We had to have a LOT of vision the first time we pulled up to see the fixer upper farm. Because pretty much the entire property was covered in weeds.

So for the past three months we have been taking things one section at a time. Just chipping away here and chipping away there. A few weeks ago I cleared out all the weeds in this little area in the front… I don’t know what to call it? Maybe you know…
And underneath it all was this beautiful little brick patio and fountain area. But it was in rough shape. There were chunks of the brick-patio-puzzle missing and it looked incomplete.

So yesterday seemed like the perfect afternoon to begin this project. I enlisted two of my girls to help out. I thought they would be SO excited to knock this thing out with me.
Think again, Nicki.

We dug and dug and dug up a big portion of the bricks. And we’ll continue to dig it up today.
But just seeing this little section of progress gives me hope.

Because y’all somedays, I’m not sure the fixer upper farm is EVER going to be complete. And maybe it won’t ever really be “complete” and I’ll just have to be okay with that. But every little step of progress gives me hope.
Even as I type this post there’s a loud banging from my husband from the crawlspace as he fixes our pipes. Progress.
Someone asked me the other day when we plan on getting the “farm” part of this farm going. Good question.
We hope by the spring the farm will be ready to be filled with animals [cows, chickens and a pot-belly pig or two J] and a big garden [almost an acre!] will be planted to bless many, many, people.
Over the winter we will continue finishing up the remolding/repairs on the inside of the house and continue to work on the fencing across the property.
We just have to keep making progress. Because progress it does something to you. It gives you hope. It lets you believe its possible. It makes you … shine.
This post is part of the #write31days challenge.