3 Prayers to Pray Right Now


3 Prayers to Pray Right Now

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by prayer, so you don’t pray at all?

Recently I was praying and started to feel completely exhausted at all the things I felt like I needed to pray for. My heart started to feel heavy and unable to carry the weight of everything around me to the heart of God.

I know this isn’t God’s desire for us as we pray. He wants us to be able to bring it all to Him … our praise, our concerns, our desires … so I asked God to show me how I could pray with courage, with clarity and yet still with concern.

This is what He showed me, three simple prayers, we can pray, right here, right now, no matter what is going on around us. So if you are feeling overwhelmed by what to pray today, or any day, here’s a really simple starting place.

3 prayers to pray right now

Prayer 1: This is your day, God 

This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it. -Psalm 118:24 

God, I know You know what this day holds. So I will rejoice and I’m glad because You made this day. Help me to have an eager heart to see Your movement throughout this day. Thank you for this day. Specifically, I thank you for [_____________].

Prayer 2: Help my steps be Your steps  

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. -Psalm 32:8

God, I need wisdom, guidance and Your direction today. I am seeking You first, above everything else so that I walk in Your ways. Specifically I ask for direction through [_________].

Prayer 3: Show me what I need to see today 

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

-Psalm 27:13

Lord, as I face the reality of the world we live in, help me to see Your goodness today. Don’t let me turn a blind eye towards the places you are asking me to be present in that are hard, but help me see Your goodness. Help me to be Your goodness. Help me to live out Your goodness. I know Your goodness goes with me through every step I take today.

Today matters. Your prayers matter. And God is eager to be with you today. Don’t let the sometimes daunting task of praying keep you from it. Keep it simple. Let God grow your prayer life slowly. But go confidently into prayer, God’s listening.

Much love,






  • Nicki, Thank you so much for these prayers. I used them this morning and I truly realized what I needed to pray for today. I also am thankful to give God the glory and praise. 🙂 Blessings to you and your family.

  • Good Morning Nicki,
    Thank you so much for these simple yet to the point prayers….
    May GOD continue to Bless ypu
    And be Blessed always…????????❤

  • Nicki thank you so much for sharing these wonderful prayers . I so needed them today.

  • Nicki, thank you! So simple and beautiful! Live the points and the scriptures!

  • Thank you so much a such a rich post. I have been feeling so low with finding out so many of my family and friends have received diagnosis of cancer and serious problems. I need to look up and realize He is still under control and that His love will never fail us. You always encourage and I so love your writing.

  • Nicki, Once again you speak to my heart. Thank you for being obedient and allowing God to use you to reach so many women. I’m looking forward to hearing you speak this coming week in Durham, NC!

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