The 5 Habits of the Girl Who Won’t Give Up


The 5 Habits of the Girl Who Won’t Give Up



1. She gets up each morning and follows through with her commitments despite how she feels.

Her feet are firmly positioned into the day’s tasks. While quitting may seem like an option she refuses to become someone others or God can’t count on. Her heart understands that she must be found faithful in the small steps to be trusted with the big steps.

2. She approaches the Word of God with reverence.

She opens God’s Word and believes each day He has something to speak to her about. There’s no questioning spirit when a friend texts her a Bible verse. She listens to sermons and teachings and doesn’t think of the friend who needs to hear that message, she knows there’s something there just for her.

3. She longs for the grace of refinement rather than the grace of relief.

She doesn’t have a personal agenda to fulfill when she faces steps of refinement. In fact, she longs for the grace of refinement rather than the grace of relief because she trusts the process of refinement. She accepts the perspective godly people offer her in difficult situations. And she embraces the process of becoming better through her mistakes.

4. She chooses to infect the world with joy.

Though life seems to frequently dump on her, she chooses to not dump on others. In fact, she thrives on being emotionally generous towards others. The spirit of generosity that oozes through her infects joy into a seemingly miserable world. As a result, when darkness seems to gloom over her she can easily shoo it away by giving joy.

5. She has a spirit of unbreakable determination.

Though she may feel a little [or a lot] bent many days, she never lets her bending turn to a broken dream. She refuses to break her perseverance towards the things God has placed her on this earth to do. In the midst of her rejection that attempts to break her she thrives by standing firm on this verse:

“Create in me a pure heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
–Psalm 51:10

The girl who doesn’t give up. Jesus, please let this be me.




  • Oh sister this is so good!! This post is a gift to me today from our Father. I’m not kidding. Timing only He could have. Love ya LOTS!!

  • YES!! You put this SO beautifully! I read this and my eyes welled up with tears… just… yes…

  • Beautiful advice! I needed something like this to get the day going on a positive note! Wonderfully put! Thank you.

  • Great ‘5’ Nicki! And one of my all-time favorite verses! Thank you!!!

  • This is beautiful! I am going to print it and keep it close! Thankyou sweet sister!

  • Wonderful post! Your words have encouraged me today! Thank you!
    (This would be so awesome to share with the community in #Startexp :))

  • Love this! Thank you so much! Something to understand and DO! Your heart touches many!

  • This is so good. I really needed it yesterday but couldn’t get it on my phone so remembered today that I thought it was something that I needed to hear! I would love to pass it on to others. Thank you

  • This is wonderful in theory. Unfortunately is wayy easier said than done…

  • Is this possible? Can this kind of girl ever exist all the time? This allows for no emotional break-downs, which seems kind of impossible.

    • That was my first reaction too, I wish I could say I felt inspired, but instead just felt more pressure to be extraordinary at all times

    • I am getting the same feeling. I am so far from this! But today I will choose to take the time to read my Bible, and let its word soak into my heart. I will save this devotional, reread it, and try to apply it, especially #3. If it doesn’t fit for you, just pass it by. ((( hugs)))

  • Lord create in me a Clean heart and a right spirit. Let me be a vessel for you to work through. Change me Lord Jesus to be your servant.

  • I’ve been going through a lot lately and feeling overwhelmed. This message was for me today, right where I am. Thank u for being a vessel for God.

  • Oh Nicki, thank you so much for this inspiring post. I shall keep it close beside me to remind me during the times when I might let discouragement or slackness creep in on me.
    You, my sister, have a beautiful heart!


  • Walking a horrible, difficult path right now. This was a word of encouragement meant for me. Thanks for writing and sharing!


  • This leaves me feeling depressed. It is too perfect. I could never always be like this.

    • Thank you for your honesty, I felt the same way and feel encouraged that I’m not the only one. There is power in our vulnerability and admiting it to other women and empathizing with each other’s struggles. I can see this spoke to many women, so maybe they took something out of it that we didn’t. I hope the pressure to be perfect can be eased though.

  • Days like today it seem like I can’t take no more and then I get a sign from God. What a great message thank you!

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you!! This is exactly what I needed to read today. I know that even though I could never be this person completely I can aspire to these goals daily. Lord let your words refine me and renew my heart, Amen.

  • Number three ia ALL for me! It spoke to me because I am now learning to understand that through lmaking and learning from my mistakes I become a better person and I learn from my mistakes to do and be a better person through God. I trust His process for me with out doubt or question. THANK YOU!for this.

  • Can’t tell you how much I needed this today and here lately, everyday. Beautiful message. Thank you.

  • I have been having a really down-in-the-dumps kind of day. Battling a little sickness, fussy littles, struggling with missing fellowship this morning and a few other things. I am so thankful God brought these words to me. You have lifted my spirit. Thank you. Continue to be an instrument of Christ.

    Today I choose JOY.

    Grace & peace,

  • I love this! Thank you so much for writing this!:) I’m going to use in my daily walk!

  • This was sent to me by a dear friend. So beautiful!! I needed to read this today!!

  • Incredible timing and whispers to my soul that only He can bring! Thank you for this post. Be blessed sisters!

  • How beautifully said! Thank you, I have felt like packing it in Aa lot lately! I this k I will print it also and tfarme it for a constant reminder!
    God Bless you!

  • Thank You……I heard from God. I love it when He speaks directly to me through other people. I thank you for listening to Him and answering His call to speak on His behalf. I pray that God will bless you beyond measure for your faithfulness.

  • Thank you for this inspiring Holy Spirit filled message. Each of us are on a journey as women of God. We need daily encouragement to keep us moving forward. I will treasure this message and read it again on the days which are really tough. I will also share it with dear friends who also need encouragement. God bless you and your ministry Nicki!

  • Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have begun my own business. I started actually from filling a personal need. There are days when the thought to give up is the easy fix for dealing with the work of business. Because i have a foundation in the Word of God, I am more able to stand firm and stay rooted. There are days when a good cry washes away the doubt, worry and fear. The love of God allows me the freedom and opportunity to LIVE and not give up!

  • WOW! God is good. This is crazy perfect timing. I’m going to ENJOY the process of refinement. I love that He is shaping me and molding me to be more like Him. God is soooo good and He is with me!

  • Thank you for today’s post. I honestly feel like giving up but now I am thinking differently. Thanks again and God Bless you today and every day to come.

  • As someone who has walked with a chronic illness for eight years (now 28 yrs old), I want to encourage people in a different way, particularly those of you who are going through painful daily trial. it IS ok to not want to get out of bed some days, it IS ok to cancel commitments sometimes, it IS ok to want relief for your struggles, so does god! It IS ok to question god’s word in the darkest times cause he will help you find the truth and your conviction of truth will be even stronger, it IS ok to share your problems with the right people and dump them on God and not force a joyful smile all the time. Determination and persistence is getting up again after you fall over, choosing trust joy and peace again and again and again and just always holding onto god/reaching out to god/falling at the feet of god over and over and over. And persistence is when despite falling down and struggling so many times, you are STILL holding onto God and seeking him for freedom. Persistence and determination look messy and there is no formula. But God will give us what we need to make it through each moment so I encourage you to hold onto him. He is soooo faithful.

    • Thank you for writing this. There are times in everyone’s life when we struggle and fail. Your wisdom and faith is encouraging. God Bless you!

    • Thank you, Kylie! This was exactly what I needed to hear. It is messy and there is no formula…and it is beautiful.

    • Thank you! The original post was inspiring to an extent & challenging, but left me frustrated & feeling like a hopeless failure. The Bible describes in detail how David and Elijah struggled with depression at times – even Christ felt abandoned by the Father!
      And sometimes you HAVE to put a commitment aside at least temporarily to take care of your family or – as I’ve been learning from a couple of godly women – to legitimately take care of yourself. Not selfishly or out of laziness, but so that God can continue to use you. We ALL have a breaking point where we need to retreat, when clinging to God takes all we have, until He strengthens, restores, or rebuilds us into what He wants. Sometimes that’s where He needs us to be, and if that’s where we are, He’ll use it. You also never know who He might use to accomplish His plan, or who might also be struggling… and desperately want to know they’re not alone. 😉

  • I used to pray this verse every morning, and God honored that prayer. I don’t know why I’ve gotten away from that, but how I’m doing on #3 and #4 at times are probably evidence of that. Need to get back to an honest prayer for a pure heart. Thank you!

  • Grace of refinement vs. grace of relief…this is something that will feed my thoughts for a good, long while. Thank you.

  • Thank you…I need this to start my day in the right direction…

  • I want to add my “Thank You” also for this list and the encouragement. I need this and will refer back to it often and when I do I will say a pray for you too!

  • Used this as the devotion for our Thirty-One Gifts team meeting yesterday. Thank you for the inspiration!

  • Thank you for sharing this. You have really motivated and inspired me. God bless and keep you.

  • This is wonderful and I really needed the reminding and encouragement today.

    I would love to share this with our Strong Ladies Bible Study class at church, with your permission.

    God bless you and thank you.

  • I suffered a spinal cord injury three years ago. I keep on keeping on because I know I am in a crucible for refinement, not for punishment. Thank you for this. It takes strength I never knew I had to keep going…because that strength comes from Christ, not myself. God bless you friend!

  • Thank you! Perfect for me in this stage of my life right now!

  • This is great. It needs to be read, however, with the same spirit as Proverbs 31 or the many times we are called to “be like Christ.” We will never achieve perfection on this side of heaven but that should not stop the pursuit of holiness.

  • Thank you I need this. I have been through tough times for the last 14 months yes I see the light

  • Love this. Couldn’t help feeling this applies to all-women & men. Forgive me< Nicki, would like to change title to The 5 Habits of the Person Who Won't Give Up.

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