Two Minute Tuesday: Love


Two Minute Tuesday: Love

Do you ever struggle to love people where they are in life? If so, why do you think this is so hard for us? Leave a comment sharing your thoughts today.




  • I find it hard to love someone who deliberately cuts me down then turns and says they are only telling me the truth because they love me.

  • “Love people where they are, not where we wish them to be…” That’s the problem for me right there. I have a close family member that can be very toxic to all those around her. It’s kind of the opposite of your example Sheila. This person will say hurtful things and then treat you like you are crazy for being hurt or offended. I always love HER. Her behavior is what I don’t love and find hard to accept. Separating the deed from the doer can help, but we’re human. It’s hard to turn the other cheek when offenses come often and are rarely acknowledged or apologized for. But I feel as though I have to be like Paul. In 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Paul describes “a thorn in his flesh” which plagued him constantly. It was something that he prayed to the Lord to remove from him. But, the Lord did not do so, He instead reminded Paul that His grace was sufficient to deal with the “thorn.” He reminded Paul that His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses to keep us humble and relying on the Lord. My family member keeps me relying on the Lord for His grace, His mercy and His ability to forgive. This is what keeps me going and encourages me even when I don’t feel so loving or forgiving. Thank God that His grace is sufficient for ANY situation that I face, even my thorn of a family member :o)

  • I find it hard to not rely on man. Often in my life I cannot understand why people keep going back to “old ways” of living. After they have seen how awesome our God is but they still do not trust him to be his or her savior. Then I am reminded that it is in Gods time not my own that man will fall on their knees and praise his name. The waiting is the hardest and wrapping myself around that truth is where I have to stay planted in Gods word. Trusting that his word is suffient enough.

  • I am really struggling with some family members, mostly my sister! She constantly lashes out to me and I have told her many times if she was my friend she would not be in my life anymore, OUCH huh? She gets better then back to lashing out again. She just gets angry at things I say and doesn’t gently say them nor does she care how they come a crossed. I have pulled away from her and it bothers me. I haven’t called to talk to her of the latest outburst but will soon once it dies down and she is more prepared to handle my words. I always go back to she is my sister and we are family and another family member won’t allow her in his life so I don’t want to be the same person. Forgive and forget and love on her and pray for her because I know our GOD is the only person that can change her right now. Not me, only GOD can do that!

  • Another beautiful encouraging Truth here! God bless your caring and forgiving heart. We all do wrong at times, then kick ourselves for saying or doing. This in turn helps us to forgive as We need forgiveness. I like hearing things such as this, to Remind me to be careful of Words I speak. They can be so hurtful, more than helpful!
    I love your heart Nicki! Sorry for your hurt, but thankful for your help today!

  • This is a tough one. But as I get older I am learning that when others make negative comments toward us it is often more about them than it is about us. We of course need to examine our own behavior too. As Nicki points out, often the actions are not intentional. I try to remember that and also try to only worry about my half of the relationship. I try to respond as a Christian, try not to get too caught up in others behavior, just focus on mine. And when I get hurt, I try to remember that I am enough. Right now, God loves me fully, just as I am and as long as my heart is in the right place, this is enough.

  • Great reminder. And I think that works for when we try to compare ourselves to others too.

  • I think we all have the tendancy not to have unconditional love as Christ has for us. We put ourselves above others, therefore when we feel that people aren’t where we think they should be in life, we look down on them as well as we don’t show them love. If we take “US” out of the picture and put “GOD” there, we can find that we can have the same unconditional love that Christ has for us.

  • I can definitely relate to the comments above. I was told about a book called Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. What valuable insight I have received from it. I even recommended it to the “person” that I have trouble with. God opened up an opportunity and I took it. Now I have compassion for that person and boundaries!!

  • We probably all have someone in our life that says things without realizing the emotional impact they are creating. It’s often very difficult for me to deal with hurtful things that are said to me (mostly from one person and it’s a clothing and body image issue). I tend to be hurt by the statement,but don’t hold it against the person. In my mind, they don’t know where I am with these issues.

  • I have trouble loving parents and brother that lives with me, more than my brother that lives in Texas. But I have trouble with loving family where they are the most. I think this is because I feel they judge me and are critical of me. I also feel that they require more out of me than others do and it makes harder for me to love them where they are right now especially my brother that lives with me. Because he is always doing things to make me more frustrated.

  • After reading “The Bait of Satan” I try to remember that taking offense is a HUGE tool the enemy uses to undermine God’s work in my life at that time. If I focus on getting my feelings hurt, my humanness becomes the focus instead of my Savior. It is a daily grind, remembering to let it go. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim….

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