Today is part 2 of our mini-series “10 Things Every Working Mom Needs to Hear”. If you missed part 1, go here.
Stay tuned till the end because we’ve got an awesome giveaway today!
5. Be willing to say, “I need help.”
I thought when I started working more that I would be able to do everything I normally did. Laundry, kids, cleaning, cooking, writing, speaking… all of it. But I quickly found myself sinking.
So I went to my husband and told him something had to change very quickly. We spent some time looking through our budget and found a few ways to help like getting a babysitter when I need some extra time or hiring someone to help with a few things around the house.
A friend and I are also talking about doing meal doubling. We would each cook meals for our families and double the recipe to be able to give each other the meal. This would cut down on cooking a lot!
6. Days of discouragement are temporary.
Whether you’re a working mom or stay at home mom, days of discouragement are always going to be.
There will be days where you feel like no matter what you do, what you say or how you look at someone…it will be wrong.
7. Be willing to evaluate life frequently.
There are weeks where our schedule changes from day to day. I have learned to evaluate life frequently because I want to make the most of our time together. Sometimes this means putting certain opportunities to the side because it’s not what’s best for the entire family.
It also means being able to step back and see what is not working in our schedule.
For my youngest daughter this meant taking a break from gymnastics for a few weeks. I was making myself crazy trying to get her there every week. As hard as it was to make this decision, she wasn’t happy at first but is now looking forward to this summer where she can go to gymnastics camp.
8. Engage with friends as often as you can.
I have felt like a lot of my friendships have been struggling. And I realize it’s because of this season of life change. I won’t lie; I do miss frequent coffee and lunch dates with friends.
And I believe God has seen that ache in my heart…
A couple of weeks ago our 2 youngest daughters were at our church after school for a rehearsal for the weekend. I figured it would be a good time to run some errands so I headed across the street to a shopping center. While I was walking around I actually ran into a friend whose daughters were at the same rehearsal.
I felt this prompting on my heart to stop running errands and ask her to go grab a cup of coffee.
I’m so glad I did. It was the most refreshing hour I’d had all week.
God ordained that meet-up.
9. Don’t let the things you love slip to the side.
This is so important.
Carving out time to do the things you love whether its art, photography, writing, projects around the house or yard work is so essential. As you do the things you love in life, your soul will be refreshed.
10. Find a way to be spiritually encouraged frequently.
This is hard because time is so short. But its possible. Whether its through a Community Group, Sunday School class or Bible study… God has an encouraging community just for you.
And here’s where our amazing giveaway comes in today.
My friend Melissa Taylor leads these amazing online Bible studies through Proverbs 31 Ministries. I’ve been a part of it for several months now and this community of ladies [and even a few men ☺] is simply incredible.
I love it because its so convenient and its a work at your own pace study.
Melissa’s next study is on Stressed Less Living by Tracie Miles.
PERFECT book for every woman, no matter what season of life.
Melissa has generously offered to give one copy of the book away here on the blog AND the conference calls that go along with the study!
You can find out all the information about the Bible study by clicking here.
In keeping with our theme today… to enter the giveaway, please leave your name and the best idea to help a working mom!
I’ll announce the winner on Friday April 5th. 🙂
Live today – do your best –and leave the rest to Him
#1. You are too busy Not to pray! Timw spent with the Lord is a wonderful timesaver! Your days go smoother & you’re able to get more done. The Lord shines his favor on your efforts when he sees your heart for putting him foremost. Don’t look for success without this vital step. Try it, it sets-up the day. You’ll not only be more productive & effective–You’ll be a happier & calmer Mother
Every night I get as much ready for the next day as possible. Lay out clothes, sock, shoes, book bags, blankets, school forms. This is so each morning is less stressful on my kids; I have 3. One in Middle School, One in Elementary school and one in daycare. That’s right; 3 different places each morning before I go to work myself.
When I get bogged down and feel like a drill sergeant instead of a Mom. I STOP, say an little prayer and Hug one of my kids (whoever is closest at the time). Love 🙂
Take the time to relax and cuddle up with your family. Even if 20 or 30 minutes it is key to keeping the connection and bond as your days are so busy. Every night my goal is to cuddle up and read or just simply talk about our day so my girls know I care and love them no matter how crazy our day was (;
best idea as a working mom for me has been to meal plan (both for our 8 month old and us!)ive noticed when we do its SOOOO much easier and less stressful on everyone and helpful to know what we are eating and not to spend any money on fast food because we arent prepared
I take one morning of the week and make it a late night at the office. That morning I run, or hit the gym, get my hair done, catch up on me time. This helps me feel somewhat normal for the rest of the week.
We make a big pot of Italian sauce on Sundays and use it once or twice during the week for our meals – with linguini on one day and with sausages on another. We incorporate one pizza and salad night and on another we pick up a roasted chicken and cook up quick side dish.
This helps us keep it together.
I have found the site howdoesshedoit to be incredibly helpful with meanl planning. It’s free, and you can add your own recipes to your account and make up your own menus then print it out with a grocery list. It helped us out a lot until our printer crashed out. Though those with smartphones can use the app and not have to worry about printing anything out!
There is a time for everything. Forgive yourself for not “doing it all” right now!
Never forget your first love. When I keep Christ at the center of everything, my days…attitudes…emotions…energy…basically, everything…remains in check! I’m a much better working mom (and wife) when I keep Christ #1! Hard to do sometimes but VERY essential.
This whole working mom territory is new to me. One thing I learned very quickly was that with all the responsibilities of being a new mom I couldn’t remember things quite like I use to. I found myself forgetting what seemed like everything, and what’s worse I now have even less time to make to-do lists. So, I hung and dry erase board on our refrigerator and as soon something I need to do or get pops into my head, I make a quick one order two word note about it on the board. This has been a huge help to me. Thanks for your insight Nicki! Loved this post. Its was spot on for me. Blessings to you!
Great to see the response from so many other moms, especially ones who are working. As one, I completely understand and can sympathize with the everyday challenges. Be encouraged! His Glory will be seen and experienced as He equips those whom He has called (into marketplace ministry)!
The best advice I can give is to just do the best you can! Women tend to beat themselves up if they can’t be supermom all the time. I am a SAHM for right now but I am planning on going back to work soon. Even when I am home all day I still don’t get everything done. And sometimes I feel guilty because I feel I should be able to “do everything” since I’m at home all day. I’m learning more and more to just do my best and the rest will be there waiting for me when I get time.
One thing that has helped my family is to plan ahead when running errands. I find its easier to plan out a route and list of items and go to a few places during a specific time period. We then have the rest of the day to spend time together.
One thing that has helped my family is to plan ahead when running errands. I find its easier to plan out a route and list of items and go to a few places during a specific time period. We then have the rest of the day to spend time together.
Prepare as much ahead of time the night before. Make a meal plan for the week so that you are not wasting precious times with extra trips to the store. Make sure that you set aside time for you! You are important!!
Don’t forget to ask for help! Of course us women are so strong we can do anything and everything, but sometimes we need all the help we can get! Don’t feel guilty about it, it’s only going to make things better!
Every working mom needs to leave guilt behind! Spend time with the Lord every morning….no matter how brief and lay it all down at his feet…..including the guilt and perfectionism
When I was a working mom … I had to remember to simply breathe. My job (as well as my husband’s because we worked for the same organization) required me to be available 7 days a week. It was EXHAUSTING. I had to remember to stop and breathe, smell the roses, chase my daughter through the house, giggle, laugh, and love on her during the times that I wasn’t swamped with work. Sometimes, that made me late for work. But like I told my bosses … those are the times I will never get back. Yep, it was worth it to be late. Sometimes, they agreed.
I can’t say it enough – menu planning! That way when you do get to come home, that stress is off (and even better if you can do batch freezer cooking)!
Definitely start each day with prayer. Delegate tasks and responsibilities to your children…even a 5 year old is able to empty the waste baskets. Have your children do their own laundry…mine start when they enter 6th grade. Our children need to learn to contribute to their society and the first place to learn that is at home. 🙂
I have been struggling with work life balance since I got married.i never had kids of my own but my husband has 2 teenagers. Talk about fast-paced! I’m a “new” mom to teenagers, dealing with my husbands difficult ex. Its all overwhelming. I don’t have a tip to offer, but I’ll definitely try some of these. I totally need this bible study too.
I had the same thought as the idea above with meals. A friend of mine & I use to do this. She’d cook & we’d eat or I would cook & shed eat. Sometimes we split it up & ate together. But recently a friend of mine who is a working mother of two shared a great idea with me. She purchases meals from a lady near by who she found through her work. She picks from the menu options, and picks up the meals on her way home! I also found a lady nearby who prepares the meals & freezes them, then you just bake. You can order an entire weeks worth at a time, pick up, & you’re all set! Ask around and browse Facebook, you may find one too! 🙂
Give it all to Jesus! Begin your day praying for Him to shine in your day and end it thanking Him for it.
My best advice is to keep the faith. Keep the faith that God has it all under control. Keep the faith that you can do all things through him who gives you strength. Keep the faith that no matter how hard it may seem you can and will get through those though days. Remember God is faithful and just and he is using you through your job, through your parenting, and through your marriage. You can do it and doing it for the Glory of the Lord will reap many rewards. God Bless.
Routines! The more things that are on auto-pilot the less you have to think about. Ulimately the husband and kids fall into that rhythm. And I love what Janet said about beginning your day with Jesus. He is the one to show us the best use of our time and energy.
My suggestion for working moms is to tell yourself that God doesn’t give you more than you can handle. We can not do it all of our own strength.
Things don’t have to be perfect. Take just a moment to do things as you go, and it will be much easier to keep up with everything. Ex. After brushing your teeth at night, wipe down the sink and counter, and give the mirror a swipe with the towel. Look for other things that take just a minute of your time, but can keep everything looking clean and tidy until you can do a deeper cleaning job.
I think that the best thing we can do for ourselves wheather or not we work outside the home or if we are stay at home moms is start our day out with putting God first place, even if we don’t have the time in the morning to have a quiet time, we can still pray and lay everything at his feet. Also I think it is so very important to get a good night sleep so we are refreshed to take on what God has planned for us each day. 🙂
I really don’t know what advice I’d give over what’s been put here. I’m a stay at home mom who is still trying to figure out how to better manage my time and lessen my procrastination. But I am fascinated about this “stressed-less” study.
Know when to let something go for this season of your life.
Get a really good crockpot! Can’t tell you how much that can free up your night IF you do the shopping right! 🙂
Really listen to your children for the time will come all to soon that they don’t want to tell you anything at all.
Hello there, I am joining in the Stress Less Bible Study, my 2nd online study. I haven’t been able to get the book at the moment because of financial reasons, but will follow the lessons and comments anyway as I know it will help. My tip or advice for working Mum’s : first and foremost is to make time at the beginning of your day for the Lord, I know this is hard, I used to use my lunch hour at work rather. But it is vital to feed your spirit to manage your life. The second important thing is to learn to budget and save, the earlier you focus and learn how to do this as a young Mum the better your life will be in the long run. I can’t stress the importance of this enough as financial stress will add to whatever burdens you are already coping with. God bless you all in the study. Kind Regards Mandy Currie (
The best advice I can give is to make sure to have some time for yourself – times for quiet, time to pray, time to exercise – this is so important for you to recharge and be the best you can be 🙂
Who won?
I’ve been wondering that myself. I’ve checked this blog several times a day all weekend now. I’m glad I’m not the only one not seeing who won!
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