Bob Goff.
Have you heard of him?
If not, let me introduce you to him today.
Last week I had the unbelievable opportunity to interview him for the Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies The Best Yes Conference Call.
I was a little nervous. Just a little.
Because the more I found out about Bob the more I realized what a big deal he was.
Not a big deal as in Christian celebrity deal [because I am not about that]… big deal as in this guy IS the real deal. I’ve never met someone who is so closely living out what it really means to love like God. Never.
He even wrote a book about his journey, Love Does.
And I was nervous because I really sensed that God was about to expand my heart in a way I couldn’t quite put into words.
Most of the time all those Lifetime movies I’ve seen make my senses WAY off. Oh mercy …
But for once, my sensing was right on.
During our interview, Bob Goff said something that has not left me. He said, “Be the next, best, humblest version of YOU.”
Those words truly shook me. They changed me. They gave me a focus unlike other words I’ve ever let sink into my soul.
But God, how do we live this out in our lives?
Because becoming a woman of completion [my #write31days journey] is a woman who has confidence in knowing that she can and will accomplish the things she needs to. It’s a godly confidence.
But sometimes confidence can come off as bragging. Sometimes confidence can make us appear to know a lot more than we do. And sometimes confidence can make us think we are better than someone.
So friends, as I continue to ponder the wise Bob Goff’s words I want to invite you into this conversation. Because I’ve been asking everyone in my little world today what this thought means to them…
What does it mean to be the next, best, humblest version of you?
For me, I’m starting with this verse…
Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.4 Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. -Philippians 2:3
This post is part of the #write31days challenge.