appreciate the challenge, and I am excited about shining THE LIGHT into someone else’s darkness today, bringing rays of HOPE. I will write on the facebook wall of three people, text a scripture to two people and call someone that God puts on my heart. I am uber excited about this! Thanks Nicki!
I am ALL in!!!
I AM ALL IN!! I am going to put together a basket of necessary groceries and deliver it in the night to my family members who are struggling to make ends meet.
So encouraging for us all! I’m in. Thanks for this post!
Hi, my name is Rose and I to need Hope. There are many things that have happened in my life like also being a victum of forecloser and the devestating affect it had on my family! I ended up divorced and losing a place for me and my 3 youngest sons to call home. It has been 4 yrs and I still do not feel home except at church on Sunday and I know God is with me all the time but for some reason being there on Sunday is the best!! I continue to struggle and I pray that someday it will be just as God intended!!! As for my sons they all need prayer and Gods Love to surround them and good people to be in there lives!!! Thank you so much for giving me this oppertunity to share my thoughts with you. I am lonely and that is hard!!!! God Bless You All!!!!
I will pray for you and your children. I wish you all of God’s blessings, including friends who will lift you up in the Lord’s name.
P.S. I’M ALL IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“I’m All In”
I just read your devotional on Proverbs 31. You quoted 2 of my favorite scriptures I often use to encourage my GIG (girlfriends in god).
Today my HOPE would be that God would use me to lift up a 95 yr old I care for. My inspiration & desire is to bring LIGHT 2 LIFE (taken from John 8:12) in those God places in my life…either thru painting or caregiving.
Thank you so much for sharing & being transparent with us. That gives me HOPE 🙂 May God continue to bless you. Blessings Kim from Ontario Canada
I’m ALL in!
I’m excited about how and who God will put in my heart to encourage and give them hope. Thanks and blessings.
I’m ALL in! ! ! Thank you for the reminder. Reminding my own adult kids about a situation in our lives not to long ago where we were in the position needing to be encouraged by others.
Thanks first of all for sharing your story, and Thanks for giving the challenge. I just got in from work- but I will post on facebook and possibly text scriptures. I will pray that God will lead me where I need to plant words of hope and encouragement. When we reach out to others in our own need, wonderful things happen : )
Oops! forgot to write “I’m All In!”
I’m ALL IN! I shared your message with two friends – one who went through your experience not too long ago and needs your encouragement. The other is speaking at a Ladies Tea in Dec. on the subject of her new book – The Hope Perspective. “Hope” is her constant message as God has sustained through several devastating losses, including her daughter’s death.
Nicki, you are such a sweet inspiration to me ever since we met at She Speaks years ago. I so enjoy seeing how God is using you.
And I must add – ALL IN was the rallying cry for the NY GIANTS to win last year’s Super Bowl. My friend Gian Paul Gonzales shared the inspirational message with the team and they caught his vision and went all the way! Can you tell I’m a big fan lol?? So I love that you used ALL IN for this challenge.
Much love,
I’m all in! The first time seeing your name this morning in a Proverbs 31 e-mail, and I clicked on your blog, and was so uplifted by your video and read your list of suggestions and prayed. I applied one this evening when I learned that a friend lost a loved one over the weekend. I remembered you and your message and had courage to respond and the Lord wanted me to let you know. You are a Blessing! Thank You.
I’m all in!! Loved your Poverbs 31 devotional. I really needed that message of hope right now, so thanks!
I’M ALL IN! I’m new to your blog and I love your sweet down to earth spirt. I can’t wait to be an encouragement to someone else.
I’M ALL IN! What a great idea! Posted Jeremian 29:11 as my status.
I’m all in. I hand delivered a sympathy card and flowers to a friend that just lost her grandmother and I’m going to let 3 people know how much I love them before I go to bed tonight. What a great challenge! Imagine the impact it made! From the top down! Praise GOD!
Lori Prehar
I read your devotion this morning. It’s a story which needs to be told. You did a good job. The economy has wreaked havoc on so many.
I just wish you had been more transparent in the entire story. You show pictures of living in a beautiful house, but never say your family is living with your mom and dad. Write how it is to live in a three generation household: the tensions, the finances, the future… Write about how it still isn’t tied up in a nice bow, but where there is still hope. Write about what would have happened if your family hadn’t taken you in. These are the stories you can tell. It is the reality of today.
I am all in. Your message about hope is what I needed to hear today.
I just read this and it’s so neat! I can’t wait to get started! I’m All In! May I spread HOPE!
I’m all in! Thank you for the great ideas! I decided on a combination of some.
I’m all in! One thing I signed up to do recently is with, which is about writing and leaving random kind notes and letters for people as well as letters of encouragement to certain people…it’s a really cool idea!
I’m All In!!
Jesus has totally been in my face this week about finding hope in Him, and trusting Him with our future. I really liked your Proverbs 31 devo today, it definitely spoke to my heart! So to pass on some encouragement this week I plan to encourage 3 people on Facebook. And, perhaps I’ll do something anonymously for someone too, that would be fun for sure!
CommentI’m all in! I’ll make time to call a friend tonight that’s going through a rough season and tell her I’m praying for her and how much she means to me.
I’m all in. We all need hope at different times in our lives and need to share the hope that we’ve been given to others. Thanks for the challenge.
I’m all in! There are so many people who need that whisper of hope, and I can be that whisper for my friends and colleagues. As I offer words of encouragement to them, I will also be strengthened and encouraged!
I’M ALL IN! What a blessing to be in the company of those who are there or have been there. Hope is my daily bread, He is my strength and I am thankful to look for opportunities to bless and encourage others! Thank you for your willingness to follow God’s instruction to share something so personal to be His instrument.
This morning during my prayer time I prayed for two dear friends of mine who are going thru personal problems. After asking God to guide them and give them peace, I texted them to notify them that they were in my prayers. I encouraged them to stay strong and to put their trust in The Lord. I reminded them how much I care for them and that they were not alone . It was very rewarding to read their responses to my texts. God is good!
I’m all in! I prayed for God to put someone on my heart and I am going to call her and invite her to breakfast.
Thanks so much for this blog post and the P31 devo!!
I’m all in!
Just bought someones morning coffee and said a prayer for them. (easy to do since I work at a coffee shop)
I’m all in! I know I’m a few days late for this challenge, Nicki, but just catching up on my devotionals! Of course, in His perfect timing, God intended that I would read your devotional TODAY, 24 hours after attending my Moms in Prayer group and pouring my heart out for my teenage son. He is at a place of, well, hopelessness; and the enemy wants to make me join him there. But I refuse!! I will fight the good fight, and believe FOR my son while I wait on God to work hopefulness and belief in his heart. In the meantime, I will spread more hope through Facebook and texting — thank you for the ideas! — and humbly ask that if there is anyone who reads this and desires to join me in prayer for my son, Noah, I would be so grateful!
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