It’s a morning I’ve been craving for months. These silent early hours when only the dog’s feet are pitter-pattering through the house. A warm cup of coffee. And a cool fall breeze flowing through the windows. Mmmm …
These are the most simple -yet blissful- moments I’ve had in months. But in the midst of all this morning wonderfulness, there’s something challenging me …
A couple of weeks ago I coordinated a retreat from start to finish. It was one of THE most stretching things I’ve ever done. I’m an idea girl so, working through details, budgets and spreadsheets? Ugh, makes me want to break out in hives.
But I pressed through every ounce of wanting to quit.
A few days before going into the retreat a friend said to me, “Nicki, for whatever reason God is allowing you to go into this retreat empty.”
I totally got what she was saying. I was exhausted. All of my efforts had already been poured out into the preparations. And I wondered…. Will I really have what it takes to pull this thing off with excellence?
So the afternoon before I left for the retreat I was on my knees asking God to “fill me up.”
And I felt like He said, “Stop asking me to do that. You’re not empty. Your well is deep.”
And I realized in that moment I spend too much time asking God to fill me up. When what I really need to be asking Him is to make my well deeper.
Because when a woman’s soul-well runs deep it doesn’t become empty. It may look empty, it may feel empty but if you dig a little deeper … there’s more water.
I’m thinking one of the characteristics of a woman who quits is: she just feels empty. Like she has nothing left to give to that person, situation or experience. So she runs from it and runs towards the things that “fill her up.”
But maybe becoming a woman of completion is really about keeping our wells deep.
When we praise … we keep our wells deep. [Psalm 23:3]
When we give … we keep our wells deep. [Luke 6:38]
When we love graciously … we keep our wells deep. [Matthew 22:37]
So on this day 3 of this completion journey … I’m just digging this well of mine a little deeper.
#write31days #day3