Two Minute Tuesday: Stay Put


Two Minute Tuesday: Stay Put

Click here if you cannot see the video. 🙂

Question for you: What is something you are finding yourself wanting to run from? I’d love to hear in the comment section.




  • Happy Thanksgiving, Nicki!! Thank you for your messages. I enjoy your thoughts. Staying put is something I need to work on. Sometimes, I feel that I must be missing what God is sharing with me, just because I am trying to do too much. So, slowing down and staying put is a good message for me. 🙂 Thank you.

  • Wow this hit so close to me. I’m a runner and I have always been a runner. I have been going through something in the past few months that has hurt me deeply, but it also showed me things I needed to see. My first instinct was to run and run far…………… Something made me stay in the situation and rely on the Lord instead of just running as usual. Well I think you are right Nicki he sometimes wants us to stay put and I’m so glad that I’m here and I’m still trying. I still get the urge to run but I stay. In the process I have quit smoking after 35 years. It has only been 2 weeks but for me that is a miriacle I have quit 100 times and have never been able to do it. God gave me some fruit, he took the desire away and gave me strength to fight it when it has snuck up on me. I’m not a new Christian I have been one for about 10 years now but I have finally let God fully in my heart. I finally feel like I believe 100%. I recently stumbled on you guys too and it has been such a blessing to have Proverbs 31. I just wanted to share with you what it has meant to me and to show you what God has done with me since I stopped running. Life is not perfect for me by any means, I still have all the same problems I had when I wanted to run. But now I have God and Jesus and the Holy Ghost on my side, I’m loved by God himself and I feel complete in the battle I face daily. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Wow Mary, thank you so much for sharing your story. So neat to hear what God is doing in you!! xoxo

  • Nicki,

    I felt like you were talking to me! I am a runner too. Definitely have many things I am passionate about and have a tendency to jump from one to another when things get hard like you said. 🙂

    One instance where I feel like running right now is in a new job. Things are a little different than I expected and I’m not sure why God has me there but I’m sure it is to grow me or use me so I am choosing to stick this one out!!

    Always enjoy what you have to share.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


    • Hi sweet lady, I’m sorry to hear that about your job. God does have you there for a reason! I believe in you Mary! Stay put and grow, He’s got great things ahead. xoxo

  • Stay put and grow….WOW, Nicki! I too am a runner in fact there is something I’m feeling uncomfortable about now. And I just want to busy myself so i don’t have to think about it. I’ve dealt with this for a long time and I know that God doesn’t want me to “deal” with it the way I do, but I never give Him the chance to help me grow. So,now that you’ve called me out on it, I’m going to work on staying put, knowing God is in charge and letting Him do His perfect work in me. Thank you Nicki

    • Praising God for the obedience you are facing in your life right now. Through it all He will help you grow, I know He will!


  • Wow! This is food for thought. In my current season I have been here before but try to do it on my own. God has let me see He is morethan able and I am finally learnimg what it means to be still and know Heis God and allow him to work in me so Ican growand bearfruit. It is a growing process that is hard but I see isdrawimg me closer to God.

  • I am a runner too I didn’t realize it until now. I have always loved this verse but I never realized what you just said about it. I’m in prayer about staying in a ministry with another woman/friend who has a completely different personality, gifts, and way of helping the people we minister to. This session she took off and I’ve lead alone and have really clung to the Holy Spirit leading me. The next session she is returning on Feb 4, 2014 and I’m having a lot of anxiety about working with her again. We also lead a small group and samething in it. Thank you Niki for speaking these words out in how God is leading you. I believe it is my time to continue in His presence and just be with Him andfinish the 3 weeks left in my ministry and see where He leads and grows me for Him.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • I never realized I was a runner until recently. Probably not until this very moment in time. I am currently trying to run, but God won’t let me. He’s telling me to “stay put” no matter how badly I want to get up or how scared I am. It’s good to hear that I’m not alone in that feeling. Thank you!

  • Thank you Nicki. I appreciate your times of being still. I am 55 years old and the Lord is still teaching me this. I’m a runner. I have been in a time of stillness. God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving.

  • Nicki,

    I am so thankful for you! It seems that God uses you a lot in my life to convey something I don’t quite understand. I have a huge, life changing decision to make over the next few months. I feel that this is where God has been leading my heart over the past few years. However, I am a “people pleaser”; the worst kind. I would rather pull my hair out than upset someone else or do something that they don’t like. My friends and some of my family members have been very supportive of this decision, however, my mother and sister have not. I know that God is telling me to “stay put” and work through the emotions, rejection, and tears, but it’s really hard. This video is great encouragement! You are awesome! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family!

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