Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else. Galatians 6:4
I was thinking about you, my friend on the other side of this screen, yesterday. I was thinking about how you might perceive me.
So I went through my pictures on Instagram and looked at them from a perception of not being me. [Weird? I know.]
And I realized, if you only knew me according to my social media or this blog, there’s a possibility to some my life appears perfect.
A great husband, three beautiful girls, a fixer upper farm, an incredible job, all these fun projects I do … ya da ya da ya da…
But the people who journey with me know this is far from reality for me. And on this day 9 of this #write31days journey I’m simply saying to you the words … me too.
Because here’s the truth …
I don’t have a lot of inspiration in me today. There’s nothing profound just screaming to be let out of my soul.
And that completion list of mine? It’s not looking too crossed off today.
And every part of me wants to make up some reason to skip out on this #write31days journey. What was I thinking??
So instead of quitting, I’m taking a moment to just let you know, my friend on the other side of this screen, that my life is full of less-than moments too.
Are you struggling with your finances? Me too. There are a slew of issues out here on this fixer upper farm that need to be fixed and well, just can’t be fixed right now.
Does your marriage feel rocky? Me too. Kris and I are in a tough season of life. We feel like all we do is get this kid here and that kid there. Deal with this issue and then deal with that issue. At the end of most days we are just… drained.
Have your kids been a little sassy lately? Lord have mercy… me too. I’m totally blaming that moon thing.
Are you wondering if God sees that dream in you? Is He EVER going to allow it to come true? Me too. Me too. Oh, me too.
So maybe part of my like of completing things in life has to do with that verse I shared at the top of this post. [Galatians 6:4] I compare, I do. Oh yes I do. And social media doesn’t help.
Because in reality all we do is post the highlights of our lives.
And for that, I’m sorry. I want you to know I get your bad days, I get your stressful days, and I get your happy days.
I get it because I have them too.
Okay, that’s all I got today. Because, do you ever overslept through your first, second and third alarm?
Me too.