More Than Just Surviving


More Than Just Surviving

Has it felt like the last few months you have been just trying to survive?

If so, ME TOO.

But a few weeks ago, I got really tired of feeling this way. And so I went to the Bible and found a story so encouraging, so full of hope and so full of wisdom when it comes to moving from surviving to thriving again.

So grab your Bible, turn to Acts 3 and press play below as we kick off a brand-new podcast series today!

Some notes from this episode:

In this episode we are studying Acts 3.

We have this GREAT free-printable to help organize your work day! Click here to download. 

Chrystal Evans Hurst’s new 28-day Prayer Journey Book. Click here to grab your copy. 

If you enjoyed this episode please consider leaving a review for us on iTunes! Thanks!! 




  • Nicki, this was so timely and a message my soul needed to hear! Bless you for sharing what was on God’s heart. I’m going to listen to this again.

  • Nicki, thank you so very much for sharing this encouraging word from the Lord. It was so timely for me. I was in a funk and your reminder of calling forth the things that need to come forward (as in Acts 3) in the name of Jesus of Nazareth were very helpful to me. Thank you. I am also enjoying your book “A Woman who Doesn’t Quit” as our Bible study group studied the book of Ruth. Thank you! God bless you my friend. ????

  • So needed to hear at this time. Thanking God for your sweet spirit and what God Pits on your heart to share

  • I needed this today and I shared it with my sweet sister who I know needs it too. Thank you for always having such timely and inspiring messages. You are one of my favorites to follow because you are so real.

  • Oh My I so needed this podcast. Thank you Nicki. I will be more intentional in lighting a fire under myself. XO God bless you.

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Join me in this fun but inspirational podcast where each episode has a mix of life lessons as well as Bible teaching. I chat with you directly from my farm just outside Charlotte, North Carolina and occasionally bring my friends like Chrystal Evans Hurst, Lysa TerKeurst and Rebekah Lyons along!