Uncomfortable Grace


Uncomfortable Grace

I have never felt so distracted.

Even right now as I’m trying to type this post, there’s a little puppy at my feet. Crying. Barking. And wanting to play.

I’ve come to understand how being distracted is one of the most dangerous places we can be when we are expectant for God to do something great in us & through us.

And sometimes all we know to do is to cry out to God and ask for His grace.

And while His grace is overflowing with abundance of forgiveness, peace and love, today I’m finding I need a different type of grace.

Uncomfortable Grace.

The grace that says,

“You’re letting yourself be distracted.”

{Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”}

“You have the power to push through every distraction.”

{Philippians 3:12-14, “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”}

“Focus brings freedom.”

{Proverbs 16:3, “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”}

uncomfortable grace (1 of 1)

Uncomfortable grace is the place of realizing we are not a helpless little target for the enemy.

Uncomfortable grace allows us to see things for what they are and move on.

Uncomfortable grace flows down deep, to those places covered by anxiety, fear and frustration.

Uncomfortable grace. The grace that doesn’t let us stay in our distracted places.

Oh God, yes, give us more grace but may it be uncomfortable grace when we need it most.

What about you?

Do you feel distracted? Is God allowing you to experience uncomfortable grace? Leave a comment and share your experience today. I would love to hear about it.




  • Thanks so much for sharing this Nicki, I have had the most ADD day and could not even focus on the smallest of tasks. I will be sure to remember this wise counsel and not allow myself to be distracted that I would work with integrity and be faithful even in the small things.

    • I understand how you feel Lebo. Thanks for sharing. Praying you are able to press forward too!

  • Feels like you’ve been hanging out with me. Lol. I don’t think there’s a whole lot more going on than usual but the distractions are flying. I’ve been leaning on the Lord for peace. Something great is going to happen, it always does after these crazy time. The enemy loves distractions. Stay strong. I’m praying for you.

  • So many times I have felt this way. Uncomfortable grace…never thought about it like that but pretty much sums it up. Most of the time I am not good with uncomfortable anything but being uncomfortable and gracious at the same time? I don’t like controversy or telling people “no” or something that isn’t what they would like to hear. But I have found that in those times that can sometimes feel “negative”, God can always make a positive from it. What I sometimes see as negative is only because I am looking at the situation through my human eyes. This is where my faith kicks in and God assures me that if I do as He asks me to do, no matter how uncomfortable it may be, He will make everything alright. One day I will finally learn this and He won’t keep having to remind me. So for now, I continue on with my uncomfortable graces and keep trusting that He has it all in control. 🙂 God bless!

  • Thanks Nikki, In December we took a break from the routines of small groups, bible study, other ministries because of so much Holiday plans with the church, etc guess we could say A time for family…which was wonderful,…..time to reflect for me on what Christmas was really about, and enjoy Jesus. This year we totally did things so different, we focused on Jesus. The spending was very minimal, and we did is wisely. We have four grand-children and they were what we concentrated on as far as gifts. Our four children are older now, and were so ok with what we were doing. But once Christmas was over the decorations put away, I felt like I was getting back to feeling ok with being home and isolated from the world. Sluggish when it came to getting back to bible study etc.
    Your devotion really hit home. I feel so distracted and have been praying for discipline! I feel like “Get it together girlfriend!” I am so excited about Made to Crave, and I am slowly getting “with it” I ask for prayer and will pray for all us girls who are fighting with DISTRACTION!!!!
    Thank you for the verses, the one that hit me, or should I say slapped me and woke me up…..hahaha was Proverbs 16:3 Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established….that is an AMEN.
    I had just taken my index card off my kitchen window ledge, with my 2014 verse which was Proverbs 3:5-6 I am replacing it with this verse. I also use map versing, I love it…… Thank You, Thank You Thank You, Lord for uncomfortable grace.
    Blessings Anna

  • Nicki,
    Thank you so much for this post because it has caused me to search deep and be brutally honest concerning being distracted and not focused. The message that is speaking loudly in my spirit right now centers around the word”accountability”. I can not allow myself to play the blame game or make excuses for being distracted from doing what God has called me to do anymore. I love the scripture in Romans 12:2 because it reminds me that I have to think differently from the world and live in a different manner and the only way to accomplish this is through constantly renewing my mind. My prayer for the last 6 months has been that the Lord would help me remove the unnecessary things and activities from my life as well as those things that may be good things and God things but not the God things that He has planned for me. I think that is where your second scripture applies to me in terms of not having attained that state of excellence but I am pressing toward the mark and I am definitely not where I was several months ago, but I still have miles to go.Yes, Nicki. I am experiencing that uncomfortable grace and I do not desire to stay in that distracted place anymore. I want to be from distraction and live a purposeful and focused life which will bring my Daddy honor and glory. Thanks again for your message.

  • This was beautifully written, Nicki. Moreso, it’s a truth we all need to remember to embrace more often – like moment by moment! I often get so caught up in doing and being that I often forget that He rules the Universe, not me.
    Thank you for your timely post. I’m certain it will encourage many!

  • Life is so messy sometimes and distracting. How timely your words are! The enemy wants us distracted from what God has for us this year… he wants to pull us off target. I am often distracted by comparisons and doubts. I am so grateful for uncomfortable grace- grace to stand in the midst of the messy-ness. Grace doesn’t take the messy away- it empowers us in it! Thank you Nicki!

  • Uncomfortable grace. WOW. What a beautiful picture you painted. I really can’t find another word other than…wow. I’ll be jotting down these truths on paper so I can read them over & over each day! So encouraging & empowering! THANK YOU!

  • Thank you so much for sharing this post. I think grace can be so uncomfortable for us because it’s not reliant on us. We bombard ourselves with lists, chores, errands, etc., so that when we’re confronted with His quiet, sovereign grace, we’re left feeling uncomfortable. His grace doesn’t depend on us, and yet gives us everything we need.

    Thank you for this reminder.

  • Nicki,
    thank you so much for this message today! I am doing the #Action Plan follow up to MTC and I have gotten off track the last couple of days! I had an awful day yesterday because I had let the devil attack me. God placed me in “uncomfortable grace” this morning on my commute to work! God reminded me, through hearing someone else’s story on the radio, of what I had let the devil do to me! Thank you for your obedience to God and allowing Him to use you to help us!

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