How does she do it all?


How does she do it all?

You guys. It’s officially Fall! Well, according to the calendar anyway. 

Here in North Carolina it is still HOT, HOT, HOT. But there’s been a little change in the air, I can feel Fall is here. 

Which makes me super excited about our next series for the Podcast. I wanted to make sure you had some time to get into your Fall routine before we launched this series. And to be honest, I needed to get into my routine too. 

But, the number one question I get asked is this … “Nicki, how do you do it all?”

The short answer is, I don’t. AT ALL. 

However, I have learned a few things about wearing many hats. And today, I’m sharing all my secrets. And in the next few weeks, I’m inviting some people onto the podcast that I really respect. And they are gonna share their secrets too!

So, let’s get started! Click below to press play to listen to the podcast or find it on iTunes or Spotify. 




  • Hi Nicki I loved this message today. I’ll stArt practicing that today. I understand the don’t drop ball same thing 2 days in a row. I’ve done that before and it’s twice had hard to pick back up with out being overwhelmed. Thanks!

  • Love this message – carry the message “if you don’t plan your day – your day will plan you”. Have it on an index card to carry with me to remind me – Thank you for sharing looking forward to your new books

  • I loved this message. I had actually just finished The Best Yes Bible study by Lysa Terkeurst. This message was right in line with that.

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