When Truth Hurts


When Truth Hurts

“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” -Luke 6:46

There’s a sting in my heart today. The past few months have been so chaotic, confusing and full… Truth has often felt far from my thoughts.

I keep telling myself once this is over or that is over, life will find its beautiful rhythm again. But it never happens. And today, I find myself in a pool of disobedience with the things God has called me to do, the places He has asked me to sit and the person He has gently shown me I can be {with Him}.

Why do I call Him Lord, Lord yet…I don’t push through the difficult days well?

Why do I call Him Lord, Lord yet…I find myself circling the same cycles of defeat day after day?

Why do I call Him Lord, Lord yet…I don’t want to dream for Him, believe great things or trust Him like I never have?

Why do I call Him Lord, Lord yet…[this list goes on and on…]

These moments, when Truth hurts, they are good but painful. I find myself often rejecting them because its easier to camp out with the Jesus who is about joy, hope and freedom.

He is very much these things {and so much more} but I today I need to linger a bit more on the Truth that Jesus is the man who changes everything for us when we seek of life of obedience to Him.

Obedience to God allows us to look back on tomorrow and think, “I’m so glad I did [blank].”

I want more days like that. 

Yes, sometimes Truth hurts. But I want to remember that the refining moments Truth offers are the most valuable because…

What about you? I’d love for you to leave a comment today and share something hard God is asking you to do right now.




  • Nicki, I want more days like that too! I love when I can rest my head on my pillow and say it was a great day Lord! I love how I loved you and followed you today! I love how you loved me and blessed me today! What beautiful music we make together Lord, you and I. I walked in your Word and trusted your promises and you walked with me every step of the way! You are my rock and my salvation. All glory , praise and honor are yours today and always. Amen.

    • Hi Mary, your words bless me today. I love how you love Him so well.

  • Trust him and wait patiently for the tide to turn as i mourn the going Home of the second greatest man ive ever known & loved – Dad! Please pray for our family, esp mom.

    • Praying for your family Hilda. God bless you during this hard time. I know Jesus will be close by your sides, caring for you with deep Love! He cares for you and yours!

  • Pushing through those difficult days is so hard and when I don’t, I feel like a baby christian who has learned nothing and not grown at all. Realizing God works out the hard stuff in spite of us helps, but unless I stay in the Word, I won’t handle them or learn how to make it through the same defeats I experience over and over again. But there is always hope! God promises a new beginning each morning and his patience does not run out.

    • JH, I hear you…hanging on to that hope and promises with you.

  • To truly Trust Him to work in my life for His Glory, and in my children’s lives when I fear the things I see them doing wrong that may hurt Their children. Forgiving myself when I don’t obey Him as I should, and knowing if HE forgives me, I do not honor Him when I don’t receive that forgiveness and let it go. Sin scars, and I am learning that the scars are not left there to make me punish myself over and over, but to remind me how much Jesus did for me to make that forgiveness happen, and to learn from them. It is to help me be More Thankful, Trustful, that God CAN do as He says He will do in my life. I am slowly learning, and in even in this He is patient with me, and oh so full of Love! Thanks for this, I am far from what He would like me to be, but each day in walking in Obedience to His Will, reading about His Character so I can walk a little closer to Him, we take one step at a time. In this I am learning contentment!

    • Hi Gail,

      Love what God is doing in your heart. xoxo

  • I am getting married July 3rd and cannot afford a wedding dress or a dream wedding, but God made me really reflect on what matters most, marrying the most amazing man in the universe. It has been extremely difficult to let my dream wedding fall to the wayside, but God took my dream and changed it. So regardless of what I thought to be “necessary” wedding intricacies I get to be with the man I love for the rest of my life and that’s going to make it the most amazing wedding ever! 😀

  • Today, the truth hurt. My Bible Study on 1 Peter 1: 1-12 was all words, too many words for my dear seniors to dwell on. I was obedient to prepare the study and to present it. But the humbling truth is I need to think thru more about the audience who is receiving God’s Word and looking at it together with me. Thank you for the reminder and encouragement found on your blog. I want the living hope to really come alive next Thur. I can do better; I will do better, Lord helping. Your words let me down softly and help me see it’s o.k. to get it wrong sometimes. arby

  • Adopt young siblings we have been fostering at the ripe old age of 53! God is in this, I know without a doubt but it is a hard road, having a four year old and a baby. The days of “just keeping up ” wear on me at times. It’s been easy to lose sight of God in all this.

    One more yes! I look forward to this study

  • Thank you for writing this. I have found that I go through so much emotion sometimes my days are upside down and sideways. However, God has called me to be honest and look at my sin. I do not follow through. Mostly I do not follow through with things I tell my husband I will do. I don’t mean to not finish, but it doesn’t matter. I need to change and say Yes to God changing me. How to start is the problem. All I see is the forest. Truth does hurt, but being deceived is worse.

  • Hi Nicki, I’m one more to “SAY YES”. I want and nee this OBS, see I’m new at this stuff and I really want to learn to say yes to God and live the way he wants. I have lived the other way so long its scary to change. I also am having hard time believing God can forgive me for all I have done in the past. But I have learned one thing it is if I had not gone through what I have I would not be where I’m at, at this moment in my life. I want to thank you and Melissa for doing this study and thank God that you all love Him and follow Him and His teachings so He use you to teach us. He is an awesome God.

    Help me learn to always say YES TO GOD

    In Christ Love

  • God is asking me to trust him with the calling hes placed in my life. He wants me to trust that he will put everything in its place.

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