Two Minute Tuesday: These Things


Two Minute Tuesday: These Things

Happy Tuesday friends. Here’s today’s Two Minute Tuesday. If you cannot view the video from your email, click here.


ps- Summer Story ’15 link-up will be here on Thursday AND I have an awesome giveaway planned for those who participate. So get your blog posts/pictures ready!




  • Dear Nicki, Wow, I feel like this video was created just for me. God is so awesome how He does that. 🙂 I’ve been battling fear, doubts and negative thoughts the last month or two. The Lord showed me that it stemmed even since childhood and lies I began believing (deep insecurities) in elementary school. I feel like I need to battle these lies (replacing lies with Truth- God’s Word), in order to have the breakthrough to be a much brighter light for God’s Kingdom and glory. I’ve been listening to Joyce Meyer’s “Battlefield of the Mind” DVD (also on Youtube) and it helps. Thanks for sharing the verse Acts 2:24, I wrote in on a pink post it note on my desk at work. I need to get that Truth in my brain. God bless you!
    Amber Paulsen

  • Thanks for todays message, Nicki. I’m battling with negative self-talk regarding my weight and trying so hard not to believe that I am doomed to live in this unhealthy body forever. Trying to combat those thoughts with God’s truth and knowing that I have to keep trying and fighting for better health. Thanks for the encouragement. Good to know there are other sisters struggling too. xo

  • Wow! I’m amaziced how God work on us by using other people. I was on Proverbs 31 doing a devotional and I clicked where it said “giveaway”, and ended up on your blog. I was looking and I got to the giveaway section, but that meant I had to write something somewhere. I’m the type of person that doesn’t like sharing much on blog’s, so after listening to “Two Minute Tuesday” this morning my life changed. Thank you for those words I’ve had a couple of rough week in the month of June. One trial after another one, BUT NONE OF THOSE THINGS MOVE ME… These has been the best lifting up and eye opener I needed to understand that each trial make you stronger. Thank you for you message. I’ll be back! Have a wonderful and blessed day!

  • Hello,
    Loved your devotional today. The staying focused is sometimes hard to do but such a good reminder for me that God is there and with me through the Holy Spirit at ALL times. The example you gave of your daughter running is also like life and the journey we are on until God takes us is so beautiful. Your analogy touched me. Thank you!
    Hugs, Debra

  • Thank you for sharing Acts 20:24. Seems to be an issue for many of my friends this season, including myself. Normally I go straight to my daily devotion and don’t search anything else on the website. So glad I didn’t do that today. Can’t wait to share this with my friends!

  • It’s funny how I have just gotten a chance to watch this. I have had so much stuff get in my way this week to stop me from finishing my race. Thank you so much for this verse. I will study and memorize and hold it in my heart during these days.!

    Love you so much Sweet Sister!!!
    Jeanie Benson

  • Awesome … I needed that (even if it is Thursday) 😀
    Thanks bunches …

  • Nicki…girl, thank you SOOO much for sharing this verse/insight! Like so many others have shared, last month-this week has been one battle after another. Although my ” Two Minute Tuesday” is Friday, I am encouraged to maintain my focus and keep the faith because NONE OF THESE THINGS MOVE ME.

    Be blessed! Be a blessing.

  • Amen! God’s plan and timing is always perfect! Thank you for allowing yourself to be vulnerable week in and week out so that your life can be used by God to shine His light, love and guidance into the lives of many others. I see after reading the comments above, i’m not the only one who has been impacted by this weeks Two Minute Tuesday. You are such a blessing Nicki! Praying God is continuing to give you the strength to stand up to whatever is against you! Blessings x

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