We Need People


We Need People


Happy Friday! I hope you guys have had a great week. I’m headed off to Texas today to be with the women of West Baptist University church as we retreat for the weekend! I’m so excited and expectant about what God’s going to do through our time together.

But have no fear because I have a super, awesome, incredibly talented friend for you to hang out with for a little while on the blog today.

Her name alone is adorable, Beth Ann, and she has this amazing ministry called She Believes. They have some of the most beautiful and inspiring graphics out on the internet.

AND Beth Ann has a very generous giveaway for you guys at the end of this post! So don’t miss out!!

Meet Beth Ann …

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works. Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” {Hebrews 10:24-25, ESV}

We need people. And not just anyone, we need our people!
It’s no coincidence that the Lord divided the Israelites up into tribes in the Old Testament. Each group making up their own unique band of ‘people’.
As this first month in the new year is drawing to a close, I am reminded all the more just how much I need “My People”. I absolutely love the dawning of a new year, the excitement, and the opportunity to dream big, with a fresh start and a clean slate. But as this first month is winding down I am already realizing that chasing those big dreams are impossible without God and “My People”.
Last summer one of the women leaders at my church talked about the importance of filling your “Table of Support”. She expressed that each seat at your table has a purpose or fulfills a specific role in helping your spiritual walk. They touch on areas of emotional, physical, social, environment, and intellectual support. The seats at our table are filled by your family, coach, mentee (disciple), mentor (discipler), validator and hero and they make up your inner circle. Ultimately, we only need God seated at our table, but he has blessed us with community through our family, friends, and church.
When we intentionally surround ourselves with faith supporters we are outfitted with inspiration to run this race.
This week as I was quickly approaching a deadline, and let’s be honest, I was completely stressing out about everything coming together! I reached out to one of “My people” seated at my table for encouragement and prayer. What I received was the perfect harmony of inspiration, validation, and the prayerful support that I needed to push through the distraction of stress and make it across the finish line.
As believers in Christ, we have the incredible honor, blessing, and ability to stir up one another in love and good works so that our lives may be a testimony to the goodness of God. As we lift each other up we serve as a witness to the lost and on-lookers of our faith and as an inspiration to one another to run well this race!

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith,

{Hebrews 12:1-2, ESV}

We all have different needs and some of us may need more people at our table than others. As you think about the people who are your greatest faith supporters, who jumps out to you? Is it a friend, a family member, a mentor, mentee, or a coach?

Let’s give thanks for the people the Lord has blessed us with today in the comments below. And if you are lacking an important person at your table, let’s lift those requests up to the Lord as well. I believe the Lord wants to fill our tables this year!

*** For everyone who comments, you’ll be entered to win I a set of my favorite Anthropologie Journals, a “Give me Jesus” mug and $25 Starbucks gift card!

Nicki Friday Post Giveaway

Thanks so much Beth Ann!!

To see all those lovely inspirational images and to connect with Beth Ann head here! 

Website: shebelieves.co

Instagram: @shebelieves.co

Facebook: https://facebook.com/shebelieves

Twitter: @bethannforo





  • Awe, Nicki! Thanks for the beautiful introduction and opportunity to share on your blog this week! This is so fun and such an honor! I can’t wait to read the comments and praise God for all the special people he has blessed each of us with. Happy Friday everyone!!

  • Thank you, Beth Ann for this wonderful reminder of how we need people! I have severe trust issues due to abuse during childhood that has followed me into adulthood. Over the last 2 years, I have been surrounded by some loving and caring people that are slowing breaking down the barriers that I had created to protect myself. Thank you for the encouragement today! I am so thankful for the people that God has strategically placed in my life right now that are helping me to grow into the woman He desires.
    I needed this reminder today and I am going to make sure that I thank the people seated at “my table”!

    • That is so amazing Juanita! I love to hear how the Lord is using not only himself but the amazing community of friends he has placed in your life to bring transformation and break down the walls. Trust is so hard when we’ve been hurt but God is so good and faithful to redeem us through the hurt, isn’t he? I will be lifting up you and your incredible faith supporters today!!!

  • Hi Beth Ann! Nice to meet you! We definitely need people! My husband, my sisters, Tami & Charlene, my best friend, Lauren & dear friends Lauren K & Cherril jump out to me as people at my table and me at theirs!!! So blessed!!!! 🙂

    • Hello Jenn, great to meet you too! Love to see the amazing community the Lord has blessed you with!!! I will be lifting you up in prayer and thanksgiving as well as your incredible community of support!!

  • Struggling with seemingly recently vacated seats at my table in the midst of incredible church family confusion and hurt from “new” rejection from my family of origin.

    • Awe Amanda! I’m sorry to hear this. I will be praying for you and your table of support. I know that it can seem lonely at times but know that God is truly all we need!! He is enough and will always be enough!! I pray as you press into the Lord for his good and faithful support you will be overwhelmed by his outpouring of love for you!! I will also be praying that if it is his will the Lord will bring just the right people at just the right time to fill your table as well!! May you be blessed in his loving embrace today!!!

  • I wish you could see the chills all over my body from reading this! I had a production meeting yesterday and will be shooting a pilot for a cooking show. We have been praying about my use of, “Meet Me At The Table.” I wrote a cookbook with that title. My desire has been for people to see Jesus through what I do. Through my food and through my writing. So many pitfalls this past year almost broke me. But the spirit has continued nudging me. “I am terrified to move forward” is what I said about six months ago. The I changed my prayer to one of gratitude. God is so beautiful to show this to me, today, when I prayed specifically. Thank you for sharing! My prayer again today, “Show me Jesus. Show me. Will Meet me at the table bring glory to you?” And then I read this. Oh how glorious our Heavenly Father is!

    • Awe Aimee, that is so sweet and amazing to hear. God really is incredibly awesome to give us just what we need at just the right time. And way to go in push through the fear and road pumps!! Your faithfulness to stay the course will be a blessing! I pray the Lord continues to encourage and fill your table as you reach out with your cooking and writing ministry!! For his glory! Amen!!

  • I’m blessed with a godly boydriend, who knows just how to straightened my thoughts back to the Lord when I end up off track.

    • Joanne, that is so awesome! Lifting you and your boyfriend up in prayer today. May the Lord continue to encourage and strengthen you both in Him all the days of your life!!

  • Thank you Beth Ann for your devotion today. It really hit home with me. I am thankful for so many people in my life but especially my sister whom I always call upon for prayer and support.

    • Hello Janice, thank you for the encouragment as well. I love to hear when a persons greatest supports are a family member! I am lifting you and your sister up in prayer this morning, may the Lord continue to strength and encourage you both in Him. For his glory, Amen!

  • I have a group that I lovingly call “my cabinet”-would not want to maneuver thru this life w/o them and am so thankful for Godly people in my life!

    • CWP — I love that!! “My Cabinet!” That is great. I am praying for you and your cabinet of support. May the Lord strengthen and protect your friendship and support of one another in Christ! Amen.

  • Yes yes and yes! Couldn’t agree more. I refer to my family as my people. Sweet friends as my people. Every night we have dinner together and relationships deepened and hearts full. Blessings.

    • Love it Mindi! And love that you eat dinner together every night! That is a lost habit in many families these days but I think it is so important in staying connected. I am lifting you and your family of support up to the Lord today. May he bless your evening dinners together and strengthen you relationships with one another and your relationships with the Lord!

  • I am so thankful to God for my brother today. He is having a difficult time of letting go of his old life, but today he recognized that with God all things are possible.

    • I love that Debbie! Thank you for sharing about your brother. I will be lifting him up in prayer today, asking that the Lord continue to strength him and break the ties to his old life. I am praying for you as well – that the Lord gives you all the encouragement and strength to lovingly support your brother in this season. May you be blessed in the incredible loving embrace of the Lord and the truth that with God all things are possible! Amen.

  • I was JUST thinking about how I need to have a reunion with my first ladies small group. Those women were there for me during a big growing season in my faith. Thank you for the encouragement!!

    • Thanks so great Stephanie! I love reunions with good friends. Life get’s busy and it’s amazing how quickly time can pass between meetings. I will be lifting you up and praying that this reunion happens soon for you. Also praying the Lord continues to encourage and bless you with incredible faith supporters – In his loving embrace, Amen!

  • I love this! I am so blessed with so many amazing people at “my table.” I was blessed with a grandfather who was so selfless and started a prison ministry to help teach the gospel to those behind bars. He believed in everyone cause our Lord believed in them and him. Though I just recently committed my life to Jesus, I was raised knowing His love. But I loved the world. I thank so many people for where I am today but my grandpa was a true example on how to be Christ like. XOXO

    • What an amazing servant of the Lord your Grampa was to you and I’m sure to many in prison! I am praying for you today. Praying the Lord will continue to surround you with a “great cloud of witnesses” to encourage and strengthen you as you journey with the Lord. May you, Bonnie, be richly blessed in the loving embrace of our Lord! Amen.

  • Definitely agree! Although my table is not filled with my people yet, I do receive great support from my online community and reading blogs… My prayer is for our God to bring people into my life according to his will and plan… I rest knowing he is in control and will send exactly who should be seated at my table… A full table in 2016! Thank you Jesus for this blessing to come….

    • Amen Joanne! I am standing in prayer for you and a full table of support in 2016! I believe God is going to ‘knock your socks off’ in 2016 with how he will fill your table!!! Amen.

  • I am so blesed to have a friends that we can pray for our families and other friends on a daily basis and talk about the Lord and how important it is to share his love.

    • Amen Donna! We really only need God but he is so faithful and wonderful to bless us with family, friends, and community to walk with. I am lifting you and your circle of support up to the Lord today. May you be strengthened and encouraged in the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father! Amen.

  • I loved this! I’m still looking for “my people” to finish filling my table.

    • Hey Ali, I have a couple seats I would still love to fill still myself. I am praying for you and your table. May the Lord bring the perfect people to fill your table and the most perfect time! While you wait in prayer may you never stop knowning the loving embrace and support of our Heavenly Father! Amen.

  • Than k you so much! I am in the midst of hard parenting choices and decisions, so this is a reminder that I need to reach out to my people and ask for support and prayer. I am also praying for a person/persons who have walked this road before me in parenting older adopted kids from hard places.
    Blessing on your ministry!

    • Awe Amy, thanks for sharing – what an incredible blessing you are to those adopted children the Lord has placed in your life!! I will be praying for this season of your life. That the Lord will strengthen and bring the encouragement and help you need – not only for you but for your whole family!! May the Lord fill your table with people who have walked a similar path and who are able to bring added encouragement to you. May you be richly blessed in the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father! Amen.

  • Hi Nicki, Praying as your minister to and are blessed, as well, this weekend at the retreat.

    Beth Ann, my table is seriously lacking flesh and blood women–I have a very strong prayer partner and that’s seriously it ? I have some online but they don’t REALLY know me to be in my inner circle. When you have been seriously hurt by friend relationships this is difficult, almost impossible, but with God ALL things ar possible. Seeking Him to fill my table.

    • Hello Nancy, Thank you for sharing. A couple years ago, I didn’t really have a full table either. I had some good friends but I knew I needed a mentor, a coach and some validators (i’m a words of affirmation girl) to help support this call I believe the Lord has put on my life. It took intentianally praying and reaching out to several different people to fill my table …I still want to fill a couple seats at my table and I know God will fill those spots in His perfect time and way.

      I will be praying for you and your table — that the Lord brings the right people at the perfect time to be an added support and encouragement – until he does, I pray that you would be so filled up to overflowing with the love and support of the Lord!!

  • My table has never been filled .I would enjoy my table to be filled with woman that love the Lord . I have 5 brothers only no sisters never been close my mother not close no girl friends .I have a lot of older Grand mothers .That are very nice in my church.I need some in my age group .My family is very negative don’t really have relationship with Jesus bless pray for me

    • Hello Jessica! I am lifting you up in prayer big time today! Praying the Lord would so fill you with encouragement and love to overflowing! — Asking the Lord to bless you with a tribe of godly women who are your age to bring added encouragement to your journey with the Lord. Until the Lord surrounds you with your tribe I pray that you will continue to be blessed by His love and the grandmothers and older women of your church!! May you be richly blessed in the Lords loving embrace! Amen.

  • I would appreciate your prayers! I am in a new area and missing the people I used to be around. Trying to get in a new group of encouraging friends..

    • Hello Teresa! I would love to pray for you today!! I am praying the Lord quickly surrounds you with amazing group of women and faith supporters in your new area!! Praying also as you wait in prayer that the Lord would shower you in an abundace of encouragement and support through his love in this season of transition!! May you be overwhelmed with his steadfast and faithful love! Amen!

  • Thank you Beth Ann for this post. I am so grateful that I have my Mom, my children, my OBS sisters, a wonderful best friend at my table. I have a son that will be coming home in June from a jail sentence and I pray he turns back to the Lord. God can use him in so many ways if he lets Him back in. I think what we share with others is so helpful and takes a burden off our shoulders knowing people are praying on our behalf. What a blessing that is.

    • Hello Jennifer! What an incredible support you have! I am lifting you and your table of support up to the Lord in prayer today. Praising him for all he is doing and will do in your life and the life of your son. I pray the Lord will so cativate your sons heart and bring him back into his loving embrace! Lord we boldly ask that you are already stirring the heart of Jennifer’s son for you as he waits to be released from prison in June!! May you and your son be strengthened all the more in the Lords loving embrace and feel the transformative power of Grace over you life!!! Amen.

  • So thankful for this post Beth Ann! It provided extra encouragement to keep praying for The Lord to please me with the people I am needing, and continue loving those that are at my table!

    • Lindsay, that is so encouraging to me! I am standing in prayer and asking the Lord to bless you with an incredible tribe of support today! Praising God for all the people he as already blessed you with and asking that the Lord continue to strengthen you and your people in Him!! May you be blessed and encouraged in Christs loving embrace today! Amen.

    • Jodie, I am lifting you up in prayer today. May the Lord continue to encourage and strengthen you in Him. And may you know just how high, how deep and how wide the love of God is for you!!

  • Thankful for a God that provides and helps me through the trials and tough times.

    • Praise God! I am thankful the the Lord provides help through our trials and hard times too! Amen!! I am lifting you up in prayer today Amy! Praying that the Lord will meet you where you are and bring the perfect harmony of encouragement and strength you need today! May you be strengthened in the loving embrace of the Lord and rest in his steadfast help today! Amen.

  • What a great picture of how God brings others into our lives for a purpose. I come from a large family, so gathering around the tab,e was always interesting ?

    • Hello Hope, right?! Family table gatherings can be interesting for sure. I am praying for you and lifting you and your table of support up to the Lord today. May the Lord bring an abundance of encouragement, love and great table gatherings with fellow believers into your life. Amen.

  • My family are three of my biggest supporters and I am so thankful for them. I’m still believing that God will bring a friend into my life that I can share anything with and know that it won’t go any further. Thank you for this reminder that I need to surround myself with “my people.”

    • I love that, Lori. It’s so encouraging to me to hear when a person’s greatest supporters are family members. I am lifting you and your family up today and praying that the Lord continue to protect and encourage you all in Christ. I am also asking that the Lord blesses you with a good faithful friend to walk this journey with! As you continue to trust in the Lord, may he just ‘knock your socks off ‘ with his faithful love and support to you! Amen.

  • Hi, and thank you for the reminder of how we need people. As I was picturing my table trying to see who sits there with me. I have a friend, who I can talk to that is always compassionate and caring. I also have another friend, who due to circumstances, we are in limited contact and I really miss her. But now reading this, I need to give this to God so we can heal what has happened.
    Thank you so much for these insightful words.

    • Awe, thank you Linda! I am lifting you up in prayer today and asking the Lord to fill any seats at your table you might be missing. May you know the unfailing love and support of the Lord as you press into him for healing and restoration. It is so encouraging to know that God is really all we need but how amazing when he gifts us with friends and family to journey with as well. May you continue to know the loving embrace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Thank you Beth Ann,
    These words are so needed right now. I am in a crunch right now and it never came to me I should get with my people. I like to think I can handle it but in realty I need a little encouragement. You have given my heart a boost.

    • Awe that is so sweet Tammy. I love that “you have given my heart a boost” And love that the Lord knows exactly what we need and the exact right time we need to hear it. I pray that as you press into the Lord and lean on those faithful people he has surrounded you with — you will know the mighty love and faithful support the Lord has for you!! I’m praying you are able to push through and soar to the finish line of whatever you are working on!! In Christ, Amen!!

  • My supporters are my fellow FB group members for the P31 OBSs. I have other more generic supporters, but these ladies are the biggest supporters in my faith walk. Though I’ve never met them (except for one who I’ve known literally my entire life) they are my go-to-gals for all things faith related.

  • I’m blessed with a truly amazing group of family and friends, but my mom is my greatest leader in faith. I do not remember her ever uttering a Bible verse or telling me what Jesus would do. She lives what Jesus would do. Daily She shows me and anyone fortunate enough to be around her what Jesus was all about. I’ve never met a more selfless lady.

  • Thank you so much for your words of inspiration! My people are super important to me and I believe a community of faith is vital!

  • I am thankful for my parents who have always been supportive of me! They stand behind me and encourage me with each adventure! I’m also very thankful for my closest friends. One of which I get to work with once a week and we go to church together. It lifts my heart and spirit to be able to process life with her and to be spurred on and encouraged by her. Working here would be a lot tougher without her. And I’ve only known her 3 years… It’s definitely a God-sent friendship.

  • Sweet Beth Ann! What a beautiful post! I agree with every single word. You’re a gem and I adore your heart ?

  • Good evening gitls 🙂 God has put people in my life during different seasons. When my father was alive he was my biggest Faith supporter. His friends became some of the most loving and strength partners during the time after he went to live with Jesus ♥ It’s neat to see how the Lord brings the right people in your life at the right time. Being able to visit this blog with other christian women is a blessing I look forward to. God is so awrsome because when we need strength, prayer and words of encouragement He provides and then later WE BECOME someones strength and support.
    Thank you and Beth Ann for your love and Girl’s with God time ♥
    Blessings to everyone ~~

  • I really enjoyed your post today. My people are my family, mainly my mom. I really don’t know what I would do without her!

  • Thank you Nicki and Beth Ann. Yes, we need people, especially during difficult times. My greatest faith supporters are my church and ladies in on-line Bible studies and my husband, daughter, son and DIL and SIL.

  • I love what you ladies are doing! Community over competition and setting an example in building each other up. Thank you for such a relevant Word of truth!!

  • Thank you for the great devotion. I have several special people in my life. We met 35 years ago as new Christians and have grown in the Lord and grown close together. Thank you to the Pastor’s wife Christina for her example and to Patty and to Nancy for helping me along the way. God is so good!!!

  • A wonderful message. I have never thought of the people at my table. A very good analogy. My immediate family I have my husband, mother-in-law and brother-in-law then myself. My mother-in-law has dementia so our table can be stressful. We all play a part in taking care of her so we all have the strength. I go to church so I am the spiritual side of the family. I thank God for my family and thank you for showing me how we are all a part of God’s table.

  • I am SO SO SO thankful to God for my sister, Courtney. She is my best friend, my big sis, my confidant, my nurse…she is a HUGE part of my life and I thank God He made us sisters 🙂

    God Bless!!

  • Terrific words of wisdom Beth Anne! Thank you for sharing and returning my focus to all the wonderful people God has placed in my life.

    Thank you also for an opportunity to win some mighty fine gifts.

    May all God’s blessings be yours.

    P.S. I LOVE your ministry name….She Believes…..Priceless!

    • Hello Alana, Thank you so much for your sweet words and encouragement. I’m so glad this message encouraged you. Great news, I picked your name for the free gift. Email me at shebelievesministries@gmail.com with your address so I can mail you this fun gift!

  • Thank you for the beautiful words Beth Ann. I believe we need good friends to encourage us and keep us accountable in this crazy world we live in. My friends at church that I am part of the greeting team with & my bible study buddies are my friends that I can go to to share anything with and we all pray for each other always. How do folks with no hope or prayer warrior friends survive? ?
    On a side note my new granddaughter is an Ann ?

  • Hi BethAnn,
    Well, I turned 40 last weekend, and was so blessed to be surrounded by women who sit at my table, for a weekend getaway to a mountain cabin. Over the years we have cried together, laughed together, prayed together, made plans together. I am so thankful for the women seated at my table! Thanks for the encouraged sister!

  • I am truly blessed with a wonderful family and wonderful friends. 🙂 I pray that I am a blessing to them, too.

  • For so long I felt lonely. I live on a boarding school campus and work with teens. Not much time or opportunity for friendships outside. Boy! Was I wrong! I took my “friend request” to God and He blessed bigger than I could have ever imagined!!!! I am blessed to volunteer with P31’s Online Bible Study community and have found my TRIBE!!!! It overwhelms me with gratefulness to God! He has filled my life with amazing friends and “sisters!” ?

    Beth Ann, looking forward to checking out your site and getting acquainted with your ministry!

  • Wow what a great post!!! I am a new follower to Nicki and now to you as well BethAnn. This year I started the year off by renewing my faith and getting back to God. It is slow go for me, as it is all still so new and sometimes overwhelming and I feel that I need more ‘people’ than most but I am loving my journey so far. I am looking forward to meeting more of ‘my people’ and walking more with God.

  • Beth Ann,
    Thank you for your time and sweet words in crafting this article.
    I love the thought of “who sits at my table?”
    This year has been somewhat tragic in regards to my relationships. I’ve lost many of the people who once filled my life. Those I looked to for deep connection, prayer and companionship. I’ve prayed several times for God to refill my life with strong relationships and divine connections for His purposes. Sometimes I feel lonely, but I down in the depths of my heart I’m waiting on God. I know He is good and I know He won’t fail.
    Thank you again for coming along side my heart today! I’m believing God to fill my table once again.
    Sweetest Blessings to you!

  • Hi there! Really enjoyed your post, have been studying with P31 and follow Nicki and now found you, Beth Ann! This table concept is such a great idea, have some people, will pray for more. Looking forward to learning with you. Tried to sign up on your page,She Believes, but have to try again, kept getting a “404” I think it was. May be something with Comcast today. Hope you had a fun weekend. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the mug and the coffee 😉 xo

  • I am so thankful to have my husband at “my table”. He always has my back and he is truly my rock. God has blessed us more than we could ever imagine and I am thankful for each day.
    Beth Ann your post today is very inspiring.

  • Hey Beth Ann,
    I am so thankful for my people around my table. We had a fantastic service today with an incredibly powerful testimony and time of corporate prayer. People of all walks of life united in Spirit humbly praying to the King of Kings. I am spiritually full and so very blessed. Your post is amazing and I can’t wait to look at your site and get to know a little more ?

  • Thank you for sharing this post!! My people are my husband and my core groups of gals!

  • Beth Ann, this post came at the perfect time for me. I’ve had some changes at my table in the last year, and it was really painful. And at the same time I felt like God was preparing me for some changes in my own life, and I really needed my people. I’ve learned that sometimes, a secret between me and God can be beautiful because I’m truly depending on him alone. Then, in the last two months, God brought two amazing people to my table – one, a former mentor who sought me out and reconnected with me, and one, a brand new friend I feel is the very definition of a kindred spirit. I know these two ladies are total James 1:17 gifts from God. I’m so very grateful!

  • How beautiful. I have not been to a retreat in years. I so need one. My health is deteriorating i know it would boost my spirit.

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