Ask A Pastor Series: Clayton & Sharie King


Ask A Pastor Series: Clayton & Sharie King

What an incredible series this has been, one of my favorite’s for sure! This week we are wrapping up our series with two amazing leaders in ministry, Clayton & Sharie King.

 They answer some tough listener questions like … 

*Has God taken his hands off our the United States?

*How to you handle members of your church posting racist things online? 

*If Jesus lived so humbly, why do pastors seem to live so richly? 

*How do you prioritize your family? 

Clayton takes us to CHURCH and Sharie has some deep wisdom. We also talk about their son, Jacob and his first sermon he recently gave where a 72-year old woman accepted Jesus by clicking here to watch! 

Find out more information about Crossroads Summer Camp FOR FREE! Click here! 

Grab a copy of Clayton’s new book: Reborn by clicking here! 

Here’s a few other things I want you to know about! 

Have a dream of speaking or writing? Click here for more information about She Speaks Online

This book, click here, by Valorie Burton is challenging me so much! It’s so good. 

We will be back in a week or so with a brand new series, but until then I’d love to hear somethings you are interested in learning about here on the podcast. Leave a comment and share with me!




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Join me in this fun but inspirational podcast where each episode has a mix of life lessons as well as Bible teaching. I chat with you directly from my farm just outside Charlotte, North Carolina and occasionally bring my friends like Chrystal Evans Hurst, Lysa TerKeurst and Rebekah Lyons along!