Episode #130 | A Surprising Lesson on Prayer


Episode #130 | A Surprising Lesson on Prayer




  • Enjoyed this so much! Thank you for sharing these great words of wisdom and encouragement to praying moms. So needed in today’s world.
    I’m sorry for your loss of Mr T. Praying for you and your family.
    Also, you mentioned something knew coming up. I’m looking forward to that. I love your Bible studies.
    Thank you for always listening to Him 🙏🏻💗

  • I enjoyed this podcast so very much! My mom passed away 13 years ago and it still feels like yesterday. My mom consistently prayed for me and my family every day. And when she passed, along with the void, was knowing that there was no one praying for me each day. That was a whole emotion in itself. I try to pray daily for my kids. Some days I’m better about it, but it is so very important. I have adult children and I know what you mean about putting your opinion out there and seeing what they do with it! Thank u so ,ugh for your podcast! I thoroughly enjoy them! Have a great day!

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