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I am in a season of grief…overwhelming grief. I lost my husband in a tragic accident 19 weeks 5 days ago…leaving me and my two sons to enter into a new journey. I think of the song by Plumb that talks about being on a road I didn’t plan…and that sums it up. My husband was a bi-vocational pastor, so our faith has always been strong. It is still strong but I am weak right now and just holding on. Thank you for your devotional…I was searching this morning for something to touch me and I came upon your blog. Again thank you for your blessings to my soul this morning.
Dear Lori,
First of all allow me to offer my sincere condolences to you and your sons. For someone who has been through some terrible times, including deaths, I wish I could tell you what you can do to make it all go away or at least much better and right now. There is no such magic. This is something that has to be walked out one day at a time. When the day is better appreciate and accept it and thank Him for it. When the day is horrible just concede that its a bad day but the day will end and tomorrow will be new. Hang on to Him for all your worth. God wasnt caught half asleep when your world fell apart, He already knew what He would do to provide for you and yours. That is what He is in the process of doing right this minute. Keep your eyes on Him and let them be immovable. There is no way He will let you down and theres no way He will not be right beside you every minute of every day no matter what it looks like. Best to you and your sons. I’m going to write ”lori and sons” in my permanent prayer list. These are people i pray for all day every day. God bless you always, all ways, Joe Cantone
My prayers go out to you and your family . May you feel God’s comforting presence in your life in this season.
Thanks so much Nicki for sharing from your heart today. It is difficult to recognize, and often even more difficult to admit when you have allowed yourself to slip into a zone where you feel like you have been neglecting God and the relationship He longs to have with you. My life has recently taken a turn that has sort of manipulated my schedule in a way that is stretching me far beyond the norm. My husband recently was promoted in his job, but had to relocate temporarily as part of the promotion agreement. He is currently working nearly 6 hours from home which, obviously, means he
is not living in our home on a daily basis right now. He is working a 10 days on/4 days off schedule. This change has left me in a position of great responsibility here at home. Just this past week I fell days behind in my “one year read through the Bible” plan. As I was reading your devotion today, I see how easily this happened.
I am repeating your prayer that I will be intentional with my steps toward God each day. . . through Bible reading, prayer and those quiet listening moments. Thanks again for this gentle reminder. God Bless you today in a very special way.
I so needed this today. Thanks Nicki! My husband and I are in financial bondage literally – we go 2 steps forward and then get knocked 4 back. Cannot get out of debt just get deeper. He had quad bypass in August and a stroke a week later and he is self employed. Now medical bills have piled up! We owe thousands in back taxes that I was not aware of until he got sick and I had to take over so now we have that. So lately I am so consumed with all this stuff that my time with God is not really “Time with God”. I hurry through just to mark it off and don’t sit and listen to Him like I used to. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and truly make Him a priority in my life
Thank you Nicki for your 2 minutes of wisdom, and for your candor! Wow I know exactly what you mean about missing God…I made sure I have an appointment with him each morning and what an amazing difference that makes…To check in with him before my day!! God Bless you.
So glad to have found your blog through P31. I LOVE the two minute Tuesday idea and will certainly be subscribing.
My season right now is of unexpected empty nest and my mama heart is struggling. Last August my 21 year old daughter had a baby out of marriage and now lives with her boyfriend. This week my 20 year old son is moving in with his girlfriend.
Both of my children were raised to know the Lord and have both chosen for now to walk away from everything they knew.
It is very hard, BUT GOD!!!! I find it absolutely CRUCIAL to have my time with God every day. It does not always look the same, but it is necessary to my health in every way…..I love Jesus so much and I know that He is with me….and my children….through these difficult times.
I look forward to more of your insights.
My ‘season’ would best be described as a ‘spring’ right now. My youngest is two now and will play on her own briefly, so the house is starting to get reshaped and decluttered. We’re still adjusting to a refiance we did recently, allowing us to actually start having emergency savings and long-term savings goals. My husband had me sit in a Christan bookstore one night for over an hour to let me fiddle and hem and haw about which Bible I thought was best for me, and then we actually bought it, so I’m starting to read my Bible again and be more excited about doing so. God had it set in motion for me to go to a Ladies Retreat a few weeks ago, and it renewed my focus. The resoures discussed and used during the retreat has led me to Proverbs 31 and now here, which I think I’ll start following on a more regular basis now too. I have rough days still (like yesterday when my youngest ate too many candies and cookies and puked at midnight), though it’s clear in my mind without any doubt God is telling me it’s time to refocus my attention to Him again. My extremely rough pregancy has long past, and my youngest is no longer colicky, teething, or croupy and becoming more independant. The season for me is changing and blossoming.
Nicki, your devotional really resonated with me, and through it, I found your blog. I so understand where you’re coming from because I was in that exact same spot late last year. As I approached the new year, I asked God to make some changes an, boy did He! Since that time, I have become unemployed and have taken a leave from several,organizations that kept me super busy. My initial intent was to grow closer in my relationship and assist my bivocational Pastor husband in growing our congregation. In my current situation, He has given me an abundance of time in which to do just that! I guess my appointment and annointing were on the same collision course for 2013.
Thank you Nicki! Your devotional and blog post have blessed me today! I am in a season of extreme flexibility. I lost my job and my children are still in school, but are in upper grades and independent. I have alot of unstructured time and am a person who works well with structure. Therefore, I find myself wasting alot of time on foolish things. Your message today reminds me that this is only a season and I must use it wisely. Thanks for the reminder. I am praying for direction and putting one foot in front of the other as I type this message! Have a blessed day!
Nicki, thank you for sharing practical tools with us in your devotional today and for your great two minute message! The verse you shared is one of my very favorite verses because it shows me that He knows us and has a purpose for our lives. I love the season of life I am in right now teaching and writing curriculum. But sometimes I neglect my own time in the Word because I am in it so much for other purposes. Thank you for reminding me today to be in the Word for myself…to spend time with my Savior for no other purpose other than to know Him more.
Blessings to you today,
Ive been in a stretched (desert time) for two years and at least one more year to finish my degree. God’s time is good even when I don’t understand it or like it. Thank you for openly sharing your time mgmt struggles. I’ve been feeling helpless and guilty for sometime now.. it just helps knowing I’m not alone on this path.
Nicki, I so enjoyed your devotional this morning, I simply had to come to your blog too. I am so glad I did. I am not sure what I would say my season is. Part of me feels like I am in a season of complete upheaval. Partly because I am working in what I felt was my dream, but it is a daily struggle, and then there is a part that longs for another dream. I feel like I am disappointing God by not moving where I am at enough. Most of all I just truly know that it is time for me to be more intentional in my time with God. I reach out and pray to him and share with Him daily, but I know there could be more. I really need to start making more time for God to share with me too. It has been a bit one sided. Thank you for your encouragement.
I feel so blessed to have found your Two Minute Tuesday. The message of anointing and appointment was exactly what I needed. I was praying over this very situation this morning. I have been blessed to take a break from teaching this year to focus on my own boys, health, and home. It was a real step of Faith for us financially, but as always…God is good. However, it has also been a struggle for me over the past few weeks emotionally not to feel guilty or like I am “wasting” myself/degree by stepping away from my career. You know that feeling that you might be passing up the chance of a life time. Your words helped me to remember that this is a season about raising these beautiful children God has blessed us with and investing in them. I do trust God has the right job set aside for me in his perfect time. Thanks for sharing.
Well I just randomly stumbled upon this blog today. Thanks for the encouragement. I have spent all day researching the history of the Bible. Instead of feeling like a complete moron for being Christian with zero knowledge of the Bible, I feel anointed in this season of research! Thanks for the encouragement (:
I am thanking God that I was obedient and visited your blog and received a confirming word about knowing what season I am in. I too have to begin saying no to some things and people so I can begin saying yes to what God wants me to say yes to. He has put it on my heart to begin spending more time with in the evening. I pray that I will not be distracted or attracted by antything that prevents me from being prepared for the appointed time that He has for me.
Oh what a wonderful post and devotion. I am in a season of learning to say no. My twins are 16 and I work fulltime as a teacher and I have had to realize that God wants me to slow down and breathe a bit. I don’t have to say yes to everything and I need to place it before HIm and allow Him to show me the path of His choice. It has been hard but so rewarding and freeing. I am realizing that I am drawing closer to Him because He has nudged me to take this leap of faith. Thank you and praying for you this week as God helps you make decisions.
Nicki…I am here because you shared on Proverbs 31 today. It’s such an encouragement to me to see your generation seeking after God! I’m 56 years old, and am a point in my life where our three children are all grown and married, and, with their spouses are serving the Lord! They have blessed my husband and me with seven GRANDchildren. I know I am called to teach, and have fulfilled that calling for the last seventeen years in a public school setting, as well as in a small group setting at church. Lately I’ve been prompted that His calling to “Go ye therefore and teach” may include a totally different type of teaching ministry in a future season of my life. I had a very definite experience several years ago when The Lord revealed Jeremiah 33:3 to me. I’ve prayed this Scripture at various times for several years, and have come to realize that The Lord has more for me to do. When you began to talk today about seasons of life, I knew exactly what you meant! I’m desperate for God…and for Him to use me wherever He places me. I get excited just thinking about what He is going to show me! Thanks for your encouragement.
Dear Nikki, thank you for your words! I am in a season of ???, not sure what to call it but I know I need God for it! Trying to right for my widowed, 87 year old aunt, she suffers from Alzheimer’s and is not doing well. Her money is running out and she needs 24/7 care. She lives 300 miles away, I’m her DPA and trying to pay her bills. I love her very much, this is breaking my heart seeing her “disappear”. I think this is my appointment from God. I am handing over to God my worries but I know I must do it daily in prayer, thanks for the message!
I will say a prayer for all your hardships, there are many I see who need Gods help. I hope he hears me and helps everone here. God I pray you hear me and help everyone of these good people here with their needs. I Pray you see these pleas from all here and gide them. Only you God can comfort like no one else, we Love and praise you and ask for your help. Amen.
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