Well, most likely if you are reading this blog today its because you’ve hopped on over from the Proverbs 31 Ministries devotion.
Because… um, hello my last blog post was on February 12th, so probably not many people have been hanging out here. 🙂
But… I’ve had good reason.
Being on staff at Proverbs 31 Ministries has been such a blessing, gift and truly amazing!
But y’all… life got busy when this momma went from working one day a week to 4 or 5 days a week! And its taken me quite awhile to find a good rythm to being a wife, mom, P31 staff member, speaker, writer and oh yes… blogger.
I’ve missed this little blog so today’s the PERFECT day to get back to this community!
Today through Friday I am giving away a copy of Lysa TerKeurst’s new Unglued Devotional.
I’m really excited about this devotional because it is JUST what busy women need. It includes a daily opening Scripture, Thought for the Day, devotion, and closing prayer, this book helps readers begin a 60-day journey in learning to positively process raw emotions, such as fear, anger, and regret.
All you have to do is leave a comment and tell me where you are from! 🙂 Easy entry. I’ll pick the winner on Friday and I’ll be back with some of the things I’ve discovered about being a working wife and mom. Good and Bad. 🙂 Stay tuned!
Happy entering!!
I am from Sri Lanka
Hi I am Tammy from Southern California! Book sounds amazing.
God Bless you all!
I have been read the book Unglued for a few months and it feels like it was written for me, except I don’t have kids but 23 students with me each day. I really feel like God is trying to teach me how to deal with conflict and I dont’ seem to be getting in..and making the same mistakes over which is disheartening. I would like to dig deeper into the book with this devotionsl. I am from Ontario, Canada. thanks
Hi I am from Sri Lanka. I read your P31 devotions daily. I am really excited about this devotional because it is really what busy moms need!
I am originally from Wichita,Ks but grew p traveling on the road from age 6 to 21. I have seen 48 states and hope(Lord willing!) to see Hawaii and Alaska this year. Oh I live in Awesome and beautiful Colorado Springs,CO! 🙂
Unglued keeps coming up in my conversations with friends & even my husband. He told me the other day “I’m worried about you, I’m noticing you’re starting to come unglued with your emotions”. I could use a little encouragement here in Arizona!
Hi Nikki!
So glad to have you back 🙂
I’m from Panama City Beach, FL
It’s 2:30 am. I’m up because my 2 year old son needed to go potty and I heard my phone ding with new email. P31 email. I’m struggling with being a peacemaker, peace bringer or anything peaceful when it comes to my kids. So glad now that God has me up right now to read today’s devotion and your blog post. Unglued keeps creeping up and I am going to have to give in and buy it if I can’t win it. Thanks for offering this giveaway, your work at P31 and your blog. Looking forward to reading more from you.
Elkhorn, NE
Hi Nicki, I am from Hayden, Alabama. Thank you for giving us this opportunity. I am looking forward to hearing about your journey and following you as you continue on. God Bless 🙂
Yep, I hopped over from he P31 devotion! I love your 2 minute Tuesdays. I will be back for those! I am Susan from Greensboro, NC and I would love a copy of “Unglued Devotioal”. If I don’t win on Friday I will go to th P31 store and buy one. Winning is just more fun! Thanks for the fabulous devotion. I have already shared it with my special girls.
I enjoyed your devotion, Peacemaker, this morning. It was an ever present reminder in my life at the moment. Thank you and God Bless you!!
Plam Bay, FL
I could really use some glue right now…feel broken into many pieces and having some trouble finding my way back to wholeness
Hi Nicki,
I am Bev from Pennsylvania.
Hi Nikki..My name is Katrina and I am from Fond du Lac, WI. Thanks for your words today!
Hi Nicky,
What a lovely message on P31…thank you so very much. I like the verse in this version:
Matthew 5:9 The Message (MSG)
“You’re blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That’s when you discover who you really are, and your place in God’s family.
I am from South Africa
Thanks Nikki for your devotional today on P31, I needed to hear that.
I am from Clearwater FL, may the Lord continue to bless you through this new chapter in your life.
Loved the P31 post, too! I’m from Blairsville, GA
Good to see you, and glad you are well.
I am from Charlotte, NC.
Best of luck with finding the balance from Holly Springs, NC.
Look forward to reading your upcoming posts about being a wife, mom and going to work. I went back to work 7 weeks ago and i am struggling to find peace and a balance. In Christ , Deb
Hi Nicki,
Being a good wife, motherhood, job- yes it’s all a juggling act. I am from Florence,SC and would love a copy of Lysa’s devotional! Have a great day! Traci
This would be exciting to start while I’m at home with new baby soon in Bellevue Ne
Toronto, ON, Canada
I am from Hackleburg, Al I really enjoyed your devotion. I struggle to try to be a peacemaker but I am getting better with the Lords help. Have a blessed day.
I’ve been following you for awhile now. I did find you from Proverbs 31 a few months ago. I would love a copy of this devotion. Her books and bible studies look so good. This devotional has been popping up so I’m thinking The Lord really wants me to read it. I will need to get a copy!
I’m Amamda from Michigan!
I’m from South Africa, residing in the U.K. Needing some warmth in my life!!
Freezing here. Xxx
I’m from Caroline, VA.
Peace is the fruit of the spirit that I believe God is trying to help me work through and do better….perfect timing for this devotional, thank you!!
I’m from Minnesota.
I’m from Muskegon, MI. I think Spring is finally coming to us. I hear birds chirping this morning and the smell of the earth is in the air! Yay!
Love your 2 minute blogs! Would love a free copy of Lysa’s book, but if not…have a blessed day and I will download it!
Trying to figure out my schedule too with a new job that has me traveling a lot! I’m in Smyrna, TN.
Carol 🙂
Liked your devo today. Will be back to visit your blog.
Spring, TX
I’m originally a city girl from Kansas City, Missouri; however, my husband’s job took us to small town USA, Lindale, Texas. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. Not! But interestingly enough, Lindale is full of ministry headquarters such as Mercy Ships, Teen Mania, and YWAM. Our town is also home to Dallas Holm and Paul Baloche. You never know what treasures God has for us, even in the piney woods of East Texas that I now call home.
Byron Center, MI
Praying for a peaceful day.
I live in Oconomowoc, WI. Thank you for all of your devotions! Have been such a great addition to my day! Thatnk you! Debra
Hello Nicki,
I am from Lawrenceburg, TN, Being a peacemaker is what I live for, unfortunatly in my positions as Pastor’s wife, Choir leader, Sunday school teacher, youth leader and volunteer secretary for our church it seems there are always those who strive to make peace unattainable. I loved and needed your devotion today, thank you for allowing God to use you to minister to those of us who are stuggling.
Serving my Master, Pamila :-}
Hi Nicki.
Yes, I have missed your blogs and it’s great to hear from you again. I’m Latosha in PA. Dutch Country! (-:
Great state of Texas. Thank you!
Gloucester, VA!!!
I am from Matthews NC. I was born and raised in Springfield Mass.I did the Unglued Study and I loved it!! This Unglued Devotional would be a great help to me in my unglued moments. God Bless to all
Hey Nicki! I’m from Bermuda!
Thank you for the encouragement about being a real peacekeeper/maker today. Stephanie Henderson Fort Benning,, Georgia
Wife…mother…employee…nope, there never seems to be enough time in the day! I struggle with finding a routine that works for me…AND my entire family! Oh, and I’m from Texas -’cause you wanted to know. 😉
Hi! Just hopped over from the P31 devo. Originally from Flushing, NY.
I loved your P31 post today. I liked that you acknowledged reading and memorizing one verse wasn’t enough to immediately become a peacemaker. I have read about half of Unglued, the book, and it has been helpful so far. I am from St. Louis, MO.
I’m from Michigan.
Great devotional today.
You have been a blessing to me today.
FROM Benton Arkansas
Wow, I needed your wisdom and writing today at P31. I blew it with my kids yesterday. I’m thankful and grateful God is bigger and spoke to me about my faults and errors and I confessed. Oh how the cross is bigger than my failure. Thank you for reminding me! God bless your balance as a working mom.
Leawood, KS
Born in Pennsylvania, raised in South Florida, live in Snellville, Georgia – had a few other stops in between, as well, but I think that covers the main points!
Hi, I’m from Bridge City, Texas.
Some days I could use SUPER glue to put me back together! Would love to win Unglued book. God Bless
Sorry, forgot to leave my city. collierville, TN
I am from Kannapolis, North Carolina 🙂
Good Wednesday morning from Southern Illinois! Thanks for the chance to win!
Struggling peacemaker from Pearland, Tx 🙂
I am from LaSalle, Mi
Hello there Nicki! I am a woman who is busy like you but I admire all of you who works on P31. I wonder how you manage and balance your time wisely. Some are just blessed with being organised and I am grateful I am reading all about your blogs- it helps me in everything: time for myself, family, work and God. Thank you for your words and encouragement. I even shared your ‘ANNOINTED AND APPOINTED’ message before on one of our bible studies. You are all lid lifters and an encourager to women like me! More power and God Bless! Michelle from Dubai.
Good morning from Pearland, TX
Welcome back!! I’m from Ohio
Hi, I’m from Romania. Thank you and all the other women at P31 for your wonderful ministry. God bless you all!
Love the search for balance:) Welcome back from Dallas, Texas!
I am from Kansas.
Yup i’m a peacemaker for everyone but me i’m tired of always taking the high road! Ungluded that is where my life is right now. Robinson, IL
Totally understand not having time to write. Thank you for the devotional today – we all struggle with being the peacemakers at times. Your devotional was refreshing and enlightened my day! Thank you for your ministry. I would love to win the journal as my husband and I are becoming empty nesters this month after raising three wonderful sons.
Oops – I’m from McDonough, Georgia. 🙂
Hi – My name is Tiffany and I am from San Angelo, Texas!
Hi! Thank you for the lessons the past 2 days. Its reminds me how important I can be in the lives of my co-workers, as well as with my 3 kids. Patience isn’t always easy as a single working mom but I know I have many people looking to me daily for love & encouragement.
Oh My! Was this devotional timely, or what?!?! Wishing peace would have reigned, but instead, I am carrying guilt for yesterday’s mistakes. It kept me up all night worrying, praying and physically exhausted! I, too, would love a little “encouraging glue” to help keep me together! Haha!
Frazzled Momma from Florida
Duluth, MN
Enjoyed the blog and encouragement of the today on Proverbs 31. I am from central Mississippi.
I am from Jonesboro, AR.
Chattanooga, TN
With three small children I definitely feel unglued at times! I live in Rolling Meadows, IL
I’ve been trying to figure out how to balance my life for 26 years! God has taught me so much and shown me how to rely on HIm and lay down the things that seem(ed) important to me but were just distractions to lead me away from what is truly important – the eternal! I’m grateful for the women of P31 who are so honest and open about their struggles. I look forward to reading the devotions everyday.
Still waiting for Spring to arrive here in MINNESOTA!
I am from Bakersfield, CA. I have missed your 2 minute Tuesdays!!
Hi Niki,
Thank you for your blog. I am a teacher and I have parent conferences this week. I will try by the grace of God, to keep the peace and remain calm and not get defensive. Thank you so much!
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Long Lake, MN
This devotional sounds wonderful! Something i could really use! I would read this then pass it on to my girlfriend who is going thru a divorce and could really use as well. Glad you’re back 🙂 I’m from Clarion, Pennsylvania.
Good morning. I’m from Traphill, NC and very much enjoyed your Proverbs 31 devotional today. Hope everyone has very blessed Easter.
I am from Kansas, and currently live in Colorado Springs. Thanks for your wise words
Hi Niki,
Thank you for the encouragement of the day and your blog. I always seem to read what I need 🙂 I’m from Fayetteville, NY.
Hi Nikki,
Your message this morning from P31 was a great reminder of how much God does love me. I dont have to worry about be viewed as weak because I rather say I am sorry first to bring peace in the midst of confusion. Thanks again for the awesome message, I am praying for God to give you extra strenght for this season of your life. Happy Resurrection Day. Sunny Clearwater, Florida
I always look forward to your blog posts! I’m from Stafford, Virginia and today is my birthday! Celebrating 41 years, 4 kids and a wonderful husband who took the day off from work to take me to lunch! God is so good.
I am from from Mississippi! Born and raised, had to venture away to see what the world was about, God brought me back Home! We serve a mighty and awesome unconditionally loving God!
Enjoyed your devotional this morning. It’s a great reminder to try to live in peace, especially with family (why is it that the ones dearest to our hearts have a way of irritating and hurting us the most?). Naomi from Berea, KY
I just happened upon the PV 31 website through KLOVE Radio and that led me to your blog. I too have become a working mom with two wonderful boys and a husband of 21 years. Somehow, God works out the kinks and you stand in awe at how He works it all out. May God bless you!
Hi Niki, So joyfilled that God sent you over to me today. I am from a small town just outside of Chicago. I most certainly could use this book “UNGLUED Devotionals” in my life at this time. It appears the enemy is slipping in to attack me from being all that God wants me to be. It would be a great blessing to glean from this book.
Oklahoma City, OK!!
I’m from a little steel city called Coatesville, outside of Philadelphia. I wanted to give you some encouragement to keep blogging! I always love to read about mommies who work and find out just HOW they do it!
Loved that Word this morning!!
Hannah from Sweet Home (Opelika) Alabama 🙂
I am a newcomer to your blog as I visited for the first time today! Loved your words and the way they spoke to me! I am a subscriber now!
I call Ada, Oklahoma home.
I’m from Mabank, TX. I’m new to your blog but enjoy your P31 devotions. Thanks for the encouragement!!
Encouraged by your words for the day from the Proverbs 31 devotional.
Oxford, MS
Nikki- I feel it! Praying for all of us busy “mommas”. I’ve lived all over the US – daddy and government job….starting out in Montana and heading east, Midwest, south, and northeast. Now living out west in Santa Cruz, CA with my wonderful husband, children and grandchildren. Truly blessed!
Life sure can become hectic! Glad you are back! I am from Wausau, Wisconsin, where we still have 2 feet of snow on the ground! Soooooooo ready for Spring and Easter full of less stress!
Hi Nikki,
Interesting blog entry you had on the P31 site. It’s timely as I’m not sure how to forgive…my fiance has been very weird since I moved to be closer to him and I’m about to leave him. He’s lied about quite a few things and it seems like he loves my money potential to help him get out of debt—not me. I’ve put all of his actions since my move into summary form and it just looks alot like that and I told him. I really do live by the golden rule…he sent me a mean text when i told him I couldn’t really help as much as I thought this time with his bills. I just didn’t respond. And now he’s trying to do small talk. So, he had texted he was done with us and now he’s going back…it’s really not fun at all but I’ll try to work on forgiveness of some aspects and let God do His thing with the rest. I keep praying for God’s will to be done and for me to behave and say what He needs me to. I’m from California but moved to North Dakota a few months back. 🙂 North Dakota is pretty and the folks are really nice but I’m just in a bad situation and will move back to where I lived years ago—Virginia! My friends there are looking forward to that. They’ve also been praying for my situation, so that is very thoughtful and caring of them. Thank you for today’s devotional.
Thank you for your words of encouragement in today’s devotion. I’m from the suburbs of Chicago.
My wife and I read the P31 devotional daily, among others. My wife is going through a trying season of pain and has been struggling with work and health related issues. Our 19 year old son is heading to boot camp at Parris Island the week after Easter. This will be a trying time for her. She has been and is a wonderful wife and mother through all of our 26+ years of marriage, even through all the ups and downs. She has grown into a strong woman of faith and was instrumental in leading me to the Lord almost 27 years ago. I am a walking miracle and am now in remission from a rare type of cancer. It has been quite the experience the past four years. My wife demonstrated true love, commitment and compassion during our struggle. I am just now realizing how much my wife and family were effected by my illness. I don’t like to see her in this much physical pain due to her health issues. She would, I think, really enjoy Lysa’s devotional and it would help to comfort her. We live in Pen Argyl, PA. Thanks and God bess!
My husbands son is 17 and leaving for Parris Island in August. I hope your wife will heal from her health issues. I will say a prayer for your family today.
Hi I am from Madison, North Carolina!
I’m from Madison, North Carolina.
Absolutely loved this mornings word. Thank you! I am from Orange County CA. This book sounds like a great summer book club challenge!
I am originally from Amityville, New York but I’ve lived in Arkansas for over 30 years so I call Benton, Arkansas my home!! God bless you!
I’m from Bay City, OR.
Hi, I’m Janice from Oakdale,California. I love my devotionals and this one from Lysa sounds great and uplifting…
It’s funny when you get whispers from God and revelations concerning things you are positive ” you need” but shown by Him you just don’t!:) peace has been the theme for a week or so in my prayers and the devotionals are showing me its just what I need to hear:) anyway thanks for your encouragement! Small town Indiana girl here!
Nicki, Thanks so much for sharing today, a much needed topic in our lives. Proverbs 31 is such a blessing and to see it is world wide is amazing. I live in Winchester VA and enjoy sharing information to others that I learn from all the giving women from Proverbs 31. Praying for all of you. Pam
Bettendorf, Iowa
My name is Jennifer. I an from New Jersey. I loved this devotional on peace today. Thank you for taking the time to share your insights on a scripture that is very familiar but often misunderstood.
Jenn Y.
New Madison, Ohio. I would be glad to give the copy if I won it, to ones who needed it more than I do. God bless!
Just wanted you to know I still read your blog when it comes on my email! Glad to know you are ok!
I’m from Hector, Arkansas. I got a email for your web-site today. My family and I have been going through some tough times. It was very encouraging to me. I believe the Lord sent it to me for encouragement.
I’m from Spokane Valley, WA
The Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas…
I am from Princeton,MN. Loved the devotional today, I really needed it 🙂 My life is so full of stress that I come unguled at the smallest things and then feel guilty. Unfortunately, my poor husband usually gets the brunt of it. I so want to be a shining light for God, especially for my husband so he will turn back to Him. I would love to read Unglued because I really think it would help.
A pennsylvainia girl, now living in North Carolina.
Thanks for all you do… P31 is awesome, and reading the devotions in the morning before work really makes a difference in my day!
I live in the middle of Illinois and would love a copy of Lysa’s book. Thank you!
I’m Connie from Rapid City, South Dakota. I purchased Unglued after reading it as a library loan. I had so many stickies marking the good spots I decided I should just buy it and I bought one for my daughter as well. I’m sure the devotional is very uplifting as well.
I’m from Tennessee now living in Colorado, and loving it. P31 helps me get through each day with a little more peace, especially today’s! Thanks for this, and know that I shared it with my entire team. If I were to win this book, I would read it and then share it with my daughter who is raising 4 sons, under 7! She needs all the blessings she can get! Be blessed and know you are blessing others!
I’m from Georgia, born and raised!
I am from Streamwood, IL. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book, it is one I have wanted for awhile now.
Great devotional! Came to me at a time that it was very needed. Royal. AR.
I am from sunny California!
I love this. I just finished Lysa’s book, but would love the devotional! I’m from Gladstone, MO.
Love your blog and I’m looking forward to future posts regarding busy moms 🙂
I am from Milton, FL
Thx for the chance to win from Chattanooga, TN.
I am from Hopkins MI
I am from Nashville, TN
Today was my first visit to your blog and your post really struck a chord with me. I’m from Visalia, CA.
Hi, My nameis Amy and I am from Houston, Tx.
As a mom of two boys, ages 4 & 7, I’m so encouraged by your posts; thank you! Gloria in Mechanicsville, MD
Pat Stephens, Ridgeway, VA
I live in Camden, Delaware and just went from working away from home 1 day a week to 4 as well. What a blessing to find your blog on THIS day!
from New Mexico 🙂
Hi. I’m Crystal from Palm Harbor, Florida.
YAY! I love the Unglued book – would love to have the devotional to go with it!
It is always so nice to hear other busy moms, espcially with careers, feel like I do – too busy, stressed and tired!
Thank you for your devotional today on Proverbs31 – I needed to be a Peacemaker….
So busy and over thinking — I am from Huntington, WV!!
Hey Nicki, great to see you back. I know what it’s like trying to juggle everything and being overly busy. WooHoo! Book giveaway of Unglued. I’ve read the first chapter off of Lisa’s site and it looks amazing. Anyhow, I’m originally from Vancouver, BC, Canada and work full time with Youth With a Mission in Brazil (i do have a canadian address too though.)
I’m from Chilliwack, B.C Canada. I just recently purchased Unglued and I’m LOVING adding it to my quiet time. 🙂
I am April from Tahlequah, Oklahoma!
Glendale, WI
Tulsa, OK
I live in Sherwood Arkansas.
I’m from Michigan.
I’m from Arhens, Alabama!
From the Chicagoland area! 🙂
Yeah, everybody typos their own website address, right? *lol*
Hi I am from Southern CA
Hi! I am from Chandler, AZ. 🙂
Your devotional on being a peacemaker hit home. I am a person who yearns for peace “at any cost.” That has led to some serious compromises which now I realize were to appease others. The Lord wants us to bring His peace to others, not by being a door mat but by abiding in Christ, dying to self and resting in God’s presence. His peace will resonate to others through the Christ expressed in our daily living.
Thanks too for the opportunity to win the book, “Unglued.”
I’m from Southern California.
I am originally from Chicago, Ill, but have now lived in Spokane, WA for the past 37 years. Enjoy your 2 min Tuesdays! Thanks for this offer!
Hello there, my name is Sarah and I am from MN.
Pick me please 🙂 Jenny King from Shelbyville, Kentucky.
El Paso, TX
Awesome! I’m from Borger, Texas
Oh how I would LOVE to win this. Can we put in multiple entries;) Kidding. God Bless the woman who wins this! I am from Tampa, Fl.
I am from Montana. Thank you for the chance to win this great book.
I’m from Andover, KS. Thank you!
I’m from MI
I am from BC, Canada. Thanks for this opportunity, Nicki 🙂
Thanks for the devotion needed that today. So relate to being so caught in life, that its to stay focused and commited to God and spending quality time with Him and in his word. So blessed and thankful for women like you that take the time to write devotions, blogs and share. I am from Kansas City Missour, have a very blessed day.
Welcome back!
I love getting my PV31 devotionals each day.
I hadn’t been to your blog before, but I am excited to see where you go with things now that your life has become even more busy. I will be checking back to see what insight a busy blogger who loves God can share!
I am from Boswell, Pennsylvania
Hello. Im briana padgett from scottsbluff nebraska. 🙂
Hi! I’m Sidney from Tyler, Tx!
Hi Nicki:
I’m Julia. Love the way you think and write. I’m from Eastern North Carolina.
I’m from Woodstock, Alabama – just outside of Birmingham. Would love a chance to win this devotional!
Hi! I’m Erin from Virginia!
Hi,I’m from Belgium.God bless you in your new working schedule.
I am so glad your back! I love your two minute Tuesdays!!
I’m from Murfreesboro, TN.
HI, I’m Carolyn from Atlanta : )
I just got my ‘Unglued’ book in the mail today! I would love to have the devotional to go with it!
Hi Nikki! I am originally from Tulsa, OK but my family and I have lived in The Woodlands, TX for just over 5 years. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great devotional! 😉
Hi Nicki –
I’m from Portland Oregon! Thanks for giving us the chance to enter to win this book! It sounds like a great one! One we all need to hear! 🙂 Thanks for doing what you do! God bless!
Howdy from Lubbock, Texas. I’m so excited I happened upon your blog. Your intro caught my eye when you said you are unlikely. I believe so many of us feel that way, nice to know we’re not alone. A Pastor of mine used to say we as Christians are supposed to be unusual. I like that. Anyway, nice to meet you and God Bless
Welcome Back! Sounds like you are juggling several hats…or is that balls!
Glad 2 C U again.
Terry Ellick from Goodyear, AZ
Kam from kent, WA.
I’m from Sterling, Illinois, and currently residing in Athens, Georgia 🙂
I’m from London UK, so be truely encouraged that you are reaching and touching women over here.
Really believing that this is just the start! Love your heart and passion to be a voice in this generation. God bless,
I’m from Alberta, Canada.
Great post!
Thank you so much for sharing your devotional. I have read some of your devos at Crosswalk, and I love them. I live in Arizona and have lived on both the west coast (California) and east (Rhode Island and Maine). More and more lately I have seen that I need to re-evaluate my reactions. Unglued could be the help I need. I know my friend loved it.
I’m in Missouri and wishing summer would hurry up and get here! 🙂
Im from Atkins, AR
Hello there! Im Melissa from New Orleans , Louisiana:) So blessed by the word on Peacemakers! I homeschool my 3 boys and a wife. My husband is in schoolat night and works during the day. I need this devotional really bad!!!HAHAHAHA
I would love to have a copy of Unglued. I am currently working my way through Made To Crave for the second time. Love love love Prov 31 ministry! Blessings to you from me here in Akron, OH! 🙂
I am from Martinsville, Va
Hi Nicki
Living for Christ in Loganville GA!
I am from McDonough, GA
Hey! I’m Megan from Georgetown, SC! P31 has made a huge impact in my mornings and I can’t wait for this devotional to come out!
I am working mom myself so I know how things get busy and finding balance can be hard at times I have not read this devotional or her book so I would love to read it. Blessings from West Point NE
I am from Richland, MS.
I just moved to Cape Canaveral, Fla! Love your blog!
Definitely need your blog after having three kids under the age of five. Never expected it to happen like this! Thought I was a peacemaker until that happened! Thanks from Aynor, South Carolina!
This new momma from Arkadelphia, Arkansas would love to win this!
Hi! This is Natalie from Peoria, AZ. With four teens, a tween, and a toddler at home–not to mention a husband!–I feel “Unglued” more than I would like to admit. :-). I know The Lord is the glue to hold me together, but I really think this book could help keep me accountable!
Hugs from Metro Phoenix,
Greetings from Huntingburg, Indiana! I understand how tricky it is to adjust to new schedules!
Hi! I have been blessed by your commercials featured on new life 91.9. Having a 1 1/2 yr old is kind of challenging, but your wisdom nuggets and insight kept me going. Thanks for letting the woman of God be seen and known. I am from California originally but preside now in Charlotte, NC.
Hi, I am from Puerto Rico.
I’m excited about this giveaway! I am born and raised in the suburbs of the San Francisco bay area.
Wow, it sounds like your life got REALLY busy! Glad you’re back and I’m looking forward to your posts. I’m from Maple Valley, WA.
Hey Nikki,
I love the honesty from which you write and speak.
A big thanks from Cincinnati,OH.
Hi there, Lysa, I’m Abbie from Pella, Iowa in the friendly Midwest. I bought Unglued because it sounds so very pertinent for todays mom. My sweet friend Sue sent your Proverbs 31 message right to my inbox. What a fab friend, yes? I look forward to learning more about Jesus and His Word! Woul love the study guide for my ladies’ group I meet with monthly!!!
I am from Houston, Tx
I’m a young-ish widow and find comforting peace in your messages. I’m from Spring, TX.
Blessed Easter, Nicki!
Of course–EveryONE wants a copy. We’d just use it EVERYDAY !!! I’m from Dublin, GA
Hi Nicki, I’m from Greenville Ohio
I always prayed for my son to be a peacemaker as he was growing up he is now 27 and hates conflict. Thanks for the devotion today it was a good reminder since I have been dealing with a guy at work who I like but he gets on my nerves so bad, haha dealing with people.
Hi Nicki!
I am from Jarrell, TX.
“Hi!” From Elk Mound, Wi!
Sorry for the blank blog . New tablet and learning! I live inSacramento, California.
I am from Georgia…and a busy single working mom of two teens…they are really involved at school so I am always going here or there so it is easy for me to feel overwhelmed and “Unglued” at times.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m from Reno, NV
With four small kiddos, they watch your actions so much more as a peacemaker, than listen to you yell about being one, ha! From Conway, AR 🙂
I am from sunny Cedar Rapids,Iowa!
I am from West Monroe, Louisiana
Hi Nicki,
I was really blessed by your devotional on Peacemaking. I’m Dawn, from Arlington, Virginia.
Sending a hello from Mobile, AL. Thank you for all the inspiration that you bring to women. I am a leader at our church’s Celebrate Recovery and I am thankful that I have been given the opportunity to share my experience to others, because God’s grace gives us all a second chance. We appreciate you! Happy Maundy Thursday 🙂
Hi Nicki, I am from Brownsville, WI. Thank you so much for your devotional, it really hit home for me!
Kalispell, Montana
Simpsonville, SC
Hi! Love your Blog/Prov. 31 devotionals as well!! Thankyou for them.
I am Jennifer M. from Gardendale, AL
Not sure if it’s too late…Mary from Warwick Rhode Island… also gonna sign up for emails!
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