The other day I was admiring all my progress on this #write31days journey.
Spending quality time with God. Check.
Blog posts each day. Check.
Completing office. Check.
Working on graphics each day. Check.
But then, one of my girls came to me and said, “Um, we have no clean underwear.”
Then, my husband shouted, “WHERE are ALL the towels?”
And then, I looked around my house and realized, I hadn’t cleaned a THING since I started this journey.
It seems like something in my life is always out of balance.
Too much time here, too little time there.
My journey to becoming a woman of completion has gotten a little … wavy.
So the other night, I had to back it up.
Scrub some toilets, do some laundry, cook some dinner and redefine things.
The thought of this great adventure with God seems so appealing. Becoming a person that He can count on. Being all that you said you would be.
But if we aren’t careful, in the process we will lose the greatest steps of completion. Which are the ones we sometimes don’t see as being so obvious.
I think God wants to know, will you be faithful here so I can get you … there?
Back it up. Get back on course. Re-define the journey.
Let God remind you of the course He has you on.