Two Minute Tuesday: Love


Two Minute Tuesday: Love

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  • Thanks for your honesty. Complaining from loved ones can drag you down little by little, and I’m a teacher who’s had a hard year, full of students complaining about almost everything I’ve done. Since it’s my first year teaching certain grades, I admit I haven’t done the best job. Two nights ago I released my frustrations on paper, feeling guilty even as I wrote it down. I hate my students. I have tears in my eyes even as I type this, and I know God wants me to love them. You don’t have to publish this comment. But at least know you are not alone.

    • Hi Julie. As I read your post it is obvious you are frustrated. Pray for peace, pray for God to show you what you need to do & take a step back from your students. Look at them & pray for them. You may be the only Jesus moment they have in their day. Teachers are amazing people. I’m grateful for everything you do. I’m praying for you. God loves you & is using you.

  • Thank you, Nicki, for being honest about your family dinners. Dinnertime at our house is just me and my husband, as our son is married and lives in SC. I love how God speaks to us through everyday life, even dinnertimes. You are very special and I enjoy your blog posts. Thank you for your words and your smile. 🙂

  • Thanks for sharing. I’m so excited for your new beginning. We also put our home up for sale. We have lived in it since 1986. We would also like to purchase an acreage. Please pray for us

  • Thanks for your honesty♥ I can personally relate! I think being purposful Christian women means we strive for Christ’s perfect love, not perfection – or even some distant cousin to it. As self proclaimed perfectionist I’m so thankful His mercies are new each morning. I rarely get through the day without some mis-step. Keep doing what God has clearly called you to do. Your love for Him makes you beautiful inside & out! Go.Be.Love

  • Loved your message Nicki! Can’t wait to see pictures of your farm & I will be praying for the sale of your home. When I was growing up we ate dinner at our dining room table every night as a family. We were not allowed to complain about anything. If my sister or I started to say something (complain, gossip) my Mom would look at us and say “Is what you are about to say beneficial?” In other words, if not, don’t say anything. My Dad would always say “That is not table talk.” I am sure they both had a long hard day & wanted dinner to be peaceful. 🙂

  • Thanks for taking the time to speak with us, Nikki! I am very excited for you and your new adventure and hope you will post pics of the farm! Hooray!

  • Nicki, I love your honesty. The great thing about the body of Christ is that we can come to each other with our trials and in turn know we will be prayed for. I lift you and your family in prayer today. Sometimes it takes a “get up and walk out” moment for our loved ones to see how something is weighing on our hearts. Only good will come out of this. Happy selling and moving!

  • I loved your honesty today. Some days it is so hard and it’s a good reminder to hear that I’m not the only one that struggles with this issue. We live on a farm with cows and chickens. It is such a blessing to our family. The girls are bottle feeding calves each morning and evening and it has been such fun. A piece of advice: We bought a four seater ranger and have had more fun rambling around on the land and checking the cows and their babies. It’s definately something that brings us closer. Good luck!

  • I loved hearing and reading these verses with you today. Such good truths! God knows the desires of our hearts and He knows your love and passion for family time. Keeping praying – He hears you and even though we can’t see the answer now He will answer us. Isn’t is amazing how life lets us grow closer to God because we call on Him?

  • Oh yes Nikki, I can remember those days. How frustrating. Thank you for sharing your heart. I have missed your posts. Here are some suggestions if I may and mind you I wish I would have thought of this years ago. I don’t remember the ages of your kids. You could have the first one that complains make a dinner for everyone. It might be p&j so may have to be prepared. Another idea is to wtite some tropics or scripture on pcs of paper placed in a jar or basket and have the first complainer start the discussions of like or dislike or meaning of the topic. I realise it might be to much for now with all that is happening in your life for now. Once your settled I hope it help. Great for teachers too. Congratulations on the new hom.

  • Thank you for your great comments! Hi-Los at dinner, we go around and let everyone tell their worst part of the day (their low) then we can discuss if need be and then each person tells their best part of their day (end on a High), sometimes we will add things like what we learned today, or what made us laugh today! Always ending on that good thing, so the low part doesn’t seem so bad any more! God Bless!

  • Oh boy I remember those days, we had to set some easy rules, and now all but one have moved out and guess what I MISS IT!!! So take a deep breath maybe they should have to say something good after a complaint, and business deals (asking for $$) should be kept for after dinner? Thank you for your encouragement because you are so right to remind us it all nothing if not done in love.

  • Thanks for sharing. I can relate! My family is very fussy and I dread just trying to find things that everyone will eat! There have been times I’ve felt like leaving the table too! Especially when I cook a big meal and find no one is hungry or I make something small and everyone complains they are starving! I often say my day would be less stressful if I didn’t have to plan dinner, but I remind myself we should be thankful we have so many food choices and for family to share it with! Then I am ashamed of myself.

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