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All The Updates

Happy 2020, friends. 

I’m so glad to be back with you on the podcast starting this week. I’ve got some incredible shows planned for you in 2020 and I’m thrilled to get to share so much with you here on this podcast.

Lessons from the Farm is heading into season three! 

But before we kick off the next series, there’s been a lot that has happened in the last few weeks. So, I felt like I needed to kinda do a little “state of the union” address. 

In this episode I’m updating you about a lot and sharing as much as I can about losing my only brother. God has taught me some significant things about grief in this season and there’s a verse He gave me to anchor it all.

I also share two things it’s important for all of us to remember when we’re walking with someone through grief. 

Click the play button below to listen now or head to iTunes or Spotify and subscribe to Lessons From The Farm and hey, thanks so much for being part of this podcast community. We so appreciate every review, share and comment we get about this podcast.

This is a bonus episode so our regular series will kick off on Thursday! Whoo hoo, two episodes in one week. 




  • Thanks for sharing your 2019 season! I love you and will pray for you. Thanks also for your ways we should and should not share messages for someone’s loss. I never thought of that in the way you said, Have a blessed week!

  • “Stand in Your Love” is a great song! Addiction is such a terrible evil. But it grips your brother no longer. He is free. Thank you so much for sharing your story, Nicki. I prayed for you through that time and I am thankful you can giggle about your crazy awful Thanksgiving now. May 2020 bring you lots of Joy – that beautiful baby calf is just the start.

  • Girl! Thank you for sharing!! I totally get it !
    I love Your heart and story … and you catch Gods vision for you! Be on the look out for my book, Forever Hope – (DLRudd) coming in print this month!
    I think It’ll be a encouragement and give hope when we go through tough times !!!

    God is always good !!!
    Yes and amen!!! Love you so much !!

  • Thank you so much for sharing your story Nicki, even the tough places. Your advice for how to help others walking in a season of grief is so helpful and not something many talk about. Thank you for being open and vulnerable. Continuing to pray for you and your ministry.

  • You are so real, Nicki, and it is what I love most about you! Praying you into 2020 and all God has for you and your family and baby cows and the new book… (And I’m so excited for Jamie B Golden!!! and the rest of your new series!) Love you!

  • Such great thoughts…tears in my eyes!!! Continuing to pray for you daily. Thanks for the thoughts about “sorry for your…” cards.

  • Nicki, You are amazing. There was not one hiccup during the entire 43 minutes of this message. It was like the Holy Spirit spoke through you to give us the perfect message. Thank you! I am honored to be one who gets to listen to you and be encouraged by you. Blessings to you and your family and team. Praise the Lord!

  • Nickki Thank you for sharing. November 3 2019 I lost my husband of 42 years. The suggestions you make are so spot on! I agree and was thankful for those who just let me know they were willing to sit quietly as I dealt with it. I agree with the cards. I appreciated all but the ones that were on note cards stand out the most. My prayers are with you.

  • Nicki, Thank you for sharing your season of sorrow with us. The strength conveyed in your voice as you spoke proves that you are rising above the norm and soaring with God through your sorrow. Continued prayers for you and yours.

  • Tears are flowing down my cheeks. Thank you for sharing about your brother. You are truly a blessing. I continue to pray for you and your family. Love you bunches!

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