Two Minute Tuesday


Two Minute Tuesday




  • What am I being brave and courageous about? I’m being brave and courageous about moving through the sadness/grief of a breakup. I thought it was God ordained. I saw my future in his eyes. And, yet, it wasn’t meant to be. I want to say to God, Okay I get it…give me my next man so I can get to my dreams of having a family/children…I don’t want to wait. And that verse spoke to me today because in the midst of this, I need to work on myself. I need to be brave, even when I want to cry and scream and say its not fair over and over again. I need to be patient, because I know He will propel me forward in a way I’d never even imagined. Praying for you through your waiting season as well! B =)

    • Hi Brooke, thanks so much for your honesty. You are being brave and I love it. Times like these are not simple but I believe God will develop you in HUGE ways. Praying for you friend…

  • Thank you nicki for your Words of encouragement. For with every step we take on His highway of holiness it seems more lonelyer like no one really cares about the Real Truths of Scripture (Amos 8).If we remain faithful He will direct our path and shiw us things we never imagined. Secrets hidden for us today…..Shalom my sister/bride and may UU bee blessed this new day coming. Shalom Numbers 6:22-27

  • There are a few things in life right now that I’m “waiting” (& praying) on. God entrusted me with a beautiful boy 3 years ago, but my body went thru craziness after his birth and we want more children, but my body is not back in a healthy place to do that. We’ve always been open to adoption and are now considering that more seriously. We want to make the family decisions He wants us to make and pray that we do that daily, especially with this big decision of how to expand our family if we’re meant to. Also, earlier this year I set out to start my own business with a friend and have had some true blessings along the way. Sometimes it does feel like there is delay, but I do feel I’m on the path God wants me to be so having faith & hope that in His timing the business will do what He desires it to. There are other minor things that feel like they’re in a holding pattern, but these 2 are what I pray about the most. I’ve come a long way in my life over the last 3 years, especially in my walk with God. I want to continue to give Him my heart, its desires & trust in His will <3

  • Thank you Nicki. your teaching really ministered to me. also thank you for your encouragement. hope your prayers are answered, and that your longings are fulfilled. May our Father in Christ be with and bless you and yours.

  • Nicki your spirit is so sweet, you have such wisdom and discernment as to what God lays on your heart to share! Thank you so much!

  • Thank you as always Nicki! I love hearing your heart. It seems to just fit with many things I am going through too, although I am much older than you! I have several things, people, and real needs, I am waiting on, and yet God has been faithful through it all. His timing is so important. For as I have learned in a bible study that I have done, if we run ahead of God, He will not be in it. That is something I don’t want to happen, for I want it to all be about Him, and for His glory alone. So WAIT I will. Thanks for the encouragement, and I pray for you as you wait also, and also for those who wrote. I care deeply for others, and know the Lord can continue to help even when I no longer remember! Bless everyone for His Glory alone!

  • I came across to blog a bit ago but this message was just what I needed! My husband and I picked up and move to seminary a few years ago. We currently are both in school and have three wonderful children. I feel like I am losing it sometimes because for the five of us we make almost 1800 a month. Life just seems to be slipping and I know this is where God has us and is teaching us but it gets hard! I am trying to be patient and strong but I feel so weak sometimes!
    Anyways thanks!!

  • Thanks Nicki!
    I am trying to be brave and courageous as I wait patiently for God to answer. I have applied for a job in Women’s Ministry and feel such a drawing and passion to this. I have spent countless hours reading my Bible and praying, seeking God’s guidance in this. My heart feels that He is drawing me to this position. I am trying to wait patiently for the answer and not get ahead of myself. I feel so excited and on the edge of a grand adventure for God. I need to just be still and know that He is God. Thanks for this encouragement and reminder to be bold and brave for God while I wait on Him to guide my path.

  • Nicki, I really needed to hear this….the Lord placed on my heart to get a Prayer Shawl group at my home started, I’ve contacted all the people I had to and I’m waiting for an answer, I have started to question if it will happen, or if it’s the right time. Thank you, I stopped after your video, and prayed and thought of my favorite verse “Be anxious for nothing” Philippians 4:6…..

    Thanks again

  • Yes girl I know what you mean about waiting on the Lord, the Lord is teaching me to wait on Him. Their is something that I am believe God on, He’s keep speaking to my spirit,” you can’t make it happen, just let me(God) make it happened now wait.” like the old mothers of the church use to say, ” you can’t hurry God, you just got to wait on Him.” praise God.

    Just waiting on the Lord

  • Thank you for your post I’m waiting for the right position to open for our family so we can move ahead and sometimes I feel like job so much loss but I know he has something better and he will never leave me I make myself stay positive everyday and I know that God loves me

  • I am waiting on God to enroll new children in my Family Child Care Program. I so desire the right fit for my program, and for the new children. I have decided to wait patiently on the Lord, as He works in & through me during this time of waiting. Thank you today’s Two Minute Tuesday. I will wait with a happy heart. Yes!

  • Thank You, Nicki your message is so encouraging and true, so many times I try to do things without waiting on God or should I say
    maybe I really need to learn more of knowing when He is speaking to me. Either way it is good to have Christian sisters to pray with me and help to learn from their experience. I am looking forward to the ONB saying Yes to God.

  • One more yes! I was torn about dong this next Bible study. Wasn’t sure I could keep up. But He whispered that I needed this one, so here we go….

    My personal struggle….

    Waiting on God’s timing. I’ve been praying for a year that my youngest so would get a job that pays well and is in his field of study. Well, that year has passed and no interviews, but….he is working two minimum wage jobs to pay his rent and bills, hasn’t needed very much financial assistance from mom and dad and he really likes the one job. I believe that God is waiting for two things right now. For my son to be closer to Him and ask Him for guidance and help and also this season of underemployment is making him more mature and responsible. There is a reason for His timing. I can wait it out, I am so very thankful
    for the good health and closeness our family enjoys.

  • I’m waiting on the Lord for more grace, more career development, and more spiritual growth. Thank you for the encouragement to trust and wait on the Lord!

  • Thank you for the on time word from God for being still can be a very hard thing for you know what is going to happen but waiting for it to come true while satan tries to keep you from believing it will come to pass, can be a very hard wait. I am believing for a house & for the door’s to open up for my husband Pastor Don & I to travel & preach the Gospel in Africa for we have so very many invite’s. I know it will come to pass I believe it Yes it’s the waiting for it that one must use Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it hasteth toward the end, and shall not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not delay… All I can say is Trust the Lord O my Soul… that’s what keep’s me going when I see a house I love or get yet another invite to Africa I just can’t wait, I say that is a Yes Lord I will NOT quit not waiting is NOT an Option. I know the Lord way is the Best way & He is Never Late! Thank you for your obedience unto Adonai. Many Blessings I pray for you in all you say & do for the Lord… Shalom Pastor Elisabeth

  • One more yes. I’ve been struggling with a major decision for my family.
    One that for me would be a little uncomfortable. When a friend posted this bible study
    I didn’t hesitate to sign up. I know that this decision is big and I need God to be a part of it
    If it is going to work. I need God to know if it’s what I’m supposed to do.
    So one more yes to flowing God.

  • I’m waiting to see what door God will open for me to serve as ourchurtch has growing pains. Also for my husband to come to know Christ. For God to change my heart in my desire for binge eating all things sweet.

  • Thanks for the video post Nicki! I too feel like I am sitting on pause…waiting for the next door to be opened to me…unsure of what lies ahead in my future and the future of my family. I have a hard time listening to God when He begins to speak to me about something and He usually has to tell me or show me a few times before it sinks in. He has given me visions of things that He has for me to do but at this time, they are kind of at a stand still. Either opposition will come against me or things just aren’t happening yet. I haven’t given up on those visions but am coming to realize that sometimes He shows me a little of what is to come but works on me in other areas first, in order to prepare me to reach that vision. Having patience is hard for me but God has brought me through many mistakes I have made due to impatience. So for now, I will wait on the Lord for I know His time and His plan is better than mine! AMEN!

  • One More Yes!!! I am thankful for you words today. I too am waiting for God to move me. I recently became unemployed and have 6 kids and unemployment is not coming like it has in the past. I am waiting for the Lord to move me through this time and have to remind myself to trust him with all my mind, heart and soul and to live in the present..not the past or future.

  • One More Yes! Also, I am living what you spoke about in your devotion about waiting on the Lord. We are approaching retirement or a possible job/home change and trusting God with all the answers. Waiting with HOPE and TRUST and, as you said, sometimes hurt. Thank you so much and I look forward to the YES study. I have had nothing but fabulous experiences with Melissa Taylor Studies!

  • ONE MORE YES, I am so excited, I’ve never participated in an online bible study. Looking forward to where God is taking us.

    Breathe, Believe, Receive….

  • ONE MORE YES! Hi…I am excited and hopeful about the new OBS. A few months back while I was cleaning my kitchen I heard Gods still small voice say “wait on The Lord, be of good courage and he will strengthen your heart”. I don’t know if it is the same verse you shared but I felt like God was asking me to be patient and trust him to work through the strained family relationships that have been unsettling lately. I love the ONE MORE YES … What it says to me at this point of my life is to trust The Lord again after a long period of a lot of fear , doubt and anxiety. God has been so faithful through out my life,but the last few years I feel like I have been floundering trying to find my way back to him and the faith I use to have… So I am looking forward to the new study”When women say yes to God”…I hope I got the title right:). Anyway, thank you for saying yes to Him, and sharing this study with us. Love and prayers to all

  • waiting on God is truly a Blessing in disguise, I have been in Hospital for 5 months, back home since 2 months and now my Company wants to retrench me, as I wait andtrust that the Lord is working in the Background, he has shown me many things,opening new doors and closing other doors,Saying yes to God is not only good,it is honouring him and allowing his will to be done in our lives.

  • thank you for the encouraging video. Amazing how much encouragement can be squeezed in under 2 min-video! I actually came across a similar verse too just yesterday (about being still and waiting on God). It seems like I’ve been waiting for longer than I’d hoped for (but we also know that in God’s understanding of timing several human years to Him is like a few minutes to us)…we are all ready for God to move in our respective areas of waiting and just hope that it is better than we even imagined or asked Him for…Thanks once again!

  • God has recently spoken to me reminding me again about the calling hes olaced in my life. I must admit Ive prolonged doing my part do to fear. I think im waiting for perfection, silly huh? When I received an email about this new book I thought Wow I don’t think God could be more clear. What am I being courageous about, I thibk some of the things youve mentioned in the video., God being mad at me when I make a mistake, not doing things right, not knowing enough, I think fears period. I think those fears keep me from pursuing what God has called me to do!

  • One more yes! Thanks for doing this bible study online! So excited! This is my first. 🙂

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