Four Lessons I Learned From Running A Half Marathon


Four Lessons I Learned From Running A Half Marathon

I have been so excited to get this post and this episode up for you! In January, I did something REAL BIG. I ran a half-marathon!

At Disney World, no less!

Today on the podcast I’m sharing four lessons I learned plus the entire experience! Also, it includes one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. (ahhh)

This podcast isn’t just for anyone who wants to run, these lessons can be transferred to anything.

So settle click the play button to listen and below the player I have all my favorite resources linked!



Nicki’s Marathon Must Have’s


These are the BEST. You feel like you’re running on a cloud. I would highly recommend them for anyone with any type of foot/knee pain: Hoka Bondi’s Click Here

2. FUEL.

You get to eat candy while you run! 🙂 Kinda. These Sport Beans were my favorite. Click Here


Your feat need every chance you can give them! These worked GREAT. Features Elite Socks Click Here


Head Sweats Visor Click Here! This was a last minute purchase and I have never been so happy with a visor. It kept all the sweat out of my face and was cute too.


Wireless Sport Headphones Click Here


*As I mentioned in the episode, I used a variety of training plans with the guidance of my husband Kris. And I have good news! He is offering a special one-time virtual coaching 30-minute assessment and a personalized running plan for $100.

If you’re interested in this opportunity email: for more information!

Have questions?! Leave a comment here on this blog post and I’ll answer them here.




  • I have never run a half or full marathon, and I have absolutely no desire to. But at 59 years of age, I can guarantee you this. You are not the first person, nor will you be the last or only person, to “lose it” while distance running. 😀

  • Congratulations! You finished and beginning on your training for your next half marathon! I love the way you told your story giving us lots of laughs and appreciation for all your training!

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