Episode #121 | If the holidays feel hard … I get it.


Episode #121 | If the holidays feel hard … I get it.




  • Nicki,
    I leave in Boiling Springs, SC. I grew up on a dairy farm in the upstate of S.C. I lost my brother on November 20, 2021 at the age of 50 due to a heart attack. He left behind a wife at 48 , a daughter who was 16, and a son who was 19. We are doing okay, but I realized today that I will never know the holidays without grief ever again. That is hard. I also lost my dad on December 29, 2016. I am doing the hard. I read your book flooded and I plan to do your Bible Study. Thank you!
    Robin Lee Howell

  • The Canadian Thanksgiving was in October. Just after that weekend a good friend’s husband suddenly passed away. It lines up with the timing of my own husband’s cancer diagnosis and passing just shy of a month later (11 years ago)…and is still always a difficult time for me. Many people seem to think, “well that was eleven years ago so you should have moved on and everything is now fine…” Yes, life has moved on and so much has happened in the intervening years, but…it still is a difficult time for me. My feelings are genuine and I thank you for expressing this sentiment. Perhaps it is wrapped up in all the things he will never experience with us, like knowing his grandkids, etc. and the plans we had for retirement that never happened. I am grateful for all the years we had together but each year at this time, I have to get very close to God and ask Him to lead me through this period with His strength because mine alone is lacking. I am so thankful that I have a personal relationship with God because without it life would be so much more difficult.

    • My very hard, harsh divorce just finalized and lost my mother in March of this year. I am grateful for my life, my family, friends, church, and health to name a few, but it all feels weird! Different. Uncertain. Lost. When will a new, refreshing, beautiful chapter begin for me I wonder? I’m ready to see the “good” in all of this. So thankful Jesus died for me. I am optimistic and hopeful, but it is hard. Thank you for this podcast. Perfect timing. I appreciate you sharing your stories. It makes me feel normal.

  • Thanks for a timely conversation. I miss my dad so much this year, he passed 4 years ago. My mom isn’t doing well. I feel a bit lost. But…I am going to love my husband and adult sons well in this season.

  • As usual Nicki you are so bang on with your messages. This really spoke to me even though our Canadian Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is always hard for me too. I think it will be better, its 4 years this year since my Dad passed, my Mom and Brother went about 10 years before that. He was a suicide as well. The emotions of hearing Christmas Carols and gathering with my in-laws who have everyone is difficult. I have cousins, but I myself am orphaned, my grown children 29 and 26 are amazing and my husband but the void at holidays is hard. Your 3 part plan will help me, especially the negative words, and declaring scripture. Thank you so much…perfect timing. God Bless you and your family this Thanksgiving – Hugs to you for your Mom and Brother, I get it. xo

  • Thank you Nicki for this beautiful podcast. Your timing is impeccable. Your life stories always help me to not feel alone in my journey. I love your transparency. I lost my 40 year old son on Christmas Eve 2022 so your words of encouragement are going to be so helpful over the next few weeks. We’ve had a tough November this year but I will be changing my word’s starting today!! Thank you again and you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers daily. You are doing great things for us and God’s kingdom ♥️

  • This struck me as your best podcast episode yet, even as I’ve enjoyed listening to them all over this year. Raw and honest in a way that only someone who has experienced deep hurt can be. You walk us through painful experiences while pointing us towards Jesus. Thank you. Praying you and your family enjoy your first Thanksgiving with your boys.

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