Listen. I like to keep this little space online happy and inspiring. So this post isn’t easy for me to share.
Almost daily, I hear from someone who is walking through a personal tragedy.
It’s hard to hear these stories and it’s painful for me to think that they most likely will never have a Go-Fund Me that goes viral, a hashtag that trends on Twitter or thousands of people posting a pray for _____ post.
In these days where evil seems to be running rampant and so many people are hurting, I find myself constantly asking God, “What is my role in all this?” And, “How do I make the one know they are just as important as the thousands?”
And sometimes this online culture just becomes too much and my soul aches in the way we choose to respond.
Because the one going through their hardest thing ever is just as important as the thousands going through their hardest thing ever.
But let’s be real, the attention isn’t the same.
And then there’s the posts from people who are super passionate about certain issues and they spend lot’s of time calling out everyone in the midst of a tragedy who doesn’t post or tweet about the issue.
They claim this as being silent but I claim this as something that is actually hurting not helping.
Because my question for all of us would be, when was the last time you responded to an un-viral tragedy publicly? And when’s the last time you responded to a viral tragedy privately?
When I study the Bible, I don’t see Jesus simply bringing injustice and evil to people’s attention. I see Jesus acting towards injustice and evil. I see Jesus having as much compassion on the one as on the thousands.
And I see Jesus doing more in private than in public.
So here’s what I’m wrestling with and here are some important things I think we can remember regarding the evil and injustice we are seeing daily:
1. Because of Jesus, we have authority over this.
If this weirds you out, me too. But we need to tell evil to go. (Matthew 10:8) I encourage you to tell things like depression, fear, anxiety, anger and evil that they have to go in Jesus’ name. We don’t have to shout, yell or stomp our way to this. Just saying the name of Jesus and telling it to go is enough. We can do this in stores, homes, churches, schools or while driving down the road. But you guys, we’ve got to take authority back.
We’ve got to stop being scared of what is unseen and unknown. And we’ve got to remember that greater is He who is in us than he who is chasing after us.
2. God may have called us to the nations but He’s called us to our neighbors, first. (Mark 12:31)
I think the Church has spent more time and resources going “there” than we have staying “here.”
We have to do our part in this world. There are so many needs and we, especially those of us in America, have so many resources to help other countries.
I am all for it and don’t have any plans of stopping our support for things outside of the United States.
But if we were going to be honest, is it possible we have started believing that social media is somehow our “nations”. And so we use our platforms in a way of somehow making us feel like we’ve had an impact greater than what is really happening.

And my friend, listen, I am as guilty as anyone, to believe that somehow posting a pray for (fill in the blank) is somehow doing my part. It’s not that these posts are bad, goodness no … it’s the danger that these posts suddenly convince us we don’t have to do anything else.
But the nations are not my neighbor.
My neighbor is at my girl’s schools. At Walmart. At my church. They’re the people I pass on the street, sometimes they’re the ones who beep their horns at me. They are people I actually look into their eyes. And they are the people God has called me to love and serve.
Which leads to …
3. Find a local organization you can partner with in some way on a consistent basis.
Not just once a year.
Giving. Serving. Praying. Encouraging. Volunteering.
I can promise in your city, you are the answer to someone’s need.
And if you’re not sure how to figure that out, here’s something to consider:
What do you look at in your city and see that makes you go, “It SHOULDN’T be this way.”
Find someone who is doing something about it and join them.
And if no one is doing anything about, well … how about you?
We will all have different burdens because it would be too much for one person to carry every act of injustice and evil in this world. But I say with confidence, we all have a part, and chances are it’s a lot more private than public.
Serving our neighbors means we are here to meet a need in their life. But it doesn’t mean that they suddenly become part of our social media strategy.
Recently, I was serving somewhere in my city with a group of volunteers. Two of the people with us did almost nothing the entire time. Until, it was time to pack up and go home. They were the first ones to jump in the group picture and posted it immediately.
I wanted to scream. And I’m not really a screamer, you guys.
I’m all for using social media to help spread the word about local organizations. And honestly, there’s nothing wrong with posting a picture of some hard work and labors of love. That’s good news for our news feeds.
But man … my heart hurt that day.
But man … I was convicted too.
Because I’m sure I’ve posted something to appear one way and it was totally the opposite. But once you know better, you do better, right?
I realize this post isn’t a solution for much. And I realize the people I want most to read these words, probably won’t. But to those that do, I have a feeling you’re a lot like me, just sick and tired of it all.
But this isn’t the time to give up. Walk away. Disappear from social media. Or become anything less than the most powerful and authoritative people over this darkness that God has created us to be.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this today in the comment section. I’d love to hear your solutions. I’d love to hear how God is wrestling with you over these struggles we find ourselves in.
Conversations do matter.
This is why I invited Laureen, the CEO of Project Outpour onto the podcast today. In this episode you’ll hear about something I’ve become super passionate about here in my community and one day I hope I can share with you why … but just know, it was one of those things I looked at in this city and knew it shouldn’t be this way.
Click play to listen below or listen on iTunes or Spotify.
I don’t have a brilliant, wordy reply to this post, but I just wanted to say yes! I agree with you!
I agree with you I think it is important to help the people in our community and in our churches and in our town. Facebook is only for happy family get together. We can voice for the country. But not our problems on Facebook. Go to god first.
I agree totally with you. What happened to talking to God about thinks.
Yes yes yes! Nicki, I totally resonate with what you wrote! Thank you for sharing what God has put on your heart! I couldn’t agree more! ????????❤️
Great thoughts, Nicki. In my experience some, even a lot, are addicted to outrage. Self righteous indignation over a microphone, social media platforms, protest walks, etc. are loud and angry getting everyone’s attention but what are these same people doing to bring love, to help keep someone from falling into the river? I find those who are the most angry are hiding the most of who they are because it’s easier to “hang with the devil “ than to walk in a holy place and pray for recovery.
Pointing the finger at someone leaves fingers pointing back at you. Whose house/soul is so perfect anyway?
What has happened to The Golden Rule? Why should I gain the world and loose my soul to Satan?
Our children are watching us too. They see us more than they hear us. If we say, “I will pray for you”, then our children had better witness it along with a well written card, donated Door Dash meal, donated items, volunteer work etc.
When we are serving evil is less likely to find us.
Love one another as I have loved you doesn’t leave room for hateful rhetoric.
Right. None of us are perfect. Which is why I confessed my convictions about all of this too.
So true, “addicted to outrage” making a loud noise, sounding like a gong and clanging symbol as Paul says, but not having any love expressed through action…and some who are a part of the loud protest do not even have a clue what they are protesting for, they are just going along with the crowds…there is a time to speak, a time to act toward these injustices in love and let love speak and speak the truth in love…and so true we need to see the needs right around us, what doesn’t need our loud words but our loving hands. Good word Nicki!
Appreciate you <3 Your integrity and authenticity speaks volumes!
Very good blog post today! I can imagine how heavy this weighs on your heart and how difficult it was to write. But, your words are clear and insightful. Our actions do need to match our words! I also saw your pic on the Project Outpour website.
Yes, it wasn’t easy to write or share this. But it’s something God has been stirring in me for weeks. And yes, that’s my pic up there! 🙂
Our church does it’s fair share of mission trips. I think my mission field is directly next to me. Thank you for the reminder. It’s time to see how I can help my neighbors.
And I think mission trips are AMAZING. And so needed. We just gotta make sure it’s equaling what we’re doing in our own cities. Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you for being brave enough to post this. The reminder to take back the authority is just what I needed to hear.
It’s also important to remember often times it’s the small, local of you will, acts that have the grandest impact. Not the grand gestures.
Thanks Nicki!
Yes, totally agree that we need to redefine impact.
I appreciate you and your comments. Yes we do have authority over the evil that permeates our land. But first – we must open our eyes and admit to a certain extent we have allowed it by not speaking up, or politicizing the other side and becoming tribal. We are the United states in words only. When we the church ask the age old question “What would Jesus do? We KNOW the answer! Love thy neighbor as thyself! Until we do we will continue as we are. Praying for our nation and praying for the church of Christ!
I think if we are taking authority over it, our eyes are open to it. I just think we have to be careful to say people are not speaking up about things … we don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes and I just see those comments/posts doing more harm than good. But yes, all the way for loving our neighbors and praying for our nation.
Thank you for sharing about this ministry. God bless you all.
Excellent blog – completely agree with you. Thank you for having the courage to write it.
I couldn’t have said this any better. I do pray for those who ask on social media and have asked for them myself. But, we don’t have to serve God “BIG,” we need to serve Him where we are. Each time we have the blessing of opening our eyes in the morning and our feet hit the floor, we just entered our mission field.
I have many connections through Facebook and one thing I have done slowly over the last year or so is to unfollow (not unfriend) negative people, acquaintances that use social media to bad mouth others and most political posts. My news feed is much better these days, but nothing beats witnessing to others face-to-face!
“We don’t have to serve God “BIG”, we just have to serve him where we are.” I LOVE THIS!!
Good Morning Nicki,
Loved this blog and pod cast. I agree with you. While social media can be an asset, I think we tend to overlook the bad side of it. So many people have lost personal connections. People are lonely and isolated. They don’t feel the belong. It is a persist ant issue. How many of us (I am guilty of this) have stopped and asked a neighbor, coworker or friend how they are really doing. We glance at their social media posts…and think all looks good, like post and move on. We were made to connect, encourage and engage others beyond online. I am convicted of this, I want to do better. Who knows by saying hello and just chit chatting with someone might be their only personal contact and can remind them they are loved!!!
Thank you for the inspiration and insight you provide. I’ve been thinking the same thoughts.
Thank you for this! In our culture of being easily offended, we need to remember how Jesus would respond to the lady who made a crude gesture towards me, or to the person who is dressed differently than me. During the last year, I have made an effort to call by name the person ringing up my groceries or the person bagging my groceries. And now they initiate conversations with me! It’s just a small gesture that goes a long way! Hoping they see something different about me and want to know what that is! And I will be happy to tell them it’s Jesus!
I agree with you but I have no idea where to start.
Did you read the part of the post about looking around your city and seeing what shouldn’t be that way? It’s a good place to begin. ❤️
Nicki – I loved most of what you said, and I am so guilty of bypassing my neighbor at times. I appreciate you encouraging us in that area and recognizing what we do in private is way more important than what we do publically.
However, I just had to jump in to weigh in on the two people who jumped in the picture. We have no idea what God is doing in their hearts or what they are going through. It could have been a HUGE step for them even to show up and do nothing but get in the picture. Hopefully watching others serve, catching on to the excitement of making a difference, and our prayers it will ignite something in them. I get how it would rub you wrong, but I have found time and time again the people being ministered to the most are the ones serving right next to us. B
One thing I learned from a very wise mentor on my many trips abroad – it really isn’t about what we did there but what we do when we get home. My mission trips abroad opened my eyes to the many needs in my neighborhood. Those trips inspired me to want to make a difference here in the US. Being away from all the comforts of home helped me to tune out and completely tune into God. The lessons learned there were my launching pad to step out of my comfort zone here and do something.
I loved your three steps and your heart for all of us to make a difference. I am so guilty of serving where I’m passionate and skipping the people in my everyday life. You have encouraged me to look around and see them.
I totally agree that we don’t know what God did but you are correct that it rubbed me wrong but I also wrote that it deeply convicted me as well. There’s a heart check behind all of this for me as well. Thanks for sharing, I love the advice your mentor gave you.
Nicki – Your heart check is always evident. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability. Blessings, Maree
Thanks for this blog post. You are totally right. I am in the UK and I don’t think we use social media quite so much, but last year I unfollowed anyone who put up anything political or unbiblical… now my feed is full of online bible study people and encouragers. I have also moved to helping in my small village community and our church offers a ‘food on fridays’ which welcomes everyone. The guy I sat next to last week, said he read it in the village magazine and came because it said ‘you can come whether you are religious or not’ and that was what made him come… You have such mega churches that here in the UK they don’t really exist (other than Hillsong, London) – but I don’t go into any big cities, and there are lots of local projects to get involved in.
Yes yes yes! I’m not a writer and can sometimes barely get the right words out to say. Thank you for sharing with us! I love your blog and podcast. You have been so encouraging to me! ????????????
Thank you for writing this. I have been asking myself the question, what should I be doing , in light of all the challenges. I don’t like attention and I love to do acts of kindness. So I get your thoughts about social media and being overwhelmed. I have decided to pour myself into some third thru fifth graders this fall. I truly think we need to focus on helping our children build a relationship with Christ. We are raising children in an anxious and confusing time. They need to know the peace and love of Christ. The harvest is in our communities.
Shared this on my Facebook page mostly so I can easily find it to read again. These are some powerful and thought-provoking words. Thank you for sharing.
This resonated so much with me. I keep my social media basically non political but have felt called as part of the problem with my “silence.” I love my faith and my church but have recently unfollowed someone on that faith whose posts seem to calling out those who are not “worshipping” correctly.. seriously? I cannot understand those who claim thoughts and prayers unwelcome but I also really, really agree that you have to do your part where you are today. Thank you for not making me feel like I am alone in wrestling with these issues. ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing this. My husband and I and our church recently started working with a local mission in philadelphia. We help provide a movie night in the park for kids/families and addicts living in the “heroin hub”, Kensington. In addition we pray with people, talk to them, learn their names, bring them food and supplies. Today I said “I feel like what we are doing is just a drop in the bucket”. My husband reminded me we are sharing the love of Jesus one person at a time. And maybe someone will be saved/changed. It might be an addict or it might be someone who hears about what we do and says “hey if they can do it with a full time job, small business and four kids, then so can we”.
I am just sitting at the feet of Jesus and letting Him tell me what’s next. What an adventure!!
Thanks again for your honest and loving response. Together, in the name of Jesus, we can tell evil to GO!
I really appreciate your thoughts on this. It is something I have been struggling with lately. I feel that there is evil in this world and we can’t escape it until Christ returns. After one of these tragedies, everyone looks for something or someone to blame. I don’t think it comes down to one issue to fix. I liked how you point out that we can change one thing locally would be a good place to start, one person at a time.
I have been wrestling with where I can have the most impact. I just stepped down from P31 OBS volunteering because I have a 1 year old granddaughter that I watch sometimes, plus work keeps me super busy, and being an SGL is an every day commitment and I just couldn’t do it anymore. Then, before my last study was even over, I was asked to rejoin my church’s mission team. And I have been struggling with WHAT I need to do / WHERE do I fit in / WHY am I doing what I am doing. And I have been praying! God, help me figure it out! Give me a sign as to WHAT/WHERE/WHY. I just feel like I am not doing ENOUGH and I need to do something. So, this post couldn’t have been more timely. Plus you see I am reading it a week in, so there is THAT! Ugh. LOL I love the idea of one step at a time, one person at a time. So help the lady in the wheelchair load her groceries onto the belt or into her car and put a smile on her face. I heard a story about a lady who put a turquoise picnic table in her front yard and invited her neighbors for coffee and I have the perfect place….. Could be a good start to helping my neighbors
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