Unexpected Surprises | DAY 3 | #5HabitsBook Birthday!


Unexpected Surprises | DAY 3 | #5HabitsBook Birthday!

It’s day 3 of our 5 Habits Birthday celebration!! Goodness, I am having so much fun with you guys this week. And oh yes, I’m SUPER excited about our giveaways today.

But so far we’ve worked through Habits 1 & 2. And now … we move on to what I consider my FAVORITE habit of this book.

Habit 3: She stays open to the movement of God.

You know what I love about God? I never know what He’s up to!

We can’t predict all the good things He wants us to do in our lives; it’s impossible to even try. But, on the other side of this obedience is, blessing. And God has so many unexpected blessings for us. If we’ll learn to stay open to what He’s doing. 

I’m going to be sharing more about how God has used this habit in my life today on our FB Live event. I hope you’ll join us!


Today’s giveaway is to encourage you to pursue that one thing – that idea, that dream – you have, with open hands as you to walk towards faith. Don’t give up when God’s plan doesn’t look like yours – remember that He has a blessing that is better than you could ever know!

One winner will receive a pass to the online course, It’s My One Thing: Methods and Motivation for Moving Forward to help you keep pushing towards your goal! 

We are pairing it with the books 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit AND Make It Happen, by the amazing Lara Casey, as well as her Make It Happen journal to help you stay motivated towards your goals!

Side note: if you’ve never heard of Lara’s PowerSheets Goal Setting planner, you are missing out – the yearly sell out of her shop within days, but she’s restocking her 6-month planners in the next few weeks! Her shop is here 

Enter below!


a Rafflecopter giveaway




  • I am excited to see what God’s plans are for me. I pray for strength to persevere in my current situation.

  • I’m so excited for the future God has for me. I know it will be great!! His promises are true and faithful!!

  • I am so excited to be going through this book again. Its truly a great book to keep going back to.

  • Looking for direction and God’s will for my life.

  • This book was very encouraging. I want to be used by God for His glory.

  • I’m excited how God is going to use these habits in my life!

  • Great giveaway today!! I’m moving forward in faith with some changes I feel like He’s been leading me to make, and in a new phase of life that I’m in.

  • I think I am moving forward in my faith by going out of my comfort zone as God opens little cracks. I’m very content in my own little zone but when those cracks open and I feel God wants me to go through them, I truly have to depend on Him for those strengths needed.

  • This is such a wonderful giveaway WOW. So excited for today’s teaching

  • So love redoing this study. My words this week are hold on God does speak to us!!

  • This week has been a major encouragement to me! I love refreshers and how they bring new life to the material! Thank you again for doing this!!!

  • I’m moving forward in God’s word. I’ve devoted my time to read the whole Bible in one year, this year.

  • I am really struggling with moving forward with hope, even though it seems like my life is falling apart, Thanks so much for this message, Nicki!

  • I am moving forward in faith, believing that God WILL make a positive change in my financial situation, so that I won’t be continually “robbing Peter to pay Paul.”

  • Awesome giveaways! I look forward to learning more about this.

  • I’m at a crossroad right now I think! What is next? Praying a lot that I trust God’s plan and don’t try to run ahead with my plans!!! His are always better! He has proven that over and over again to me.

  • I’m really interested in reading this book. I love all of your videos and posts. Thank you for your ministry.

  • Looking forward to hearing you today. I have a dream I’ve been putting on the back burner for too long because I don’t know how to “start” it.

  • Wow, another fabulous giveaway! I’m in a new life stage with a daughter going off to college. I’m wondering what my next project should be. Trying to stay open and listen.

  • Earnestly seeking God’s plans for my life and His will for me as well as His healing for those very wounded broken places.

  • I am moving forward in faith with minimizing in my house and spending more time in prayer and devotion each day during this season of Lent.

  • I am moving forward in faith with the bible study group I have been attending. My closest friend has quit coming. Things are not the same, but I know God wants me in His word and with His people. So I am going to continue to attend and believe that God has great plans for our group!

  • I am moving forward in faith with online bible study. we are on chapter 9 of the book. Also doing a Lent devotional on fruits of the Spirit.

  • I am moving forward in faith and not giving up on my dreams God has placed on my heart. Two areas in my life right now, music and writing, I’m giving those to Him. Laying it all down and seeing what He has ready for me as I keep pursuing Him in those areas. This book is amazing! So much to learn every time you read #5HabitsBook.

  • I am moving forward in faith with my women’s ministry!

  • I’m moving forward in faith that God will re-reveal Himself to family members.

    • Love it! This makes me giddy when I see women investing in themselves, especially when their gift and talents are being used as gifts to others! Yay Kela, move forward in faith!

  • I’m moving forward in faith with my dream to someday have a creative business.

  • Today was our first meeting as a small group for this study! It was so great to hear each women share their heart of where they are in life. I look forward to the work the Spirit will do in each of us as we pursue a relationship with Him through His Word. Also excited to have a fresh perspective on Ruth.

  • I am moving forward in faith with a new business. Praising God for all that He has in store.

  • Moving forward in hope that God has a new career path for me. Losing hope after many years of disappointment…..

  • I am currently at a pause and waiting for God to show me the direction I need to go. Love this book! And love Lara Casey and her Power Sheets. This is my first year using them and I am really enjoying the process.

  • I’m moving forward in pursuing my goal of going back to college to get my degree.

  • I am moving forward in faith following the dream God placed on my heart to be a Revelation Wellness Fitness Instructor! I am so excited for the future, He has been so faithful every step of this journey!

  • I have been eyeing this book! I love growing in my ambition & action – I tend to be a thinker & planner, & often forget to follow through 😛

  • Moving forward in faith with mine and my families future. I have no idea what God has next for us? Or where He will even take us? But believing He has it worked out. I just want to be prepared spiritually for that next thing and be willing for what He has next.

  • I’m moving forward in faith in regards to mine and my husband’s future in terms of retirement, location, other family members, etc.

  • So excited for writing projects and leadership opportunities God is bringing forward.

  • I’m moving forward in faith by taking on a position within our church. One that calls me out of my comfort zone but is helping me live fully alive in Jesus.

  • I am moving forward in my faith by keeping my hope in the right spot even though I am taking a different path than I ever dreamed!

  • I am anxious to see what God has in store for me and my family as we are about to welcome our second daughter!

  • I’m believing in The Holy Spirit’s guidance to give me the words to encourage my husband to take all the time he needs to spend with his father in California since it is so important to my Father-in-law to have his son by his side during his struggle with dementia. I’m not alone here in Florida The Holy Spirit is by my side.

    • Bless you for being so supportive Kathie! Dementia is a struggle for the person who suffers as well as their families and loved ones. Be sure your husband knows he can reach out to many different Alz/Dementia organizations for support. I’ll say a prayer for your family! <3

  • Habit #3 has been a struggle for me. Not dwelling in the doom and gloom gospel and being open to the infinite possibilities that God offers me. Handing it over and lifting everything up to Him. I need to get out of my head and into His word more. Thanks Nicki for this amazing study!

  • Habit 3: She stays open to the movement of God is the most exciting and terrifying of the habits. This habit stretched me the most and I am looking forward to hearing what Nicki has to say today!

  • Cant wait for Facebook live! I did this study last year and this has been great to reiterate the steps!!

  • My husband and I are both moving forward and going deeper in our faith in God. He has asked us to do something that is causing us to really trust Him more. We will be moving into a smaller/cheaper place to live. And my husband left his job to work full time in our church which is a cut in our income. So I am completely open to what God has in store for us!

  • I’m moving forward by staying in Bible Study and working on my quite time. Growing closer to God, learning and waiting.

  • God is moving in the lives of me and my children this year. I am working on staying open and not freaking out as i know God has our best planned for us.

  • Moving forward in faith with the book dream God gave me — reworking the proposal and sending it to the publisher.

  • I am trusting God with faith to provide for my masters and to finish my masters strong

  • I’m seeking every day for God’s will and that I pay attention and follow.

  • WOW! I love today’s give-away so much! Bummed I missed the FB live, I was working…but I’m about to go watch the replay. 🙂 I am SO excited to be moving forward in faith with my writing, new friendships, new opportunities and exciting times! God is so great!

  • I’m moving forward in my faith by trusting God with this new journey I’m traveling toward a healthy lifestyle.

  • This is uch an important reminder. It is all too easy to get wrapped up in our daily tasks and forget to consider what our goals are .

  • I have had a lot of worries lately so I am trying to move forward in faith by redirecting my thoughts and remembering God is the one in control, not me.

  • Happy Birthday 5 Habits! Really loving this refresher, Nicki! I feel like I am just now understanding what we studied last year and that I am truly applying these habits. Love how timely this is for me.

  • Would love to take the class! I have been sticking with exercise since reading the book in January! Very excited!

  • I’ve had my first closed tight for years. Over the last couple months, I’ve had my hands open to God. What a peaceful feeling!

  • I am having a lot of pain, but with God I am moving Forward and I am glad to have you to hear and help me to do this I always feel better knowing he is with me! I’m putting my praise hands up and letting it go

  • I’m excited to see how these habits change my life.

  • I am loving being reminded of these 5 habits, by going through this book again. Of course I am reminded of them frequently, because I have the “Don’t Give Up” T-Shirt, and it is still one of my favorite shirts. ????

  • This habit is often hard to follow what God says and be obedient. It’s hard to trust sometimes.

  • I’m so grateful you are doing this wonderful giveaway and for all you encourage in so many women–including me!

  • Congratulations on your birthday celebration! Very excited for you and am rejoicing with you for all the things God has done in and through you! Thanks for all the great giveaways. 🙂

  • I have committed to DAILY Bible Study & Journaling for Lent.

  • Im moving forward in faith for what God has planned for us in terms of the next place we live.

  • What a great season to move forward in faith! I’m navigating the newness of being a family of four and praying about what God wants for my career path as I balance work and life

  • I’m moving forward in faith to become a writer! I know God has planted this desire in my heart and I can’t wait to see how he is going to use it for his glory!

  • I’m excited to rely more on Gods plan and not my own. I’m trying to grow my faith by spending more time with God every day.

  • Sometimes God is waiting for me to take the 1st step before he acts. I have been afraid to move forward with my dream – a dream God has called me to fulfill. Last night in our 5 Habits small group, a friend told me she had a word that she was supposed to hold me accountable to beginning the work on that dream. Thank you for the encouragement to move forward in faith!

  • After 18+ years of living in CO, my husband and I are moving forward in faith with a move across the states, as well as a new job.

  • My one thing? To lead a Bible study for the first time! 5 Habits would be the perfect start.

  • Embracing the detours that are God sent to prepare me for what work He has for me in the future; we can rest in his perfect PLAN for our lives even when it was not our first choice.

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