It’s my favorite time of year. I love the slightly slower pace of life, the warmer weather (don’t throw tomatoes at me!) and some of my favorite holidays are in the Summer.
Including today, Happy Birthday America!
We are at the beach with my dad celebrating the 4th but I couldn’t let today pass without fulfilling my promise of getting a brand-spankin-new series up for you!
Summer has the BEST stories. And this Summer we’re going to spend some time learning from other people’s stories on Thursday’s on the podcast.
But wait … there’s more!
Every Monday during this series we’re going to be sending out a bonus episode. As we work through something INCREDIBLE. I’m going to attempt to give a big overview of Jesus’s story throughout the ENTIRE BIBLE.
You think we can do this?! I do! And I’m super excited about it.
So as you’re prepping for your July 4th party, hanging out on the beach or just driving around town, click below to listen into this GREAT conversation with my friend, Whitney Capps.

ps- We’ll be doing a giveaway of Whitney’s book over on my Instagram account so be sure to check in to see how you can win!
What a great conversation! I felt like I was right there with you two ladies! 🙂 Hugs!
Oh Whitney, how I love you! “ Receive your husband’s way of communication. Oh how much angst I could have avoided.
Love love love Whitney!! Thank you so much for sharing your story. Whitney, you have touched so many lives and most definitely mine. Thank you for obeying God and allowing Him to use you.
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