Has it already been over a week since I last blogged?
So much has happened the past few days, it kinda all feels like a blur. A grateful blur. But still a blur.
We are officially all moved in at The Farm. It’s hard to believe this little piece of heaven on earth is where we live.
I don’t do so great with the whole house-out-of-order situation that moving brings, so I’ve been a busy lady the past few days.
Packing, unpacking, cleaning, cleaning some more, moving furniture, painting walls, researching ant and mice solutions… [Oh yes, the farm life is full of this fun.]
But last night I had to make peace with things. Because there’s still a lot that needs to get done. And we are just exhausted. And we own a business and I work for a ministry. And we have three kids. Life must continue.
So I’m taking things one box at a time. One paint color choice at a time. One sleepless night at a time [there’s a lot of strange noises out here.]
And one unexpected surprise at a time…

I’ll be honest. I wasn’t excited about adding another dose of “anything” to our lives.
And I don’t even like cats [sorry cat lovers.]
But in the midst of this rushed, chaotic life, this helpless kitten appears.
Seriously, I bet her momma saw us pull up in that U-Haul and was like… “Oh ya, a mom with three girls, they will for sure take care of this one. Peace out baby kitty.”
And so, the grandmother buys cat formula and we feed this kitten and love her the best we know how.

Then that same grandmother takes all her grand girls on a big trip for the whole week and this momma is left with the dog and the kitten. Oh mercy.

I didn’t ask for another thing and yet here she is.
And sometimes when I pull that kitten out from her box in the shed to feed her, I don’t feel so warm and fuzzy about her.
But I feel as though she’s a test to my soul.
Since we bought this farm, I feel as though God keeps whispering… “Stay open to the unexpected.”
Because we live our lives in this rushed, planned and expected pace. But there’s so much I feel like I’m missing in my day-by-day living because I tell myself I simply don’t have time for unexpected things.
But I think there’s a lot I can let go of to open up my soul to unexpected moments…
-The need to have my kids at practices 5x a week
-The desire for a Pinterest worthy house
-Taking on to much
-Getting lost in conversations that don’t really matter
The list goes on and on…
And so this week, as I pull Paisley out of the shed to feed her, I’m whispering a prayer to be open to the unexpected things life has to offer. Because life is so much more than to-do lists and projects and hustling this kid here and that kid there.
This prayer, it’s a small step… but might we remember how much the small steps count.