Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas

Hi friends,

I truly hope each of you have a very Merry Christmas!

Life has been very full so I haven’t had much time to blog or write lately. I miss it terribly and I’m hoping in this new year I can get on a better writing schedule.

We are in Seattle visiting my brother this year so lot’s of pictures to come. 🙂

Here’s our Christmas card [that never got mailed, boo] this year. Hope you enjoy it. 🙂

What are your Christmas/New Year’s plans? I’d love to hear from you today.

Merry Christmas friends! The best is yet to be…




  • What a year it has been. My father passed away this year after a long battle with prostate cancer. We had not been close in a long time; however I find my heart aching and thinking back to Christmas pasts. Every Christmas Eve, we would go and seek out the perfect tree and then put it up. The fresh smell of pine was the best smell ever and we would decorate it all up and even put tinsel on it. I tell you the truth, you could literally hear the tree shimmer. It was beautiful and a star would always be on top and the old manger on the bottom, the one where the little lamb was missing that now sits under my own tree 35 years later! I have searched for other nativities but none seem to be able to replace the original! We take so much for granted, especially when we are young. We forget what is important. We think those we love will be around forever and that we have all the time in the world to say and do what we want! This Christmas, I am reminded just how short life is as I celebrate with my own children and hold them very close. This year on purpose we gave smaller presents. How could we have a big Christmas when there are people who just buried their own children or those who still don’t have power or even a home due to the hurricane that came through. Christmas is about love. God loved us so much He sent His son here to save us all. As I hold my children near I am so incredibly thankful to not only be alive, but to believe and to know I am saved. I am a daughter of the Most High. I may not understand all His ways, but my prayer is that I may and can serve Him all the days of my life. I also pray that just as I remember the Christmas traditions of my past, that my service to Him would become the tradition my family practices in their own lives with genuine hearts for Him. That is my Christmas wish this year, that my whole family would come to have a personal relationship with Him. When I think of who I was and where I had come from, I am in awe of how God has always been in my life, even when I didn’t think so. If you haven’t trusted in Him before, all you have to do is say “Jesus, I believe in You, I believe you came to this world to die for my sins, please forgive me for all of the wrong I have done and please come into my heart!” If you have let Jesus come into your heart this Christmas, then please know, your life will never be the same and you have been blessed! Merry Christmas and Christmas blessings to you and yours!

  • What an adorable Christmas card! It’s too bad you weren’t able to send them out, but that’s the holiday season for ya! Hope you had a merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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