What Can Gratitude Do? *FREE Journal


What Can Gratitude Do? *FREE Journal


For the last thirty days I’ve experienced so much joy on Facebook.
I know. It’s like the last place we find joy anymore. There’s so much negativity. Information overload. And someone is always ranting about something.

But tucked away in the midst of all the posts, there was this little challenge:

30 Days of Thanks.

Each day hundreds of people woke up and decided to find something to be grateful for. It was so inspiring. I’m going to miss reading everyone’s posts each day!

But the purpose of this challenge was to help us cultivate a spirit of thanksgiving, myself included.

They say it takes twenty-one days to create a habit, so the habit of giving thanks should be well embedded in us now. But I want to equip you and I both to keep this habit up.

So … we created this free printable journal just for this purpose!

Every 30 days you can print off a new journal and keep up the habit of giving thanks all year long. But there’s the NEW challengewe are taking this up a notch.

Now that we’ve found one thing each day, it’s time to find three things each day.
In the journal, there’s spaces for you to list three things. And if you’re new to this challenge, maybe start off with just one thing?

But the more you look for gratitude, the more you’ll see it.

Hope this journal blesses you. What will grattitude do for you? I can’t wait to see …

If you participated in the 30 Days of Thanks challenge, leave a comment here on the blog sharing what this experience did for you and if you’re accepting the NEW challenge.


To view and download your
30 Days of Thanks Journal




  • Nicki, I can not thank you enough for taking the time to organize this challenge all month. It was the only thing bringing me to facebook each day. I loved starting my day by focusing on what I was thankful for instead of the long list of to do’s or the challenges I was facing. It helped to set my mind on a positive path and I found myself thinking about it on and off throughout my day. I can’t wait to use this journal and make it part of my new year resolution for 2017! Many blessings to you and your family.

    • Love it Sarah! So glad you were able to participate. Blessings to you!!

  • Thank you so much for your Facebook challenge – I started my day with gratitude and I noticed a difference with my attitude all day. The free journal is a great idea to keep up with thankfulness 🙂 You are a blessing!

    • Awesome Stephanie! Love that you are going to keep this up!! Me too! 🙂

  • This was my 3rd year posting #3things daily in November that I am #Thankfful for…Today my #3things #thankful
    1) the gift of another day
    2) Proverbs 31 Ministries (so thankful for the friend that introduced me to this wonderful community)
    3) Imperfect progress is STILL progress!!! ????

  • Thanks Nicki for challenging us with being thankful every day. Somedays were harder to decide than others with the prompt given, but definitely made me dig a little deeper into thankfulness and become more mindful of its beauty. I do take the challenge to come up with 3 things to be thankful for in your free journal. Thanks so much again & God’s blessings to you.

  • This is absolutely beautiful Nicki! I didn’t get a chance to participate in the November challenge but I’m downloading this beauty and participating now!

  • Thank you Nicki for this challenge. I did participate and I plan to continue with the journal that you have provided. Many blessings to you and your family!!

  • Thank you so much for hosting this and giving the prompts! That was helpful to this girl who has had a rough few months! I tried to post my thanks on my own wall, and made it to day two! Glad you prompted everyday; we have much to be thankful for! I am excepting the new challenge and the paper is flying out of my printer as we speak!

  • Thank you so much for the challenge to be grateful. I can’t wait to download my new journal and to keep practicing gracious gratitude. Enter me please in the giveaway.

  • I participated every day to your Facebook thanks. I only had to make up a couple days over the Thanksgiving holiday because I didn’t have access to a computer. That in it’s self was a blessing. It’s freeing to get away from the on-line world to breath 🙂

    I plan to take on your month challenge. Thank you for all that you do.

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